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Peter Capaldi looks great with his series 10 hair edition

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I'd love to see Capaldi in something Lynch

>David Lynch will never direct Doctor Who

Lynch looks like a cross between Sean/Jon Pertwee and Peter Capaldi

So after next weeks' ep, we have an Ice Warrior episode, Eaters of Light, and the finale right?

Which of those are likely to be good?

Eaters of Light seems interesting and the finale seems pretty great but the show doesn't have a great record when it comes to finales.

Dr who is power rangers tier garbage for idiots, of course he wont

I'm excited for all of them actually. Obviously I'll be proved wrong but I hope they're all good

Part 1 of the finale

I love it!

>Rewatch tier
>Quite enjoyable tier
The Pilot
Knock Knock
>Once was enough tier
Thin Ice
Can't remember it tier

when this series started i thought bill was a breath of fresh air

but now i'm realising no, it's just karen gillan syndrome. another very likable actress playing an apallingly written character. at least when chibbers takes over it'll hopefully feel like we're watching people rather than walking quip dispensers

I agree user
I was huge fan of the Pilot
but as the series progresses it just feels less and less real every episode we're in
cant wait for chibs



Eigth Doctor Time War trailer

I actually thought to myself "/who/ is being paranoid as usual, she won't REALLY remind us she's a lesbian every single episode"

>Love and Monsters (the episode the entirety of /who/ hates) has better charactersation than 6/7 episodes of series 10

defend this

Rank the episodes of S10 (Best to...Least Best)

> The Pilot
> Oxygen
> Extremis
> Thin Ice
> The Pyramid at the End of the World
> Knock Knock
> Smile

S10's been good so far. This week's was rough but next week's looks fantastic.

>the episode the entirety of /who/ hates
well that's not true

But she doesn't

>The Pyramid at the End of the World
>The Pilot
>Thin Ice
>Knock Knock

it's not just the constant reminding us she's gay and black as if that's a substitute for a personality. there's loads of really jarring shit. like rewatching the ep bill is way too unaffected by watching leading world figures get zapped to dust in front of her. she literally does the shocked reaction and then goes back to quipping straight away. or when penny's like 'can I get an uber'? haha, hilarious, now fuck off. no one real acts like this when crazy shit is going down

>it's not just the constant reminding us she's gay and black
But she doesn't. When is this meme gonna die?

Find a flaw
or 10

Did you get annoyed when Amy reminded you she was straight every episode?

Russel was really good at believable character reactions to crazy stuff happening.
Moffat just does quips.

>Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways


The insane religious Daleks was an excellent new take on them, and I'm kind of glad that the concept hasn't been revisited and spoiled yet

Please don't react to it as a bait or offense to somebody, that's how I feel. From best to worst:

