Rock's been in a ton of shit movies in his career and he usually just rolls with it...

Rock's been in a ton of shit movies in his career and he usually just rolls with it. How come this is the hill he wants to die on?

Scott Manz BTFO,

just got back from Viewing this Comedy Kino

I can confirm its a urinating good time for the whole family.

There I was sitting in the dark theater. Wearing my Jean Shorts and Sandals (my regular theater fashion).
its a non stop laugh riot. actually its too many laughs because i missed some jokes when the entire audience were guffawing uncontrollably. About half way into the showing i felt a warn wet sensation on my bare feet. I looked down and noticed a steady stream of urine washing down over my feet.
By the third act the piss stream turned into a mighty cataract of warm yellow liquid

Who the fuck cares about Baywatch besides Americans though?

males who like tits, you fag.

he's trying to protect his costars

XDXD killer film 10/10 had lots of fun with the family!
I'm definitely gonna be watching this again!

if urine this thread with me then post your favourite scene from the movie

Son of the Beach remake with the rock when?

>americucks still don't know how to find porn on the internet

it was a massive hit around the planet back when it was on.

It was probably less popular in America than in many (shitty) parts of the world


Isn't he one of the producers? Ofc he needs this film to do well or he won't get picked up to produce other films.

This isn't getting a sequel.
Doesn't Johnson understand live action movies that aren't part of tentpoles usually drop off 50% week after week? It's lucky to top $40 million domestic and $100 million worldwide.

Dwayne "passive aggressive" Johnson

>not having Kevin Hart as his sidekick


What's with all the dumb piss jokes i see in every post?

Did these people go see the movie and there's lots of piss jokes in the movie or something?

The Rock spergs on twitter about how great this movie is and acts passive-agressive like a 14 year old girl.
Then a twitter screenshot from a literal who was posted here praising the movie, so Sup Forums starts acting like ususal and post non stop ironical praise about that movie.
Then some user started a thread how he pissed himself from laughter and now that is added to the meme.
Yeah, so basically reddid behavior as usual


Makes sense.

I think Johnson retweeted some guy who said it was so funny he litterally peed himself a litte, or something like that.

Why do people like this roid monkey?

I fucking hate this place sometimes. Oh wow baywatch is a shitty mediocre movie, WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS? We all knew this before it came out so why even bother posting and memeing about it?

>have the greatest tits in the history of hollywood at your disposal
>give her grandma-tier swimming suit

honestly, everyone deserves to die who was connected with the making and decisions of this movie

>the only nudity was the flaccid cock of a dead manequin

They had literal bombshells, one who had previously shown full frontal, and they still didn't show the big titties. No wonder it flopped.

>people having fun making dumb ironic posts
>I fucking hate this place sometimes
Then leave you shitfagnigger, you're ruining this board for the rest of us.

>R rated Baywatch
>Not a single tit in site
This is the most baffling decision ever made in human history.

Because The Rock is at the peak of his career and he wants to extend that moment as much as he can. That's why he's trying so hard to deny failure.

Why is it R-rated?

I was here before you reddit invaders showed up. You leave.

harsh language, sexual references, blood and violence, there's a scene from the redband where a guy explodes and his bloody hand hits Zac and Rock is like "keep that for good luck"

Americans can't handle lots of swimwear and cursing, I guess.

Because he probably had a lot of fun making it and wants a franchise.

The rock makes fun movies and seems not to prefer serious dramatic/political roles.

>seems not to prefer serious dramatic/political roles.

Probably because they all flopped when he tried

>not understanding the meme
0/10 not raunchy

>Thumbs-up emoji is brown
What the hell did he mean by this?

>I'm black when it's useful

All I know is bring a kayak with you to the theaters, because you're gonna be white water rafting in urine to get out of the theaters.... it's that frickin funny guys. R Rated funnies for the fans



>no female nudity
>full frontal male nudity

the rock is right. shitty movies hit hard in china.

Ha, yeah it doesn't really connect with the critics. We go WORLDWIDE next week. The FANS have been waiting for a R-rated raunchy lil flick like this. and let me tell you the theater was electric. People clapping at appropriate times. Lotsa laughs! some Piss ;) Its just wild and the FANS are really loving this r-rated comedy movie. Critics just dont get it. Keep CRUSHIN IT and see ya on the top brotha!

>It was probably less popular in America than in many (shitty) parts of the world

eastern europe here, can confirm

The Rock and the entire cast of Baywatch (2017) sure know how to write a good wholesome R-Rated Summer Comedy! The part where the fat guy was eatting donuts to contrast the toned body of Zac Effron was a comedic treat!

I pissed myself with laughter! Critics just don't understand The Rock's genius.

why is zac effron suddenly relevant?

fuck memes, seriously. this is even based on shit that an actor said on twitter of all places. who are these shitposters? Nobody should give that many fucks about a shitty US blockbuster. I get the ghostbusters meming, but this is just unnecessary.

