New Star Trek (The Orville)

This un-ironically looks better and feels more like star Trek then STD.

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I will only watch if they switch out all the trousers the ladies wear for skirts.

>Star Trek: Discovery
The fuck were they thinking? At some point someone must have written that down on a memo or something but no one thought "huh, every discussion of our show will end up with it being called STD". Tells you all you need to know about the creatives behind it to be honest.

That and the lack of understanding of Star Trek by CBS.

From a purely money making perspective I understand giving the finger to Trek fans and going after normies and trying to mimic Star Wars/ Games of Thrones. Just look at the first two nu-Treks, they did okay.

But you'd have to be a complete retard to call it STD, especially considering that all other Star Trek shows have been given three letter abbreviations by every single channel that picks them up.

wtf i love mcfarlane now


Uhhhhhh the polite term now is STI sweetie.

I agree

did the third trek do bad? it was way, way better than the second one

sadly yes.

Cost 185 million plus promotion.

Studio only made about 150 million back in the ticket sales.

Even after TV and disc and streaming once you include promotion costs they are still in the hole for 20 million or so.

thanks sugartits

150 million USA or entire worldwide gross?

Gross was
$158,848,340 Domestic
$184,623,476 Overseas

So the studio itself obtained about 150 million.


star trek 2 killed a lucrative franchise

could have had their own cinematic universe with different ships

>seth mcfartlan

Yes I can't wait to hear Brian say shit like he does in family guy. Surely this will be super entertaining.

Yep, it was the hangover from the 2nd one that caused Beyond a lot of issues.

There is talk of making an new one that is "Smaller scale" and more in the 100 million in cost. But they might just leave it fallow for a while so when they do another movie it will be yet another reboot with new cast.

That looks pretty good actually, got a few laughs out of me

>This un-ironically looks better and feels more like star Trek
It really does, it's almost like JJ had some sense of taste and designed a TNG set without going full Apple Store Retarded.

Yeah, but weren't Voyager and Enterprise's abbreviations "Voy" and "ENT"? Wouldn't that make Discovery's abbreviation "DIS" on channel listings?

i don't like seth mcfarlane but this looks pretty good

Superstrong chick is the best character

She appeals to my fetishes so I agree

>Kassidy Yates
>Bashir's Dad

Shared actors are the core of Star Trek, will this be /ourtrek/?

Even has a captain with a shitty wig.

It will have the same level of popularity as a venereal disease.

You are seth mcfarlane. Fuck off.

They are going to waste Norm arent they?

I really like Seth MacFarlane but I don't always like his comedy. I think he's got a good sense of timing and a lot of technical skill but I don't like his gross-out or shocking humor. Maybe this series will keep it tamped down just enough.

>What do you think of DIS?
>What do I think of what?
>DIS, the new Star Trek show

Yeah, I can clearly see, that dis is better then STD

this show is going to go south so fast Sup Forums mark my words

I feel like this would work better as a movie. I don't think there's enough material for a show.

Has there been a comedy space ship sci-fi in the US before? All the examples I can think of like Lexx, Farscape and Red Dwarf were foreign, and they could just do comedic takes of all the Star Trek plots. I'm sure there's enough story backdrops, my only worry is if the jokes are good enough, I liked his cartoons when I was a teen but it wouldn't work in this setting. The trailer is good though, so I have hope.

>latest Seth McFarlane product
>its actually funny and well produced

Well that's certainly a surprise.

was farscape foreign?

It was too little too late. I paid to see the first one and felt like I'd been severely lied to, so I rented the second and hated it even more than the first, and didn't even bother watching the third. There's only so many times you can piss in your fanbases faces before they stop going to see your movies.

Basically everyone involved is Australian except Ben Browder and they had some help from some American companies like the Jim Henson Puppet workshop

>was a show with only one American actor in it foreign???

Seriously? What would posses you to ask something so stupid? 0/10, apply yourself user.

I can't think of any

Never seen any star trek except for jar jar's crap, but do these shitty quips fit star trek universe? Well i've seen some episodes of the original series, does not fit at all imo.
The whole trailer was like a cringe fiesta.
for me

Okay, I suppose that counts, but MST3k barely had a plot, and even in season 8 when they tried to add one it was just ripping off classic movies like Planet of the Apes.

Star Trek isn't a comedy, the OP is making a joke about how a parody of Star Trek looks more like Star Trek than the new actual series, Star Trek: Discovery

Based Galaxy Quest.

Are we talking just tv series? Cause otherwise Space Balls immediately comes to mind.

>Creator: Paul Feig

Wow, dropped.

Yes we're just talking TV >Trace Beaulieu

He's always been a Star Trek fan. I think since he's really passionate about it, it'll come out really funny.

Not to mention he has Patrick Stewart in his pocket, and all it'll take is a brief cameo to skyrocket the show into popularity.

I kinda hope Patrick Stewart plays a "Anti-Picard" or such..

I'll probably watch it because I have nothing better to do.

Just fuck my shit up

I want to go back to the DS9 days


Quark only lasted 7 episodes.