The Pilot

~~~~~POWER GAP~~~~~

Knock Knock
Thin Ice

honestly it is being really shoddily handled. the stuff in thin ice for example was somehow simultaneously embarrassingly heavy-handed with the panto villain ON YOUR KNEES SCUM dude and yet somehow didn't ring true at all

consider how the subject of historical racism was handled in human nature/ family of blood for a much more hard hitting and nuanced example. when they had joan - an otherwise likable, sympathetic and believable character - go there with martha, it was genuinely tense.

>A midget

Okay then.

Anyone else miss RTD's continuity?
When non of the events were forgotten, and characters used to remember invasions? I found it so sweet when in Turn Left every single invasion had its consequences.


Nah, I don't like the Who-world diverging from our own that much in the present.

Remember when the Universe ended at a believable 100 Trillion Years instead of lasting to the end of the Sun's lifespan?

Why did Adelaide remember the Dalek Invasion but the rest of the world forgot?

World didn't forgot at the time, m8. World forgot it when cracks happened.

midgets aside, this ep was such a waste of tony gardner.

I unabashedly love this speech and get chills whenever I watch it

It's a combination of the Dalek Emporer's voice, and the sheer evil and arrogance of what he is saying. That (not counting the God stuff that comes later) is exactly how the Daleks should be

I couldn't take her character seriously at all

honest question, what it is about The Pilot that makes you think it is so much better than any other ep this series?


On the plus side, the Daleks do remember it.

when was the latter implied?

>When non of the events were forgotten, and characters used to remember invasions?
Most of the invasions during Smith's run usually ended in a time/mind wipe.

Moffat tried to develop a character with real background which consists not only of quirks and quips, and he did well quite nice
It had some amazing scenes like TARDIS introduction and travelling sequence, which was really well-paced and entertaining
It just felt fresh and great overall

I'm just fed up of world invasions occurring in present-day Earth.

I don't mind smaller contained adventures, like Blink, Knock Knock, etc. It's feasible that knowledge of those events wouldn't spread very far. And in the past, you have the justification that without sophisticated recording devices events can be misremembered, misinterpreted or forgotten.

The Doctor says he's over 4 billion years in the future in Heaven Sent and then the Time Lords say they've relocated Gallifrey to the end of the universe.

He spent 4 billion years in the confession dial, it's not relative to real-world time

you have 5 seconds to name 1 (one) capaldo besides heaven sent or the mathieson eps that's actually worth revisiting

the pilot


Dank Water


In the Forest of the Night

Sleep No More

For Tonight We Might Die

Sleep No More

Peter Harness needs to swallow a fucking revolver. All of his episodes are fucking cancer

>And certainly not someone of your colour

It was the look of mingled defiance and shame on Joan's face, and Martha's mingled pity, exasperation and contempt - I don't know how to describe it, but it was a 10/10 moment.

It's a shame that the SJW finger-wagging dragged Thin Ice down. The banter was really well-written.

Bill has been so much better the past few episodes than she was at the start of the season. She finally has some flaws.

>swallow a fucking revolver.
are you hoping he chokes to death on it?

I don't know, I don't think you can count stupidity as a flaw when every single character in the episode acts like a retard. Besides which, I don't think she had any especial strengths in the first three episodes. She was just an ordinary person in The Pilot, maybe a bit smarter than your average pleb, and that's it.

I've got to be honest, I think you're a fuckwit pal.

I thought Love and Monsters was great.

12 was around for The Year That Never Was

Yeah. I like it when Doctor Who is free to do its own shit, and it's not bogged down by having to return to some stupid, implausible sitcom status quo. If every major event gets it-was-all-a-dream'd (or whatever shitty sci-fi equivalent they churn out instead) it stops shit from actually having any stakes or consequences, which stops anything from having any tension, which in turn prevents any investment.

the zygon eps were good tho

he didn't interfere because he already knew it'd turn out hunky dory

I like it too. Story and monster are quite shit. But the characters are good and the tone is comfy.

love & monsters is great right up until peter kay turns into 'peter kay in a green rubber fatsuit'

then all OOH AYE MUH CLOM and pavement slab blowjobs kinda ruin it

Those two had absolutely zero chemistry. It was like the first time they'd met was the first day on set.

I wonder what he was doing though.
Probably just sitting outside the vault while Missy shit talks her previous incarnation.

Nice meme

She shooted twice, before he regenerates. Does that mean the doctor is dead now?


defending the vault from toclafane maybe, I mean if SimmMaster found out he had a future incarnation on Earth he'd probably want to free her

>Those two had absolutely zero chemistry
this is another problem with moffat who. the periphal characters literally don't matter, there is just no effort involved at all into making us care about them. remember the crew from the satan pit? of course you do cuz they were all likable, flawed human beings with great chemistry.

