No nigs

>no nigs
>kills roasties

Is David Lynch, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

>no nigs
butt what about dougie's niggress?

she was hot and nice. all black women should be like this.

>Dougie is then sent to the black lodge, where he shrivels in size, morphs first into a vomiting piece of dark matter followed by a bronze bead
Burn the coal, pay the toll.


>no nigs save for one nigress
>kills degenerate roasties who thought it would be fun to bypass security and have sex
>manages to make the witty agent Cooper into a complete mongoloid and still make it work
>makes the dwarf into a tree with a piece of gum on it and still make it work
>no subtle political propaganda, just straight up weird shit and memorable scenes

Twin Peaks returning is the biggest breath of fresh air to me in television

This. This this this

>being this obsessed with race

What the fuck is this show even about?


>He gets Carsick.
>We're in America here not russia, there's no Cossacks

One of the most memorable comedic moments for a show.

Every episode from the revival ends like MDE. So Yes.

>mfw we get a John Maus performance in Twin Peaks

The old one? There was a quirky FBI agent who investigated the murder of a schoolgirl in a town in northern Washington and got in contact with the supernatural forces that manipulate the people there. He entered the realm of these creatures but got stuck there while an evil doppelgänger left it in his place. That's how it ended back in the 90s.

The new show is about that agent trying to get out of their realm and put a stop to the havoc his doppelgänger is causing. So far at least.

long story short:
small town homicide gets investigated by fbi, murders sick mind/intentions are present with abstract, bizarre places/characters/shenaniggas,
other characters are shown as a soap opera and/or english humour comedy

Where's the general? Someone make it.

Also what episode are we up to?

>There’s a moment when Cole says that back when Denise was transitioning, he told her colleagues who couldn’t deal with it to—
>“Change their hearts or die.” That’s right. People are people, and we are the way we are. We’re all supposed to get along, and diversity should be appreciated fully in the light of unity. That’s peace on earth, and there should be room for everyone.
Stop pushing false narratives you disgusting ideologues.

Meanwhile it's fucking David Duchovny is a wig and it's just funny as hell. It works both ways.

No, I think unlike you, David Lynch, can get laid.

anyone can rape

I don't care if somebody wants to become a woman or man because they're so confused with their gender. Who am I to decide what they one should do with their own body? But I don't think the whole world should accommodate them with their own bathrooms and stuff, that's just being retarded because trannies are such a tiny minority.

She was pretty understanding all things considered.

>Change your heart or die
>That’s peace on earth, and there should be room for everyone.

What did xe mean by this?

Does anyone know what the bouquet of flowers was for, in th3 scene with Denise and Gordon? Was Miguel Ferrer supposed to be in that scene?

I would allow her to pleasure me

The photo killed me

Shut up nigger

People say that trannies shouldn't be able to use the Woman's restroom because it makes them uncomfortable, but who the hell is ever comfortable in a public restroom? Public restrooms are shit. The concept should be rethought. I much prefer unisex bathrooms that are just one toilet.

Yeah I can't wait for women to pile up the queues of bathrooms with only one toilet in them. That will be great.

This. It was just funny. His biceps were almost bulging out of his clothes, 5 o clock shadow, Gordon was disgusted when David started going in depth on his degeneracy. Classic.

How about instead of making shitty stalls, they actually make multiple rooms like that.

I mean, I know that the cinematographer also worked on Evil Dead but I wasn't aware Raimi himself was a script consultant.


It means stop being a bunch of edgy cunts


there's a face in the clouds at the top right

Where are the mosques in twin peaks?

His lack of a political stance on the current administration is very problematic, user.

Here are some suggestions that some of my fellow community members thought up to improv e the work.

>Cooper is now a black woman. He can easier fight for justice if he isn't a cisnormative white male.
>Her name will now be Davonne. She is sassy, but not too sassy.
>The Arm Tree is now a talking Antifa flag who informs Davonne about all the injustice in the world now that Donald Trump is president.
>Lucy is now sheriff. Andy is a homemaker.
>Bon has inhabited the body of a fictional orange American president, and he rapes 12-year-olds in the Lincoln Bedroom.
>Gorden Cole is now trans as well who wears smudged lipstick. He sees the problems going on in Washington, and convinces the Black Lodge to move to a Pizza Place on K Street. A racist runs the place.
> Audrey is now mayor of Twin Peaks, but she feels that she has to go and stop the menace of sexism in Washington, She starts a viral hashtag campaign that helps bring the administration to heel.
>The one-armed man has no arms now, to bring forward disability issues.
>Wally outfits bike with machine guns to take down the racists in middle America on his ride back to Washington.
>Dougie is still alive and teams up with Davonne to expose the sex trafficking in Las Vegas.
>Richard Tremane is now working on tax policy.
>Roadhouse now hosts feminist slam poetry.
>Donuts replaced with penis popsicles.
>Coffee is repressive. Replaced with breast milk from local lesbian sewing circle.
>The last 5 episodes are impeachment proceedings.

We expect these changes to happen by Tuesday, or we riot.

based Briggs

please abstain from trying so hard to be funny in the future

you just know it's coming

Somone is triggered...

>The last 5 episodes are impeachment proceedings.

Someone needs to make a 100% MAD edit of that


you all type like retarded children. How do you stand yourselves? Do you even talk to other people or do you make other people as sick as you make everyone else?

Without attribution, it's hard to tell who the hell you are talking about.

So fuck off newfag.

everyone else.

He is. He lived in Philadelphia and talks about the "fear" living there. He basically hated having his family be around niggers.
If anyone is based, this Dude is based.

I would fuck her desu

As would I. Gently.

why did he make cooper retarded


he spent the last 25 years in some inter-dimensional quasi afterlife being lectured by all sorts of demons, entities and tree spirits. i think you would act a little strange if all of a sudden you fell through some sort of temporal vortex and showed up on some random guys floor in North Vegas after not existing for 25 years

There's literally nothing wrong with having a nigress sex slave.

Sup Forums has damaged your brain

i don't think he can be your guy cuz he's no fag

OP, you are a master baiter