It's a Lois episode

>It's a Lois episode

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Is there a family sitcom where the mom isn't the lamest character?

Family Guy
cause she's hot

>american cartoon

shake my head

Hal was the lamest charchter in this show

where can i get a prostitute to be lois and ill be reece but we absolutely do fuck

This show is still going on? It's still good? I dropped it season 3.

Hal was the FUNNIEST character in the show

>goy pass user
>is retarded
what a surprise

the war at home
king of queens
my wife and kids

malcolm in the middle

>pass user

still butthurting for the captcha fuckup?

hows your shekel scheme go gookmoot? buy some nice japanese whores with them autists currency? haha. nah youre alright cunt. fuck off though.

why you do this to bune?

Just asking if the show is still good or not, jesus christ

shut your fucking mouth


Married with children

>being this retarded

She was pretty good, it is just rest of the family was better.

Although Dewey might be the worst

Hal > Francis > Lois > Malcolm > Reece > the baby >>> Dewey

No, it went for 7 seasons. It is pretty good though

The show hasn't been making new episodes for like 10 years dumb faggot. And dropping it season 2 was fucking stupid considering it's the greatest sitcom of all time

cause its fucking hot

Imagine being this retarded

Tbh a 'cool' mom doesn't make for a good family-centered sitcom or drama. Imagine how shit the Sopranos would be if Carmella was just like 'Okay Tony, you do your thing! I'll have some Capicollo ready when you get home from fucking other women."