785 million

>785 million

Other urls found in this thread:


It'll be lucky to make Thor 1 money.

>black eyes

My prediction is 550 million. Every parent with a 8-15 y/o daughter will take them.

How do you pronounce "Gadot"?


Gaaaa doe

The force is female, get over it neckbeard.

you would think

but it's Ga-Dote, hard T. Chris Pine says it that way and he would know.

American here. I refuse to accept this Jewish influence on my language.


No silent vowels up in this bitch ya hear me Shlomo

China will love Jew Woman


I said Ga-dough cause i was the Live with Kelly promo and the voiceover said it that way


"rat faced kike"


What is your prediction for the RT and BO

I got 85% on Rotten Tomatoes and 680 million at the Box Office.

60% RT and 300 mil opening, eventually like 600

She isn't buff enough

literally who?

Is the capeshit bubble bursting brothers?

$40 million opening weekend, calling it now.

Gaa-daht. She's said so herself.
Wrong, fags.

I watched a screening a couple of days ago. I get this stuff since I signed up for BvS, so I got to see SS in advance too.

It's not a bad movie, and Gadot isn't as shit as meme'd endlessly, but that's the random opinion of an user on Sup Forums of all places. I don't think either shills or early detractors should mold your opinion.

Also, I've said it in another thread, but fuck she does look like a babby in this one compared to BvS.

are single males allowed in?

We must call on our black brothers to make a stand at the Alamo Drafthouse!

did this sexy chink on a show for you?

Kek this won't break $600 million worldwide, no matter how hard the feminists push it

>but fuck she does look like a babby in this one compared to BvS.
You mean she looks younger, smaller, or what?

I can't wait to see Spider-Man: Homecoming and Thor: Ragnarok and laugh when they both outgross this shitty movie

(((100% on RT)))

Why didn't they release it over the holiday?

Goydot's jew voice ruins wonder woman for me honestly.

Holy cringe, Batman.... The poorly cropped shots and tryhard posturing.... Kill me now, senpai JUST

how come women are all about muh respect and shit but they get more and more whorish by they day and even people with developed talents turn themselves into nothing more than fuckholes

>yo get a totally spontaneous picture of me crying for social media
>make sure you get a whole bunch, I'll pick the best one
>omg if only i was black lol

73% 150 mil weekend, screencap this

10 and 10

My prediction is (((6 millions))).

No but the femshit and SJWshit is.

Women despite being strong smart and independent also need constant validation from fictional characters.

Have you guys apologized yet?


this is the right answer.

WB fucking wishes. It'll be lucky to do half that.

Why don't they make a Wonder Woman videogame?

Well Injustice 2 just came out I guess

Because women don't play video games

Yes I do


It will probably have decent reviews on RT, just look at Ghostbusters, it was an awful film yet it got 73%.

This is a female superhero icon, played by a jew, backed up by another jew, and 95% of the reviewers are jews.

If that translates to a great box office run is another question entirely, but like Ghostbusters it will likely have a good first weekend until word of mouth kicks in.

HA! So when I was mocking it as an electro-cello, I was actually right. Also, that was idiotic.

I want to fuck this bitch. She can still playing.

it will bust in the fall when people don't bring their families to watch a 3 hour movie of nothing more than joss 'admiral of the drumpf resistance' weldon's flick be a snoozefest

>i'm a strong independent woman
>that's why I look up to a fictional character who doesn't figure out what she wants to do in life until a handsome man takes her on an adventure where he does all the planning and work

really activates the almonds


anyone telling you otherwise is denying that 6 million jews were murdered in special camps designed by the nazis

Goyim know not

this feminist shit is just polarizing to men who would go see a movie like this. i bet it makes a lot of people not want to see it and hurts ticket sales.

these idiots should've waited until it was an actual financial success before doing their empowerment victory lap.

I love Snyder but I hope this shit fails because of the obnoxious marketing campaign.

Why? Being bad isn't a sufficient reason?


you've seen it?