>How come this is the hill he wants to die on?
Financial stake, he produced it and paid to get the script rewritten a few times

I know Germany fucking loved it because of The Hoff. It was the first country to release the full series on DVD uncut unlike the American releases

>eastern europe
>having TVs in the 90s

He has a point

This will probably do well in foreign markets. Baywatch was exported to just about every country and has a huge follow in europe and asia.

One piece swimsuits are amazingly hot on women with huge tits, what the fuck are you talking about.
>waah waah I only want bikinis like the 12 year old I am

Based Rock putting over younger talent.

>how come this i sthe hill he wants to die on?

Because he thought he was hot shit and drank the koolaid. Now that he can't go back to Fast and Furious he has nothing. He has to make this movie look great or people will find the next action star that's younger.

Daddario's got nothing on 90s baywatch stars.


Go back to bed grandpa

Americucks can, which is why this is doing so badly. Wait till it hits some more DESIGNATED areas of the world, though.

What is porn?

one piece can be hot, but hers isn't

>Now that he can't go back to Fast and Furious
Don't get my hopes up, what do you mean by this?

Ugh, it makes their pubic area look long.

Let's not forget how popular Hasselhoff was in Germany.

He's feuding with vin diesel but it doesn't matter because the rock and statham are getting their own spinoff series

I really can't think of a rock movie that was shit. even the rundown was fun.

He rarely seems genuinely invested in his movies. He probably really liked this one.

This. Anyone that talks shit about the Rock can get the people's elbow. Fuckin roody-poos.

This. His movies are insanely FUN and I honestly pee myself anytime I watch one. great FUN for the whole family

That's sad. I know the original Baywatch didn't have full tits shown but come the fuck on. At least have a joke or some scene where a bikini top is accidentally undone.

It's because he's going to run for president and doesn't want to be seen as a loser. When he saw that tweet he probably started pissing himself.

As did I, after watching the class 2017 Action/Comedy/Adventure-Mystery Baywatch.

Are there titties in it or nah?

Haha, who else took a swig of their famous GRANNY'S PEACH TEA while watching the HOTTEST AND RAUNCHIEST R RATED movie of the summer!

More like Gaywatch.


it's apparently more sausage than veal

And who's going to get paid for a cameo? You know it's already happening

Vin is literally keeping Jasons and Rocks careers relevant.

>Vin is literally keeping Jasons and Rocks careers relevant.

And what does the Rock do to appreciate? He shits on Vin.

Vin the hero of this all.

He's unironically too cool for this to affect his popularity. It'll be just "that time The Rock was salty" and everything goes back to normal. If it was a woman, she would have acted passive aggressive in a way that she'd look batshit crazy and it would have ruined her image. Dwayne just come off as petty and childish which doesn't turn off people nearly as much.

He's not even a fraction as entertaining as when he was in WWF.

He should have continued doing movies like The Rundown and Walking Tall instead of horrible comedies, remakes sequels and hybrids thereof.

At least Stallone had Rocky and First Blood, Arnold had Terminator and Predator, Rock has yet to have an iconic movie.

This. Rock has failed to become the next great action star, unfortunately. And I was rooting for him. But he doesn't have that extra spark Sly and Arnie had, and the scripts he's gone for haven't helped.

You must be patient or just ROCKED. Everyone knew this 17 years ago.

You must be patient or just LE BOULDERED. Everyone knew this 17 years ago.

All I hear is he is tough to work. Steroids and all.

He has never once carried a film.

:( I had hope for DA ROC. Oh well

Yeah, we all go to the Rock for serious acting.


They shouldn't have that much electric if they're ankle deep in natural comedy urine.

He is a producer on this film. The success of it falls on him a lot more than normally. Plus the film has only JUST come out. He's still promoting it. The fact that he's doing this will undoubtedly get a few thousand people globally to buy tickets. I don't see why people are making such a big deal, it makes a lot of sense and it's expected really.

Because Dwayne Tweets #zaceffron every five minutes to call him an asshole like bros do.

Go back to sports illustrated, Zac.

It's blatant Satanism. They essentially fornicate on a beach for 90 minutes. The make and female form is reduced to a piece of meat and lowered from our original concept of God's image. It's Jewish Luciferianism mocking our divine creation.

I remember watching it some times during the night, when it would rerun, like 1am, 2am ish. Also Borat.

I collect these. I bet dude has posted thousands by now on every film imaginable.

When will they learn zaceffron isn't funny

The 90's was when they started getting TV's user. It's partly why stuff like Baywatch was so big.

He's gay so hot = funny.

Buddy... We go WORLDWIDE next week. I understand it's easy to get the pitchforks and torches out but Jesus... Have some f*cking fun for once! #criticsbedamned


can you imagine the rock going off at you? literally a human silver back gorilla

Can you imagine him doing math? Probably like a silver back gorilla at that as well.

You think that one up all the time you spent getting your shit stomped, nerdboy?

he personally lobbied to get this movie made, along with jumanji and big trouble in little china

if this tanks hopefully little china doesn't get remade