All pumped up for jaha to take the bunker back from the fucking savages

>all pumped up for jaha to take the bunker back from the fucking savages
>marcus "take my skyperson daughter to the grounder breeding grounds" kane talks him down
>he actually fucking listens

fuck this fucking show

Other urls found in this thread:

Octavia is a fucking retard, she's the only one to blame, Jaha just lost hope, he's still based deep down.

>Clarke left all of them to die in that hole
>they ran out of food a year ago

>come back after 5 year time skip
>theyre all dead
>octavia is finally fucking dead

I'm not a geologist or anything but if 99% of the Earth's surface was incinerated, wouldn't the atmosphere be completely unbreathable afterwards? If not by ash, then just by the sheer plant death and resultant oxygen loss.

>Octavia is the only one who survived
>she ate everybody else

>trying to think about the 100 science in terms of real science after the mount weather radiation crap
just turn off your brain bro!

>people who will actually run the bunker
>your people
>kill hundreds of them to make room for retarded uncivilized grounders who will do nothing but war with you the moment you leave
Bellamy was a mistake.

>no matter what the writers will always paint grounder dick sucking in a positive light and will never allow a morally gray discussion
seriously, they literally had a guy say the most irrefutable point in the second to last episode:

>hey we are the only ones that can run the oxygen scrubbers and the farms we'll be the only ones doing all the work we should get the most spots
>kane: "we cant do this!"
and it was never fucking brought up again. fucking bullshit

>he thinks bellamy opened the door for literally any reason other than saving his sister

>>she ate everybody else
>my face when they actually go there and make bunker people canibals and mass murderers

Clarke also closed the door in the first place under the assumption that Octavia was going to get fucking murdered in that arena

I really don't understand why they decided to continue into a fifth season, and as I did not know it had been renewed I legitimately got really into the end, because so many of my favorite characters were dying. (RIP Roan and Jasper). Clarke dying on the tower would have been fitting as fuck, just her overextending and being punished for it by the story.

I don't know anymore man, I fucking don't know where they are going with this show.

Also, Kane and Thelonious are like completely untrustworthy at this point, if I were any Skaykru I would stay the fuck away from them considering all the crazy shit they put people through.

Kane knew it, just he had no choice (and he was safe anyways). Skaikru was cool with letting all the grounders die, it was all Bellamy that ruined everything for >muh sister

This was definitely going to be the series finale and then CW ordered a fifth season at the last minute

That's why the epilogue was so weird when you clearly see Clarke die

It's like the infamous "but Sam's standing right outside" note in Supernatural's Season 5 finale

>I don't know anymore man, I fucking don't know where they are going with this show.

Space australians are coming down from their penal moon to fuck shit up. Bunker should be dead as they only had the food for 5 years and it's been over 6, and they're also buried in rubble, the ringers should be alive and fine.

Everybody is probably going to come out of their safe places and just start fighting again because grounders are uncivilized fucks

Bellamy did it for no other reason other than he wanted to save his sister, he probably didn't care one bit about the grounders, he just wanted his sister to be safe.

That's actually wrong, they make it clear that grounders are fucking savages constantly, it's just that
>teenage girls, the main audience of this, don't fucking care if they're savages
>few good grounders keep tricking characters into believing it can work, like the random lesbo girl who finger blasted Clarke into submission and Lincoln.
>people making retarded choices and putting arkers into a position where they really have no choice

>they dont even show what happens to the 364 arkers
>they just get dumped outside the bunker and die offscreen
disgusting. i hate savages so much

No, the script leaked way before that, and there's a lot of clues to the prisoner colony in space.

Me too.
It's my headcannon that they survived and are pissed the fuck off, waiting for a chance to strike.

That explains alot.

I loved the small details like the bottle that Bellamy picks up that I think Jaha left behind? Also they went full circle with returning to the Ark.

The point is not where they are going, but just what in the fuck is even going to happen? We went from a small scale defense against the grounders in season 1, to defeating mount weather in season 2, to fighting ALLIE in 3, to surviving the END of the fucking world in 4. There's just no coming down in terms of stakes.

>There's just no coming down in terms of stakes.
Aliens and mutated fallout monsters

I didn't notice the prisoner colony clues, can you explain more?

S05e01 in a blink and you miss it scene.

This would be complete shit

I think the "prisoners" will be the next enemy, tough descendant of military guards and prisoners, well trained, well armed and fucking anrgy. They should be extremely aggresive at least Pike's level and want to wipe all the grounders.

Oh fuck, I guess I may have to go back and comb through some stuff.

Now that i think about it, they could've been added after the season as already done, since they're all mentioned just now, but anyway...
There's this and they also metioned in another episode that i can't remember right now that Becca made nightblood so the prisoners could work in space without dying from radiation.

Yes because so many women took up asteroid mining jobs and were sequentially fuckups who were so dangerous they got sent to space jail

There are exactly as many female asteroid miners convicted of murder as there are male ones right now.

