Hello Sup Forums is there anything here like Sup Forumscore?

Hello Sup Forums is there anything here like Sup Forumscore?

The equivalent is r/movies and IMDB top 10 lists.


the dark night rises

delete burial, kanye, and maybe nmh and I could fully support that list

>only 2(two) good albums



This is an endlesss debate but 99% of Sup Forums has agreed to like 'The Thing'' and ''Taxi Driver''

Thanks, will check and come back later.

I really don't get why The Steel Helmet is so highly praised. It's good, but didn't really stand out to me that much.

>Sup Forums
fuck off back there you dumb redditor

This and see the pic

Depends what you think Sup Forumscore is. Do you think it's just a collection of albums regularly discussed on Sup Forums? Or maybe you think it's semi-underground gems that Sup Forums showed you? Or you might think it's just the GOAT albums?

Sup Forums works a little differently than Sup Forums. There isn't as much tv/movies as there is albums. therefore, there aren't as many 'hidden gems' as in music.

Anyways, this chart covers your bases.

I would remove Avatar and replace it with max max fury road
but yes those 10 movies are Sup Forums core

OP here
Im just looking some entry films so i can explore movies.

The 'Mainstream Core' section on my chart is what you're after then. If you want more check out this chart.

>Sup Forums
Dead, forgotten boards general?


Then once you're bored of 'normal' movies and want something more artsy, check out some of these titles.

Really any Top 100 list will get the job done. Just try not to jump in the deep end too early, you might scare yourself away from more experimental films (you don't wanna listen to Trout Mask Replica too early in your Sup Forums days, right?)

Sup Forumscore hasn't changed at all since 2012?

Is there a more stagnant board?


That's one of the only movies I ever see universally beloved on Sup Forums


IIRC people only get 1 vote for these lists. Although most people love Predator, it's not surprising that a ton of people consider it the best movie of all time

I just googled Sup Forumscore lol

>Sup Forumscore
No, thanks.

seen 6 of these

Peeping Tom>Menilmontant>Stray Dogs>Spring in a Small Town>Love Streams>Horse Money

Which one should i watch next?

All Quiet On THe Western Front (1930)

You mean to ask a more stagnant medium.

I'm just glad to see Alien above Aliens honestly.

No romance movies?? Where will I go for my weekly cry-session?

why is untrue burial jammed into all that classic Sup Forumscore?

Do you fucks actually watch this unknown pretentious garbage or do you just google "movies that will make people think im cultured" and plaster them together in gimp

closest i could find in my folder

Best list

This was made in the middle of the night by a bunch of shitposters because Sup Forums doesn't (or didn't) take itself seriously

Sup Forumscore is a collection of albums that you are expected to know and be able to meme about consistently. you won't understand a lot of board culture if you haven't listened to Sup Forumscore. that is a pretty shitty Sup Forumscore list op posted tho.

You are anyone else got that essential night-core chart?
Had like Drive and Manhunter and In the Mood for Love on it.

That will do just fine, friend. Thank you

I do which is why I marked the films I had seen on that chart in pink, why does it upset you that those films are obscure? Most of these are held in pretty high regard and most people who are into film have probs seen them tbqh

ItAOtS sucks

Of all the films I've seen on this list they were each one fantastic so i can only assume the list is accurate.

Neutral Milk Hotel is really overrated

I think thats why the whole meme about it started. it just got posted so much

Take off starshit and t2 from the top ten and I'll be proud to be a fa/tv/irgin Why are you so assblasted
Not everybody's favorite movie is the avengers (2012)

What's your profile? I'm avoiding the general because of the insane stalker that started posting there this year.


Sup Forumscore is barely agreed on. A couple of those albums are split 50/50.