literally the only side character from this series i can remember is the blue guy, and even that's probably just because i'm a racist

Doesn't that mean he was around for all the shit that every previous incarnation dealt with when there was a story set in the present day?

What the fuck
>I can't see the number!
>oh well we better give the world up then
>while talking on a phone
>with picture messaging
>could have just took a picture, sent it, Bill reads it out, says what number it currently us, and doctor can correspondingly change it up or down to open it

Why did nobody think of this obvious flaw?

Short response: No.

Long response: Wouldn't call it stupidity but in the last couple of eps she's done some stuff that finally showed she was less than perfect. Firstly she told the pope and a room full of cardinals/priests/whatever that she hopes they all go to hell because they ruined her date which shows she can actually be rude, she said she wouldn't vote for Trump because he's orange which shows she's racist, and she's now completely disobeyed direct orders from the Doctor which shows she insolent. They tried far too much with the whole lolsorandom aspects of her in the first three episodes, not to mention the fact that despite the only job she can seem to get is cooking chips yet she has the knowledge and drive to get constant firsts for essays on advanced physics - no way in hell is she "just an ordinary person".

I've got to be honest, I think you're an arse buddeh.

the story got me hyped as fuck for the next episode, but given that it's Moffat - it will probably be resolved by another reset of everything that happened, Just like it did in season 5, season 6, season 7...


>she's now completely disobeyed direct orders from the Doctor which shows she insolent.
All Companions do that though.

>she said she wouldn't vote for Trump because he's orange which shows she's racist
She didn't say that. She said she wouldn't vote for him because she doesn't live in america and he is orange

> she told the pope and a room full of cardinals/priests/whatever that she hopes they all go to hell because they ruined her date which shows she can actually be rude
Because her date was uncomfortable about some shit

Couldn't very well keep calling ourselves...the Monks, now, could we?

Strawberry blonde.

Would you fuck Ms. Quill?

Of course

another annoying thing about Moff - which I'm afraid he'll use in the resolution of the current story - is THE POWER OF LOVE

Amy's entire family was swallowed by the crack and never existed? Don't worry, she just loves them so much they return into existence.
Rory got shot and died? Not a problem, because she just loves him so much he gets resurrected.
Rory is really an Auton and kills Amy ? Not a problem, he loves her so much he overwrites his programming and somehow still exists, even though all other Autons disappeared.
The Doctor gets locked out of the universe? No prolem Amy loves him so much she just wishes him into existence.
River is dead, her simulation uploaded into a computer locked in a Vashta Nerada infested library? Not a problem, she loves the Doctor so much she can float around the universe as a ghost because of reasons.
Craig has been converted into a Cybermen? No he hasn't because he loves his son so much that the cybermachinery breaks down.
Clara has jumped into Doctor's timestream and got shredded into a gorillion pieces, scattered across his life? Whatever, The Doctor loves her so much that he can jump into his own timestram and save her, even though seconds before that simply standing near it made him sick.
All these years he couldn't figure out how to end the Time War without killing all the Time Lords as well ? All he needed was for his beloved companion to cry, now it is totally possible.
The Time Lords need to know it's actually the Doctor on the other side? No, they don't, they just need Clara to cry, her love is enough.

Fucking hack.

>Can't see the number
>The numbers are all carved into the lock

He could have just felt the grooves of each number as he turned

She would be an absolute bitch in bed; clawing, scratching, insulting




! ! ! ! !

>Not a problem, she loves the Doctor so much she can float around the universe as a ghost because of reasons

Did they even bother trying to explain this?

>need to know it's actually the doctor on the other side
>can send regeneration energy through the cracks into the Doctor's body but not a fucking scanner probe

This was the REAL problem

This is the only answer I can get behind.

>Those rolls of neck fat spilling over the collar of the suit
Loving every laugh!


>doesn't know about cyberflab

I watched the first three episodes of the new season.

The Pilot was nice. A bit disjointed as I've come to expect from Moffat, but a very good introduction for Bill. Though I rolled my eyes at the usual contractually-enforced pointless Dalek appearance.
Smile was really good while it was just the Doctor and Bill, then it fell apart somewhat in the last act, but not as badly as Forest of the Night. Best of the three, probably.
Thin Ice was the biggest pile of cilchés I've ever seen on Doctor Who outside of a Gatiss episode. The evil nobleman, the poor tortured alien creature, the street orphans and some of the most in-your-face racism commentary I've ever seen. It gave me the urge to kick some children, torture some puppies and colonize Africa.

What are the next few episodes like?

>Did they even bother trying to explain this?


They weren't carved. Plot hole solved.

I wonder how they're going to fuck up my favourite Who villain this time. Cybermen have been soiled by every New Who episode that touched them except Closing Time.