Fuck y'all you should watch goldeneye tonight

Fuck y'all you should watch goldeneye tonight

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Bunker>Facility and you know it.

Archives all day erry day

Popular opinion of Goldeneye is grossly inflated because of the game.
This is way better.

First Bunker though. They fucked it up when they expanded it.

>ywn photograph the main video screen for the first time again

>not the jungle level with that deadly assault rifle that when you fire at people the bullets pierce right through the body and you can see it

All my life, Ive only seen you.

For England James


That shit was OP as fuck. Cradle trumps all maps.

Though, the true champion of 007 MP was Nightfire by far. Winter lodge or castle map, Odd Job hat only.

>pistols in the basement with license to kil

man those were the days

Y'all was actually an auto correct mang

>the goldeneye XBLA remake will never be released

why even live

This thread is disrespectful to Roger Moore.


>get perfect dark
>play 4 screen FFA on Temple with the camera guiding rocket launcher

>friend has farsight
>trying to aim at me
>throw pillow from across room

Fuck the game I'm saying the movie was great

Why is the game so iconic?

It's kind of proving my point from earlier: I bet none of these kiddos have seen the movie, so they're all just circlejerking about the game instead.

great soundtrack great multiplayer great single player

>babby's first shooter

That's why.

Holy God I played that level so much. I used to go to the top floor of the castle and get the guided missile launcher and just snipe bots from my cozy perch all day. God Nightfire was amazing.

I bet you weren't even alive in 1996 or barely a toddler.

He gets his dossier from his radio how bad ass is that I mean cmon

My fucking nigger

>playing lodge with my little brother
>playing as Oddjob and whipping hats
>throw my hat from the top of the lodge
>he's running up from the bottom
>totally not even close to hitting him
>watch as the hat arcs just enough to wing him for a kill

what a fun fucking time

I was 10 if that matters. I grew up playing stuff like this.

>Control on 00 Agent

fuck me i forgot that this was my babbys first I was about 5

Better luck next time. SLUGHEADS!

>Nightfire has been my favourite game for 13 years now

How to find newfags basically

Seriously watch it

you guys need to shut the fuck up, the 90's were fuckng incredible


Golden gun on complex was top notch too

Fuck you asshole. That was an awesome game when I was growing up
>enter cheat codes to get laser gun with unlimited ammo

Jesus Christ this is tv duck the game the movie is awesome

>I'm old and still on Sup Forums. Respect what I say

>duck the game
kill yourself faggot

>planting proximity mines everywhere in multiplayer
>that one level where you can shoot down the tvs and wreck the whole room
>shooting at sattelite dishes till they blew up
It physically hurts that i'll never feel the fun and amazement at games I did back then ever again.

Perfect Dark perfected Bond.

Goldeneye is my favorite Bond movie!!!FACT!!!

Kys plebs. Just because EA slapped Bond in a shooter didn't make it good.

If I saw that guy walking on the street, I'd feel comfy.

but we can play or emulate tons of games today

007 Nightfire? Pleb? Go fuck yourself. Fuck yourself you little fucking shitcunt. If you never played that game and had fun you are a worthless sack of Argentinian pup diarrhea. You are pond scum. You deserve a nice hard stay in a concentration camp where you are forced to watch nothing but the water sequences from Thunderball over and over and over again.

Your mother never loved you. You never had friends, you couldn't even get the computer to spawn bots to play with you if you didn't have fun with NF. You are a waste of space, a waste of breath, and a waste of time.

just play goldeneye source

Anyone else run around this place for hours (splitscreen) with a friend?

Natalya Simonova is "literally" the best Bond girl.


not an ounce of shame. you can tell he loves it. kinda gotta respect that

She's not even the best girl in Goldeneye.

you're embarrassing yourself reddit

if you could do 4 player in Archives it would be GOAT

Laser watches

This post is incorrect. Your opinion is wrong.


Why does he give James the gun back ???

