Is he a professional contrarian or a true purveyor of kinography?

Is he a professional contrarian or a true purveyor of kinography?

he is somehow a person who is paid to have a career to spout Sup Forums views. Im not kidding, he lurks here.

What do YOU think?

Who Is this Coon

how do i get paid to browse Sup Forums i'd literlly become warren buffett overnight

>loves jack & jill and transformers
>openly heckled the 12 years a slave director, calling him a garbage man
he is /ourguy/

have criticism kryptonite by being black and gay

a very eloquent white supremacist with dark skin

That's a good review though, read it.

Why are so many fags right-wing now?

When is he going to be a guest on Half in the Bag?

Armond hardly ever reviews films at all, he only discusses what he thinks are the political views of the director and the lowest ranking artistic tool of them all, symbolism.
Too many mentions of "muh nationalism muh social decay muh diversity muh post 9/11 era"
Never does he talk about any filmmaking element, just a constant stream of political ideologies. He talks more about Obama in his reviews than the film itself.

Entertaining reads though and some really usable shitposting sentences.

>uncle tom
>prefers the company of girls with feminine penises
>gives movies that show strong family values positive reviews
>talks about media conspiracy's of (((them))) pushing degeneracy
I think he's Sup Forums's guy

>literally gay only because he doesn't want to spread his black seed and would fuck white women if the babies came out 100% european


t. just arrived from reddit and never read more thanone armond white review

Armond White is a wannabe Pauline Kael. He wishes to be a truly unique voice in criticism amongst a maelstrom of boot-licking critics who use their work as an avenue for virtue signalling. But while Kael was an aesthete interested in the sensual quality of film, White can't help but view it in a wider social climate and ends up seeing everything through a political lens.He comments more on a movies place in society than on the movie itself.
Despite this though, amongst White's tedious and often meaningless verbiage, he does occasionally deliver a nugget of insight. He is in the unique position of being both black and gay which gives him the opportunity to skewer sacred cows without reproach.

>black man who wants to be white
>last name is literally white
like pottery

where is the source for him being gay?
you don't have to be gay to write (like he does) for

I'm not sure if he's outright said he is gay but besides writing for gay publications he regularly mentions the attractiveness and eroticism of male actors in his reviews.

neither, hes a kino scholar.

Deep inside
Leave the nuts hanging out


A true purveyor of contrarianism.

Nearly a decade of "If you don't agree with the narrative that if you don't like progressivism you're just a racist, misogynist, literal hitler".

>He talks more about Obama in his reviews than the film itself.
But when Armond does it it's deserved unlike the endless Trump is a meanie reviews by the rest of movie critics.

I think ALL critics are complete parasites that should be gassed but Armond White is the only one that might escape the gas chamber



>Chris Pratt haunts fanboy wet dreams in Spielberg’s dino franchise

>How many youngsters will see Chris Pratt in Jurassic World and deposit his image in their spank bank? One of pop culture’s dividends is the additional pleasures contained within innocuous merchandizing (ask Andy Warhol). Jurassic World is neither good or bad enough to be camp — its predictable action scenes are limp enough to call “damp” — but Pratt’s He-Man image as dinosaur roustabout Owen is the kind that firms-up any man’s resolve.

>Pratt’s Owen wears a leather utility vest over a denim shirt cuffed at his elbow to expose his sinewy forearms. His torso is cinched into dark pants that puff slightly at the hips, roomy enough to contain his strong haunches. And at the appropriate moment, Owen/Pratt strides forth carrying a rifle for his fight against a gargantuan dino-hybrid, the Indomitable Rex. It completes the virile image.

>The Jurassic World script doesn’t allow Pratt the personal charm — the wink — that Harrison Ford brought off as Indy, hero of many adolescent boys’ dreams. Pratt’s eyes are gentle, yet his stout-thewed crouch and voluptuous trapazoids overwhelm this formulaic movie — and Bryce Dallas Howard’s shrill, vapid Park supervisor. She’s unappealing as Owen’s love interest. Maybe a lesbian critic could try justifying her cold acting but who can say what hetero guys who see Jurassic World put into their spank banks? I bet it’s Owen.

no homo


>may may that started on Sup Forums and has more or less stayed on Sup Forums

>post 2012 Sup Forums
>not reddit

He is right about King Arthur