Riverdale--Blossomfags pls

Currently marathoning this and it's better than I expected

Also Pure Betty or Dark Betty?

Other urls found in this thread:


It was an alright placeholder to watch before Twin Peaks started.
>not picking based crazy Cheryl

Is there anything similar other than Twin Peaks? Have a month until that starts up again, figured I could fit in another series in that time frame


>dark Betty will never peg you
It hurts lads

Fuck you OP, I like both Cheryl and Betty. Ronniefags need to be purged.

Pure Betty always.


>tfw no femdom betty gf

>not burgers
Ronnie best girl

ITT: people who post their waifus and don't watch the show

Fuck you, I watched the show. How else would I know that the show goes from Cheryl being a bitch to everyone to Cheryl getting shat on by absolutely everyone?




>Betty will never be your gf

why is she so crazy


Imagine the torture of filming this scene and not banging...
Never mind they definitely banged off set

It was distracting how ugly she was compared to him.

i want her to dominate me

mom's tendies for a good boy

I mean how could they not? Both healthy, young and full of cum.

She must be good at ballbusting too