What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>must be this big to crash
I don't get it

She meant I have no responsible bones in my body. I'm a whore and don't want my parents to know about it.


don't you mean her husband, I'm not an art major but I don't think she wrote that herself.

How do you figure?

t-too big there wont be any survivors!

hurr durr was is a tattoo

>that flat fucking butt

Uhh she's not getting any black dick with an ass like a soggy pancake

who is this?

Calm down user now's not the time for fear

she'll be waiting a while for that 10 incher considering it's like a one in a million thing lmao

we need more black refugees from Africa desu

I believe she is indicating that for a male to be able to perform intercourse with her his penis must be of equal or greater length to the scale which she has drawn upon her right buttock and thigh, which is approximately 10 inches. Based on the partially visible message written on the left buttock it also appears that she prefers to have intercourse with males of African descent.

That her hole is a crater.

>not measuring from the base of the balls

This is my life. Subjecting myself to cuck threads on a friday night.

she wants aids for some reason

*1 in a a million white bois



Absolutely disgusting.

I think I'm finally broken Sup Forums. I just find real women disgusting. I've been taken in by the 2D meme. Even the worst created 2D girl is better than the greatest real life girl. What's the appeal?

Their lower half always stinks, they're loud, they expect you to cater to their demands all the time, they act like their pussy is some kind of treasure to be bestowed upon people. There's literally zero, ZERO, reason to be attracted to real life females. Even if you're horny the feeling will go away the moment you nut. They just aren't worth it. Real life isn't worth it.

Seeing this picture finally cements that I've passed the point of no return.

not sure desu


>this triggers the white boi
Actually it turns me on.

lol see how he has to hold onto the base to keep it chubbed up? that's because there literally isn't enough blood in his body to maintain an erection. it's a birth defect.

isn't the guy with the largest dick in the world like 14 inches?

fact: your future gf WILL have taken black cock.

more and more young white girls are discovering black cock every day.

>actual pussy starts at about 3.5 inches in
>10-3.5= 6.5

I can handle it

memes aside, after the trump fiasco, no one is surprised women would rather date any other race than white guys. the less white voters the faster we can get rid of republitards. keep on fucking em white chicks, black dudes!

this is the most desperate post ive ever seen

So she actually stood up, took a ruler, measured 10 inches, and drew a line across her ass? O r even worse, asked someone else to do it?

How autistic, lmao

>Inch mark isn't accurate

>tfw you live in the south where white girls who want to rebel won't fuck niggers but will bang Hispanics and Asians

Feels good

and he's white.

He also says his life is hell so yeah

seriously lol. as if women give a fuck if you can stay hard when you've got a god cock like that


But... The zero is on her thigh. That's not where the... This makes no sense.

She means that she needs money for drugs and she's willing to do anything.

Actually it's a Hispanic man and it's ~17 inches. He can't work or have a sex life because of it and has to wear a cast on it.

>tfw if you shift the scale up so the 0 is where the vagina is 6 is at 9

>the trump fiasco
What are liberals complaining about this time?

Welcome to the pit, user.

>as if women give a fuck if you can stay hard
they do.

>hispanic is a race

americans are dumb

>What are liberals complaining about this time?


Where is the joke?

its ok senpai


you're tiny dicklet at full mast would probably be 1/10 of that mans cock. which penis do you think she will feel more? which will go deeper and give her mind blowing orgasms? you are literally deluded if you don't think size > hardness

So she's only fucking donkeys and horses?

didn't read
stay mad autistic virgin

Okay. Mexican. Fuck you.

>only 3.5 inches
>mfw I still couldn't reach

fuck off kike

That's not actually 10 inches.

Those girls are all like, 5'3.

The south of where? If you mean southern USA you're full of shit. There's nothing but white girls with black guys and rarely with spics and never with Asians

>actual pussy starts at about 3.5 inches in

This, seems pretty clear to me. This forum is full of idiots.


It must have gone over your head, though it was pretty straightforward.
>Jewish person writes blog about why white people should die
>comments criticize her and ask her if she's Jewish
>she now claims racism even though her blog was about why white people should die
Fuck why am I wasting my time explaining?

>he doesnt know

>>actual pussy starts at about 3.5 inches in
What fatties have you been porking?

that's an absolute lie cunt, i fucked 6ft and 7ft bitches and they have huge fucking vaginas and buttholes.



>huge buttholes.

my fetish....


>7ft bitches

I'm pretty sure you fucked Shaq in a wig

whore with a destroyed pussy can't feel anything but huge cock and monster dildos.



You know thier dicks are full of collagen, right? You probably think Kardishians ass is real too. How easily fooled you are by Jewish tricks. Makes me think you're not white.

She also feels hurt when people call her a whore. Don't be so insensitive to the feelings of others user, it's not nice.

just a reminder of what you're up against white bois. strong empowered white women want BBCs. they don't need a white man unless he's rich and can fund her vacations for her and her bull.

time to go for asian women lmfao.

It's a shapely butt, it doesn't need to project 50 feet outwards like some tribal woman with a genetic disorder in order to be attractive, you fucking nigger.

All she is requesting is that it must be bigger than 10 cm
I don't see anything not reasonable about that

This thread is why Sup Forums is the worst board:

>cuck OP
>ironic cuckposting
>not relevant to the board
>still part of board culture

How is her ass big and flat at the same time?

Excess foreskin is not dick mass you stupid mexicunt

kek it's like a fucking hentai drawing or some shit. that dick is like 2 feet long it's up to his nipples what the fuck

>three cherrypicked gooks

could you imagine being the dude who had to tattoo that?

No, but it's making me laugh just thinking about it.

>Asses are either flat or stick out 50 feet like they have a disorder
This is what boi butt lovers need to tell themselves each night

no idea, i dont come here often enough to know.

>she wants 10

I'm a solid 7 and I've been told it can be a bit much for the girls I've been with.

It's called fridge mode

Fuck off reddit

That's because you exist in the real world and not in the cuck fantasy that is Sup Forums

girls always tell me i have to slow down. i can imagine their pain. it would be like a huge meat sword repeatedly stabbing them.

Bitch, I'm not slicing 5inches to ride that smelly ass ride.

>tfw negros are very rare and generally considered rather disgusting by women where I live
always have a good laugh at amerifats being butthurt over bbc's :)

Yeah seems like 6.5 is around ideal. I'm 6 and gotta do a little work to hit the cervix, being a little bigger would just make things easier but I can live with it.

>Bragging about that plain ass

I live in a small racist town in Texas

That doesn't count. He stretched it until it's a complete mass of useless bullshit. Just like that guy who injected his with saline and gets paid to let dudes fuck him in the urethra.

when you guys talk about dick size...are we talking bone pressed or non bone pressed? theres about a half inch of limbo there for me

>What did she mean by this?

"Fuck you, Dad"

Its always to the balls user

>After police published Mol's photo and an alert before the start of court proceedings, Warsaw HIV testing centers were "invaded by young women".
Sure thing, slavislav

unless shes 6'5" tall, a 7" could make her cum easily