I watched a video of her introducing herself and she clearly says Gal GA-Dote.
I heard the t sound..

cute! :3

Her accent/"acting" wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for her tranny voice

Meh, I like it.
She had a nice accent in BvS, but I think it sound exotic.
I'm upset the dark tone she had in BvS will be changed with the movie.

>I'm upset the dark tone she had in BvS will be changed with the movie.

I suspected you were an idiot and that last part confirmed it

please Snyder
give me a job, give me a job
new meme

Thanks for role playing for us user.


you know why you do pronounce that T? because she isn't french whatsoever

Wonder Kino

You forget, feminists and white knights outnumber you. Its gonna get the money bc they love feeling comfortable just like this chick. Plus DC and Marvel are awesome. However I will say that the movie will definitely suck bc it's DC doing a "powerful woman takes the reigns" story...

79% and 850 bc feminism.

Why is she so mean to Coco?

>gal gadot will NEVER bully you
;_; jdimsatbqh

I like capeshit and I have no interest in this movie. It doesn't look interesting at all. It doesn't have an interesting or likeable main character. It doesn't even have a unique style to it like Doctor Strange or interesting special effects like Ant-Man. Its like Cap 1 except with a much shittier main character.

I do I'm just bad at them. Also a Wonder Woman game would probably have horrible mechanics and story

Gal Gadot ranges from a 5/10 to a 8/10 depending on what pic/vid I see. i have never seen a more consistently attractive woman ever

>It doesn't even have a unique style to it like Doctor Strange
Why are Marvel shills always so obvious? Dr Strange was the safest boring turd ever made. Iron Man without the good parts.

I read comics, and I think cape movie need to go away. I am so, SO uninterested in this, Iron Man 7, thor, and Guardians. This may sound lame, but the things that make comics interesting: cool art, high-concept adventures, just plain fun, are feeling poorly translted to the big screen. Every movie feels like a product now, and it's pretty disheartening. I liked Logan a lot, but before that the last Marvel/DC film that felt genuine and fun was Days of Future Past, which incidentally doesn't come from the two cinematic universes.

Why does BvS get all the cool fan posters?



Ill be seeing the good superhero movie that day.
The dreamworks one
About an egg shaped hypnotized man running around in his underwear with 4th graders

Fight scene looks pretty cool.


like Waiting for Godot, but Gad instead of God.
I don't care how she pronounces it, I'm tired of people like Joan Benoit fucking up how things should be pronounced.

I'm the kind of guy who thinks the holocaust is the best thing that never happened, I hate Jews and their rat-like, parasitical ways. I am a virulent anti-Semite. I make this no great secret... What I do keep secret is my burning unquenchable desire for Gal Gadot and her sweet wet Jewess pusy~

please make me your goy plaything and let me worship you, GAL! PLEASE GAL make me your cattle

>you wander into the ladies dressing room by mistake trying to buy new jeans at the mall and you realize this when you see Gal and you're very embarrassed and you try to leave and her statuesque (for that is what she calls herself) body blocks your path with a long Israeli limb flashing the crotch of her lacy lingerie letting you see the mound of her pusy and she smells so good but also kind of exotically strange it must be the Jewish pheromones (it's not like a white person)

shut up, traps are not girls

i actually think wonder woman will fucking kill it in the box office

mainly cause it's been a while since a major blockbuster and it has literally no competition releasing June 2

if reviews are even half-decent, which i expect they will be (looks to be the most promising of the shitty DCEU films), it'll blowout. Also there hasn't been a good standalone heroine capeshit movie since ever so it has that going for it.



I wanna be milked by Gal!

Womanlets... When will they learn?

Hateful, rat-faced kike.

>How do you pronounce "Gadot"?


>women are only one person
just like Sup Forums, right?

Trying too hard to fit in. Just like my dick with ur mom

>mfw nu-males will have to decide between praising a female lead film or shit on a Snyder-produced film
Imagine the extreme mental dissonance they must be going through right now. Fuck them.

>mfw dcucks will have to side with SJWs and marvelfags will have to fight their own kind

She's a big gal.

Is this bvs or wonderwoman? Asking for a friend

When is embargo lifted? Can't wait to see that glorious 61%