


>when you dropped her years ago but still have your grade a folder


Recently she said she isn't gay anymore. I don't know why the media didn't make a bigger deal out of it. She said she wants to experience, "miles of cock" and fantasizes about swimming in a lake of tot nog. I thought it was interesting.

Doing this movie where she gets knocked up by Michael Cera turned her gay. Fact.

And I'm not saying getting felt up by Jennifer Garner turned her. But I'm not saying it didn't.

Is there anything she can't do?


Worst ass in Hollywood

Fake news, post link

She was unbelievably beautiful in "An American Crime". What the hell happened?

>she will never joggle you balls
this is the last straw


> joggle you balls

Ellen Page was about to drive to your house and do whatever you wanted her to do for the next 23 hours until she saw that mistake


Imagine Ellen Pigeon joggle you balls.

Must nice.


Fair enough.

i want to kiss ellen page


Well you're not supposed to fuck her ass.


or do not, there is no try?

I really liked Tallulah
i dont know why
its such a simple, heartfelt story
making me feel like a fucking sissy

>makes lesbian coming out
>lose sex appeal to male audience
> doesn't get hired anymore except in videogames

She was in a videogame before coming out, never did it again as far as I know

>Into the Forest
>Box office $37,418
>Budget $7 million
>Box office $1,732,228
What are some films about homophobic societies?

correct, she fucked up big time. After Inception, her career should have taken off. We get that Emma Watson feminist cunt instead

>make lowbudget hipster movies
>wtf no boxoffice?!

Shes also getting old as slowly becoming a tranny

Her new movies literally lost millions. But it's all fine, they're hipster movies, investors were only losing money ironically

She looks like a young boy with a touch of Downs, which is what makes her so sexy.

Not anymore unfortunately


The pictures posted here are all like 10+ years old.

sneak a few pounds on her and its all good

I could put some 8 pounds on her in one night, mate.

Act, be on a talk show without mentioning that Nova Scotia is Latin for New Scotland, act, bear Children, act, reach items on the top shelf without help, act, pee sitting down, act, give me a boner, act, make these threads stop, act, earn my respect, act, accelerate critical terminals, act, build a Gundam using only her labia, act, not have yellow feet, act, grow 300ft and tear the head from Lady Liberty's shoulders, act, star in a good thread, act, look like an adult, act, fire a green photon torpedo out of her anus, act, bring Kanye's mother back, act, Alter a radioactive element's half-life, act, menstruate properly, act, get nude on camera, act, produce sperm, act, end the reign of "where do you think we are what is that? a scar ITT: genuinely sympathetic bad guys ITT - movies you didn't think would make you cry, but did" spam, act, play Samuel L. Jackson in Samuel L. Jackson's biography "Nigga Balls", act, provide definitive proof of the supernatural, act, come out of the closet, act, be on more than one season of Trailer Park Boys, act, play the spoons, act, be awesome, act, fathom op's sad sad life, act, capture the true essence of life and throw it into the eye of the universe, act, light up the night, act, be hot, act, successfully conceal her massive forehead, act, look like a girl, act, look like a boy, act, solve Fermat's Last Theorem, act, travel at or faster than the speed of light, act, dance at the ballet, act, recite the Qur'an word by word from memory, act, make my dick move, act, be in a Stanley Kubrick film, act, transmute lead into gold, act run 100 meters in less than 10 seconds, act, make adults see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch, act.


BASED act poster does it again!

This pasta should be rewritten with discriptions of things lesbians can't do

delete this

Ah yes, the ol' "I'm not funny or clever so let's throw all my half-baked garbage ideas in together and hope a tiny shred of value from each can combine into something worthwhile". It didn't.

Oh yeah you little cuck?

thanks for the virus, asshole.

>she's actually surprised that men don't find her as attractive now
Poor girl. Big line between tongue in cheek lesbians and full on lesbians. One are hot, the other are repulsive

I ain't clicking that shit

>newfag unable to detect obvious pasta

>implying being anything but new isn't something to be ashamed of and unmentioned
Those memes really enrich your life huh dweeb?