Trannykino - Red Wedding editon

Why don't you watch Rupaul's Drag Race Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I do watch it user. Why r u claiming I don't?

Because I'm Jew-wise and not a faggot

let's kiki about the show then. Who you rooting for?

it's a hanukkah miracle, barukh shem!


Why do you post xer tits here?
This is a worksafe board user, pls delete

I only watch All-Stars now. The new queens bore me.

it's a he

I'm like one episode behind. But I think Shay is gonna win.

The group is fairly poor compared to last seasons tho

I think it's safe to assume the golden age of drag race has passed. from season 2 to season 6 was pure kino. all stars 2 was amazing though

Seriously, what is wrong with you transphobic jerks?

!!!She!!! looks like a woman and see's herself as a woman, so why do you have to make her feel bad just because she was born a man?
What entitlement does one have to go throug, to act like such an heartless piece of shit?

You're confusing transgender women with drag queens. He sees himself as a man, just likes to dress up for show.

All except for the part where Alaska won.

>Drag Queens and transgenders are the same thing

Why are Sup Forumstards so stupid?

Why are these FEMALE tits still visible on a work safe board?

Are the janitors against transgender rights?

I'm happy she won.

Had Katya won she would just be accused of being the one who won despite being outperformed because alaska's boyfriend spoiled the entire season. Now Alaska will always be forever regarded as the cunt who won with a bad attitude by being favored while Katya will remain the fan favorite that got robbed.

>tfw no drag race interest on Sup Forums so im forced use reddit for this one thing

Me too user. Were you there for brandgate?

at the beginning then I checked off until shit calmed down.

Farrahfags represent.

Although she was shit on the race and can barely perform.

Alexis imo is the gift that keeps giving. No one seems to like her but she is hilarious. In a earlier season or if Eureka was still here we'd have some magic.

gurl this season is worse than 7

What western live action film cums the closest to depicting futanari?

bringing back cynthia was a mistake

Plz answer, I need legitimacy in my porn now

shemale schoolgirls 2

>be gay
>understand there's a huge issue among people like myself fucking underage kids
>wear Rugrats shirt to a very publicly gay locale

That dude obviously fucks kids.

lol no. its just a "us 90s kids amirite?" kinda thing

I'm a straight white male, is this show for me?



>this thread

why is adore so hot in and out of drag? im usually not into twinks let alone boys wearing women clothing

Where do I find a gf(male)?

I don't watch the show, but I'd fuck her.

user that's literally just a boy wearing makeup

Bisexual male here. Anything that looks feminine enough is fine by me.

It's faggy as fuck, so prepare yourself. They talk really gay, make dick jokes all the time in the show and all that.

The enjoyment for me comes from

>queens personalities/drama

I would recommend start either with season 6 or 4.

sorry was meant for

Don't most of them use female pronouns when they talk about each other on the show though?
They almost never use their real names even out of drag

holy shit faggots are so fucking irritating

>you will never pound her THICC bussy

do these people feel no shame or disgust?

But in drag they are playing a character which is female, that's why you say 'she'.


drag queens murdered my father and raped my mother

AS3 is going to be based

Did someone say Trannykino?

was Tammie Brown the best thing to come out of season 1?

I just hope the way they eliminate them isn't shitty.

Fucking Asians man.

Unironically absolutely.

You'll start off watching it because men dressed as women xo, but will grow to appreciate the characters and the artistry.

I'm still so goddamn salty how Roxxie coasted for so long

Alaska deserved to win tho.

alaska was favored all the way. the season was designed from the start for her to win

Because if I wanted to spend time listening to faggots talk about faggot shit I'd just keep browsing here.

that would be ongina

ew, that whole video just reeks of AIDS.
these people are real life versions of Peele's character in this sketch:

This is the fall of civilization

Go shoot up a night club, fab enabler

Don't reply, let them shout into the void

Cuz I don't understand the appeal t b h.

im not gay but i want to fuck that face

What are some films that shows actresses with dick prosthetics pretending to be trannies?

you're bi

over the top cat fights by ridiculous faggots

no i'm not tbqh

i like the costumes and personalities

Objectively the sexiest part of a man's body

watch this
and this

wasn't this whole thing kind of orchestrated by the producers?

no, mimi was consciously trying to create a fight thinking it would make good tv but shangela was as serious as a drunk person can be. they had to edit out a lot of it because absolute vodka was the sponsor so it would cause a bad impression