Bitten by spider in a lab full of deadly spiders

>bitten by spider in a lab full of deadly spiders
>tells no one

what the fuck?

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Is the answer autism?

lol good point, i never thought of that.. id be freaking the fuck out

>You four eyed faggot, I'm gonna bite you and give you AIDS so you die like the dirty faggot you are.

Why did Raimi give the spider dialogue? He never explains it.

Spiders are afraid of hospitals. The spider DNA has already started to affect his mind at this point

He wanted to die. It's why they established just how shitty his life was prior to that scene.

>tells no one
>Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland get bit as well
>tells no one
Spider bite victims are the worst

he didnt want to be detained obviously have any of you fags ever infltrated a scientific laboratory with radioactive spiders
yeah i didnt think so

He was on a school trip...have you even watched the film?


It was a field trip. Never mind they'd be prepared to deal with poisonous spider bites, but since it just got out do to their oversight they probably would have gone out of their way for fear of getting sued or some shit. They clearly should have just given the spider to the eagles

>don't drain valuable resources that could save lives of others
>don't blog about it on tumblr
>take bites like men and just brush them off
you were saying?

What if one bit my wife's son? He would be stealing pizzas left and right.

>have any of you fags ever infltrated a scientific laboratory with radioactive spiders
>yeah i didnt think so
Story time?

He doesnt know he's been biten though, he's taking a picture of MJ and feels a pain

Its how a normal person would react

I wanted to kiss MJ so bad as a kid and i still do.


>risking cutting your lips on kirsten dunsts can opener teeth

A risk well worth taking. Her fangs are qt

Is Raimiposting kino?


yes, but sometimes he truly took things too far

>I protected you in high school, but now I'm gonna fuck your little spider ass!

This kinda came outa nowhere. Harry seemed pretty straight to me before this scene

some of it is but a lot of it is very unimaginative and poorly worded and unfunny


>hey professor, if this spider gave me some disease I swear I will fucking bomb this place and kill your fucking family
Jesus Raimi, this was supposed to be a family friendly film.

>Peter said all that when he had a bandaged head
Raimi was practically a prophet

>i wll murder you like i did your dad you goddamn jew nigger
raimi certainly did not hold back on the dialogue

not that funny desu

Well, the next person who talked was going to fail the course. The teacher kidded them not

This .

>tfw no one in new york high schools take the bus

everyone takes the subway

>no one takes the bus
>Peter is a nobody


raimi posting will never get old


This is the absolute worst meme that Sup Forums has ever shat out. Literally anti-humor.


>you know, I'm somewhat of a National Socialist myself

>Don't use the subway, Peter, it is full of niggers. And you never know when the Arab terrorists will attack New York, the subway is an easy target.
A shame Raimi had to cut this scene.


Hey, you guys. No race mixing.

Eat shit.



The entire internet was a mistake.

>Cute outfit, did your husband make it for you?

Fucking memeing Raimi stuffing Baneposting into his film. No idea why Sup Forums defends him.

>Uncle Ben I was bitten by a spider at a lab today
>In some ways, Peter, we've all been bitten by a spider. A horrible, thieving spider called the Jew that spreads its menacing web across the entire world and traps good, honest people like flies until it can suck them dry. Well Peter, if you ever catch that spider biting you then you know what to reach for the bug spray.
Really great performances all around.

Is this one new?

Last night I was....



fucking kek

Holy shit.


>Yes user, oh god yes! Fuck me, fuck your little anonymous whoreposter. Drill my fucking ass so hard you make a second ass inside of me. DOUBLE FUCK ME WITH THAT GORILLA DICK!

How did the FCC let user get away with that?

>If you made this joke today in capeshit you'd get hundreds of articles calling you insensitive and calling for people to lynch the director and boycott theaters and assault trashcans outside of them

>A horrible, thieving spider called the Jew

>where is rent peter?

I was shocked when I saw that in theaters the first time. They could never get away with that now.

>that scene of Peter lying in bed with a smile on his face listening to his black neighbour beat his wife so hard she miscarries
>"One less to deal with myself"
What the fuck was up with that?

I think Raimiposting is one of the most elaborate memes and a lot of people don't do it justice. There's stuff like the "Day of the rope" and "Man of spiders", then there is random shit with derogatory sprinkled in like .

