Anybody else really miss the message boards...

Anybody else really miss the message boards? I miss checking them out as soon as I finished watching a new film to see if anybody else thought the same things I did.

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I miss reading discussions about the plot for movies that either have a complex plot or a poorly done twist or something that's incomprehensible or has loopholes, no one wants to talk about that anywhere for more obscure movies :(

yep. there's literally nowhere to go to discuss movies actor it really sucks.

It's obvious that imdb shut down the forums after studios shilling attempts failed against honest, raw feedback from imdb users.

are there any alternatives with even a tenth of the activity that the IMDb boards had?

the GoT board was pretty fun. I was told where they emigrated to, but forgot about it, so now i dont remember. It turned pretty faggy at the end though.

And i think it got shut down because of shills failing misserably at their job on the forums, and that the trump grassroots movement was spreading like wildfire, and they famously had basically zero janitors, just automated shit. The Help board, before it got outsourced or whatever was the funny as fuck.

Discussion of this media (films or tv shows) plays out on the internet like a real life conversation with friends. They will talk about the plot and which characters they liked the best. Maybe you will also have the occasional talk about the vfx with the nerdiest and more interested in the visual side of the work, possibly with someone who wants to have a job in this area or similar.

Don't think many people knew about the IMDB boards because i think the site was first and foremost a site about movie datatabase and not about the forums. If they lost something important they may decide to go back in their decision and reactivate it in the future who knows. What i know is that if it was a sought after service they wouldnt have deactivated them, people have lots of options online and i think this was what weighted in the final decision the most. Not judging, not disagreeing or agreeing with them but his is what it seemed to be about in the end

Same, but then again there's always this board

>I miss checking them out as soon as I finished watching a new film to see if anybody else thought the same things I did.

That's the only thing I ever used them for

Holy fuck. That website manages to be worse than IMDB.

>there's always this board

There's also the reviews. They can't give you spoilers (some believe this is an important part of the experience)and thus they can be helpful for leaving hints about the film but without giving out too much away.

As someone who watches science documentaries mostly it isn't "that" useful but i like searching imdb casually.

Those are actually imported IMDB threads. No one posts anything new on the site.

I miss being able to checks discussions on relatively obscure movies of yesteryear. Here you can discuss the shitty new blockbuster or the occassional indie breakthrough of the month but that's it.

That site is dead as fuck. Like, weeks ago since the last post even on popular movies and shows.

Cause people don't know about it. Spread the word.

>see film
>want to discuss it with others
>come to Sup Forums and start a thread
>some insecure loser derails it with political/racial/misogynistic shit

eeeh, I'll just wait for imdb to reopen their boards

Why are you lying?

Keep dreaming.

deader than Sup Forums

When wasn't it?