>not playing as Mayday



when she rapes him in sauna was my first fap ever

Before *bond moves*

this. natalya is good but she's got nothing on xenia.

goldeneye really did have the best of everything

can someone explain to me the whole appeal behind xenia? sure, she's attractive, but that's about it

how old are you?

Like you, she also didn't really care what was going on with the plot so long as she got to shoot people and break down cute russian scientist girls into her sex slaves.

It's a dominance thing. She's the kind of girl that would violently twist your dick and sodomize you with a horse whip without you even having to ask (because you're afraid to).

it came out when i was 11... yeah

yeah, i'm not into being dominated, that's kinda effeminate and beta 2bh

I understand them wanting to remake it to fit into the Craig era of Bond but how could they fuck it up so bad?

>Damn and Facility levels are pretty good and pretty accurate
>No Train level at all - instead you just walk thru a crashed train and that's it
>Cradle level: WTF IS THIS
It became a different game halfway through and didn't even feel like a GoldenEye remake

>This movie with a sex scene where a woman strangles a guy to death is rated PG in my country

He took the ammo out you idiot and hands him just the gun. Actually watch the movie

>Bond knocks him out
>mfw this music starts playing
One of the best movies ever made

>... yeah
kill yourself

>mfw they are making a documentary on the making of the game
10/10 watching

shut the fuck up numale

One of the most brutal fight scenes in a Bond movie

I love how both Bond and Alec are all bloody and bruised


Why are they trying to shoot at his massive right cheek?

>calling a 24 year old a numale

good post.

Goldeneye is the better Brosnan Bond, but Living Daylights is a better movie overall.

>poster has main character running with fire in the background, surrounded by vehicles that are in the movie
I like this trope

yeah that sounds very accurate

Idk about this movie. Solid intentions but it didn't touch on Bond lore. Still had some touch of Moore on it. And the villain really sucked. The score is fucking awesome though, and the scene at the theme park echoes what Bond is about so well.

Licence to Kill is the GOAT though.

>Be Brosnan
>Sign a deal to star in a Bond movie
>One of your first scenes is having a sexy woman squish your gut with her legs wrapped tight around you
bloody hell

>I'm 33 and don't understand why guys find this woman attractive
you must be a fucking faggot user.

>tfw she actually broke one of her ribs during this scene when Brosnan banged her against the wall
I remember the director stating this in the commentary

So going by that
Who was in the wrong?

>natalya bitch talking you
>tfw the guards shoot out the glass on both sides
>natalya just gets shot without defending herself


>she will never squish you

>this is the image they chose to advertise her character

Why didn't he just join the dark side and get Xenia as his fuck buddy for life?

different tastes appeal to different men, user. i did concede that she was/is attractive, but i wanted to know what made her appealing beyond that.

>Who was in the wrong?
Nobody. That's how you make kino.

Just be yourself. I believe in you. Follow your dreams, user - don't give up.

you will learn when you are me, faggot

just admit you're a faggot

>i did concede that she was/is attractive, but i wanted to know what made her appealing beyond that.
But that really does go a long way. Bondage jokes aside, I legitimately think she's one of the most attractive women I've ever seen. And her outfits are pretty sexy.

The cold war tech feels are the best part of this movie, plus that GOAT Eric Serra soundtrack. Fuck people who hate it. I agree it wouldnt fit in any other film, but it works well here.


Yep! Played this game with best friend for 6 months when we were 16.

Haven't talked to him in 10 years. He's a brain surgeon now, with a beautiful wife and kid. We live in the same city.

I think GoldenEye manages to be the only film to retain a Cold War feel (although contemporary, then), just a few years after it had all ended. It's certainly got the late Cold War look, in technology. The Eric Serra soundtrack is very good, though, I thought. I also don't understand why it is so widely disliked. I wish more James Bond films went with a very similar style of music for the soundtrack. Those electronic sounds, especially the electric "gong" sounds that echoed, were so atmospheric, and contributed to the ominous Cold War sensations you mentioned.