Serious fucking question. What is the point of being bitten by a radioactive spider if he needs to build web shooters and (in the upcoming movie) needs a Ironman type suit to do anything at all spider related? It seems like the only thing he gets from being bitten is spidey sense and not much else.

Eh maybe. I'd say there's only a small chance people that give a shit will make an issue of it, but even then it rarely means anything more than a couple articles everyone forgets about a week later

>Peter...don't fucking...faggot

Have you even watched the Sam Raimi spiderman films? He doesn't build web shooters. The spider bite gives him all of his powers

this is one guy


There actually is a deleted scene where Bruce Campbell makes a cameo in Spiderman 3. The scene starts not long after Eddie Brock gets the Symbiote and he's trying out its powers and terrorizing people. Bruce shows up when Venom is about to attack a woman, looking suspiciously like Ash and complete with a chainsaw arm. He gives a puzzles look at Venom as he changes his face to show Topher Grace's.

"What the hell are you? Some kind of Deadite?" Ash asks, a look of confusion and disgust on his face.

"No. But you're about to he some kind of dead, a'ight?" Topher says as his face shifta back to Venom's.

There's a cut to black after that and the scene ends there. It's a cool scene, but I don't think it was ever supposed to be in the movie. They just had Bruce on set one day when he was taking a break from VO work on the videogame and decides to shoot it.

What specifically is the suit Tony Stark built for him supposed to do anyway? I'm guessing it's supposed to be like that Iron Spider one from Civil War, but it hasn't really shown anything


Campbell's already in Spider-Man 3

It was pure symbolism, the spider represented the spinner of lies, Joseph Göbbels.
As he gets bitten by the spider, he then gets pulled in to the murky web of nation socialism, and then discovers his true identity.

Uncle Ben goes on to explain this in great detail, did you not watch the movie?

Case in point: and every other one itt.

It's more high tech. Trailer shows it has a HUD, parachute, AI that tells him stuff, different types of webbing, etc. Biggest thing in Civil War was the eyes would adjust for him. Peter needed to wear goggles because his Spidey Sense could blind him sometimes when looking at lights.

>another spiderman thread ruined by raimi poster

its not funny i bet your like 7 years old stop


Aren't they fucking everything up by saying Tony invented the web shooters?


Not as Ash. That's my point.

you have to go back

No. Peter had them beforehand, but it looks like Stark helps him develop alternate ones. Webbing that explodes or ricochets and stuff like that.

ASM2 had Peter develop webbing that was shock resistant after he gets his butt kicked by Electro. I thought that was pretty neat.

raimeposting is like the legit only funny meme on Sup Forums

Can we all agree that nothing in the MCU will ever top SM2?


I'm not sure any capeshit at all will top it. It's the definitive superhero movie.

>A word to the not-so-wise about your little girlfriend, do what you need to with her then broom her, fast! That's all they're good for Harry. Women will follow you as far as you can provide for them, and as soon as you can't give her what she expects, she'll kick you to the curb. Never get attached to a woman son. I made that mistake with your mother; when stock prices took a dip, I found her doing coke off of some yuppies cock on 5th avenue. As I was wrapping their body parts in plastic and stuffing them into an overnight bag, I realized there was a better way. Just pump and dump Harry. Keep your sanity, avoid the Jewish owned courts that will force you to pay for her innate cock addiction after she cries wolf, and just use her for what she is; an easily replaceable hole.

Yet this movie always flew under the radar of feminist groups. Dafoe said he was very uncomfortable doing that scene, it shows in the final cut.


Anyone can do it, but not everyone can do it well. Most of it is trash.

It's a simple concept, that requires a little finesse.

>Peter....Hide my SS uniform from your...Kike...aunt..

>deadly spiders
Nothing deadly about them. Just genmodidied. He tells noone bwcause hws a teenager beta without the idea of support because no parents.

Stop questioning my fav superhero, pls.

I find this funny because I imagine Peter going to tell his uncly aboue this apisader and he just stlart raving about hee jews and peter stands there like WTF

Has anyone dubbed the whole film with raimiposting?

what do you think



>Drill my fucking ass so hard you make a second ass inside of me



>Pizza time. Also I hate niggers.

Jesus, Raimi.

Raimi posting is the biggest reason I come to Sup Forums


I'm just gonna leave this here.