Lol is this what passes as a penis to white boys?

Lol is this what passes as a penis to white boys?

at least she wont get AIDS

Lol is this what passes as dubs to black boys?

truly embarrassing

more like Justin Short lul

where is it anyway ? I don't see it...
Ah THERE it is!!! hahaha pathetic

One time I got a blowie on a kayak. Good times.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the size of that penis. It is average as fuck.

Did she swallow or spit his jizz into the sea?

no,as you can clearly see, it has been mutilated it is a jew or a jewish slave, not a real white

this desu looks it's been poured into acid

poor lad

Justin Long got his dick sucked by Seyfried, Lauren Mayberry, Dunst, Drew Barrymore, Maggie Q and Olga Kurylenko, so I doubt he cares if some autist on Sup Forums thinks his dick is small.

Am I the only one who really wants a bj in the middle of the ocean

t. cheesedick

Go to bed Justin


hello, shlomo

Hey, smegma-man

"The Sages, may their memory be blessed, have explicitly stated: It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision."

— Jewish Philosopher Maimondes, The Guide of the Perplexed

really makes you think

What? So being circumcised makes it easy for women to part with you? Why is this a strong reason for circumcision? was maimondes gay?

>had his cock cut off in a jewish ritual and doesn't understand the concept of washing
you can't make this shit up

he means that fucking an uncut dick will make you want to just keep fucking instead of doing what youre supposed to be doing

>every single person who isn't circumcised is a filthy NEET who's never heard of a shower
You're projecting a bit too far there, bud

There's something just gross and pathetic about this picture. Maybe it's the overcast sky, the hideous thing she's wearing, the pale cumskin, the garishly black pubic hair, every thing about this picture sucks.

americans still have uncut dicks? i was told that this stopped 10 years ago.

Well the dick in that picture is pushing 40, so what does that tell you dipshit?

I don't like circumcision but the majority of non Jewish males in the US are still circumcised

that 40 years ago this guy was cut. Are you dense?

That doesnt tell him anything

all americans are jews

uh whats going on itt


My donger is bigger than that

>looks it up
>it's fucking true
Why are Americans so retarded? Don't they realize that circumcision is LITERALLY genital mutilation that dries up the head like a raisin and fucks up sexual pleasure for life? Or are they so brainwashed by the Jews that they feel compelled to do it to their children on the basis of "everyone else does it"?

i got circumcised at 23, not really that big a deal desu

still shouldn't be done to kids