ITT: Absolute Madmen!!

ITT: Absolute Madmen!!

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what am I looking at

*insert unfunny bomb joke*

Dan made a time machine. No!

>used to hate her
>now want to wife her

what did he mean by this?

Did they fuck


At least his hand doesn't hover

You just know

Photo taken at the funeral of the 8 year old girl

That's her brother

is he /our guy/?

Of course they fucked, she swallowed.

Exactly my first thought

also, nice digits

and here is the dad! no hoverhand in this family!

He did it

Who do you think she fucked first?

Who's the girl? Looks like a sluttier Amber Heard.

thats a strong grip right there

Amber Heard

They have nothing to lose


Why is this fucking slut at a funeral and ttaking pictures with the deceased's family??

Nigger, read some headlines once in a while.

its a meet and greet from a few years ago

ariana doesnt look like that anymore

The Anti Hoverhand, Alpha as fuck

Suck my asshole fucking spaniard

aint that grip a little firm mister

Shhhh. You killed my daughter. Let me have this.

what the fuck

try reading some news from time to time, instead of knowyourmeme frontpage you fucking manbabby

Why so butthurt?
Fucking moron

angry cause your mother didn't blow you last night?

is that the bomber before he lost weight?

>angry cause your mother didn't blow you last night?

She did, you fucking mongloid, my mother loves me


Amber LOVES her fans.


I remember watching Ariana Grande on that Family TV show, never imagining that she would become this.

that's.. interesting. She's willingly giving some skinny betas fap material for years

She's just happy anyone still dares to come close to her

>fap material
These guys are gay as fuck.

these are some cursed genetics they should stop reproducing

yeah, you're probably right. But even as a gay man i would be like "gotta give women another chance" and jerk off to the memory i guess

Yes, of course you would.

sorry for not understanding a gay man's mind. Maybe you can enlighten me ;)

>Ari will never cuddle you at a backstage meet and greet because you were the only one brave enough to show up

Idk it seems reasonable to me. If I met the Goose I'd probably jerk off to it later.

They're just good specimens. Sexuality is irrelevant

Not bad, however.

>doesn't realize it's a joke

Wait, is that John Oliver?

so even my gf said Ariana is funny & cute after watching a few clips. is she?

>that expression on her face

and this is the lovable next door neighbor who did nothing wrong. He's a good boy.

He must be stopped

Do these people pay to get a photo with her


most concert meet and greets cost money but sometimes they pick random fans

justin bieber meet greets were 2000 bucks and he didn't want to do them and they weren't going to give refunds at all until they got media attention

then they only gave partial refunds

he did them for a few concerts and said fuck these ugly fans

lmao that picture, is this real

Post moreMore

lol you are one sensitive little bitch

its real

>After he angered his loyal followers by cancelling all of the remaining meet and greets on his Purpose World Tour this week, fans were instead promised a luxury VIP backstage area.

>However, the reality has turned out to be anything but what those who shelled out over $2500 AUD on the expensive tickets expected, reports The Sun.

>Instead of getting to meet the Sorry singer in person, fans have instead been given the opportunity to pose alongside a cardboard cutout of their idol.

Me on the right

You don't seem to realize people fucking DIED, one of them a SMALL CHILD.

since you asked so nicely

Who can blame him?


I want to be this guy.

her manager or the guy on the right

>IMAGINE being Justin Bieber

>ywn be this alpha and grab swifts breasts

>that hairline


a dangerous woman


she has quite the explosive personality


Its only creepy because he;s some fat jap kid you figure masturbates to lolicon. If he was a white chad nobody would care.

wait what happened to Selena Gomez?

Ari is really good at making that "I'm really into doing this" face.

>UNBLACKED version
wait wut

Me on the left with my favorite voice actress.

>alpha is paying 2000$ for a photo touching some lesbos fake sideboob


A bomb's a bad choice for close range combat

Is he Dan's son?

You clearly haven't seen Rihanna posing with her fans.


>he saw that biebers meet greets were 2000 bucks so he thinks all of them are

he was chosen to meet her