These space australians better not be Mount Weather 2.0.
I get that you guys are angry and want the grounders dead, but i think it would be a lot better if the show went full circle.
Space aussies get Bellamy and crew down here as FRIENDS, they're the new arkers.
Bunker people become agressive, slightly mad, they do become one kru but not in the way they intended.
Clarke is a middle ground grounder, like Lincoln was in the first season.
That way we don't need to keep raising the stakes, we can end the show smoothly while it's in it's peak.

Coming full circle would be dope.

Fucking belter shits

>Clarke will scissor a seven foot tall girl in your lifetime

I can forsee the new plot.

>Oh wow the radiations stopped
>But why
>Oh cool
>Clark then gets eaten out by a hollow boned belter beauty with an aussie accent

>the entirety of Ceres pulled into Earth's orbit
god that would be so cool

This would go nicely with the show's symbol being the ark (a circle).

it would, but the ice on ceres could get pulled into earth's atmosphere and raise global moisture levels, and the tidal forces would fuck the oceans. That's if Luna doesnt just rip it apart and shower us with molten rock.

Reminder that grounder fucking shits deserve N O T H I N G

Skaikru had a perfectly wonderful bunker in the form of Mount Weather until the grounders blew it up

And then they had a shitty but serviceable bunker in the form of the refurbished Ark until the grounders blew it up

And then they had a tricky but doable plan to go to space and make everyone a nightblood until the grounders fucked the fuel situation

The grounders already owe skaikru THREE salvations before you even consider the fact that without skaikru they wouldn't have even known the bunker was there and wouldn't know how to make it work anyway


There is literally no reason why they shouldn;t have been wiped from the face of the earth by nuclear pyroclastic flows, they bring nothing of value to the future of mankind, they are just a burden

They are savages who deserve nothing

>This was definitely going to be the series finale and then CW ordered a fifth season at the last minute

Fundamentally factually untrue
>: The truth is, I knew. It wasn't official. It hadn't been announced yet, but I never had a doubt whether we'd be getting a Season 5

>at the end of the finale
>think they did something smart and went for a total restart of the series to give it more of a mystery survival theme rather than politics game of thrones theme
>think it's just going to be season 1 again but better

>new bad guys come down in a fucking prison ship

god dammit


when the ship came down in the end i was half expecting bellamy to come on the radio and say "clarke? are you there? we're all set to come down now"

>new bad guys

um that's prejudiced? They've served their time, they deserve to be given as much chance as anyone. The 100 were prisoners once too, please be more open-minded.

>clarke throws the tablet away in anger thinking she has fucked it all up
>nothing to tell her the ark is online
>6 years later she asks bellamy why they havent come down yet

did i miss something here

I was hoping he wouldn't, would have been very coincidental.


She just had faith. With the bunker silent if the people on the ring were dead she didn't really have a reason to live.

Around grounders, safety off.

Finn was right.

That's actually pretty good. Which means it probably wont happen.

I think that Eliza (and a couple of the top billed in the cast) has a 5 year contract, so season 5 is probably the last. They have to end it someway... unless the CW continues to produce ratings so shitty, that T100 may survive, but I really doubt that.

Chances of a version of ALIE being alive on the ring?

Also: chances of based Kane being alive somewhere?


alie's main server was on the ring. that's where she was deleted

He's credited for the first episode of season 5 but that could easily be a flashback or just a "This is how Kane died" scene.

The grounders were probably genocided in the bunker anyway when they realized the door was blocked and food was running out

It wasn't breathable for 5 years, no?

>but it would've been fucked for longer

Yeah probably, this is a dumb show

>It wasn't breathable for 5 years, no?
Clarke survived in the open, her radiation proof blood doesn't make her not need air. She's also been living in a grove of trees a few square miles that's one of the few areas the firestorm bypassed (due to wind/mountain coverage?)

>Clarke is scissoring a seven year old girl

>look at Alie's IMDB page

>the only project after The 100 is Power Rangers as one of the Rangers' fucking mom

sad t b h

Yeah, you're right

She played the lesbian armpit vampire on The L Word, she has nothing to prove after a career pinnacle like that

Jaha will be the leader when they open.

She's too hot to be playing even a hot mom desu

So who was spacecraft?

Real criminals who were sent to work to a mining colony as prisoners. Legit bad guys who think they now own the planet according to interviews.

It's been over 100 years. Nobody on that ship could possibly be the people who were originally imprisoned

cryo sleep

Doesn't exist. If it did then grounders wouldn't even exist, neither would anybody past gen 1 of the ark

>no reason to live
>has a night bloli to raise

Fucking Australians.

What is an armpit vampire?

then they are the children of the prisoners fueled by hate for the people that send their parents away to work like slaves
also private corporation with new unapproved technology

The fuck is this? Dinotopia?

>ywn party with drunk Eliza and sneak a boob grab.

why even live + the guy here was on T100 - who that?


Wrong. Series finale will have the Flash running to this alternate future from when Firestorm exploded causing a nuclear holocaust, then the 100 cast will become capeshits

Where were you when based Echo did nothing wrong?

She did something very wrong.

She failed to kill Octavia

This is true.

This show in-universe assumes that the entire washington dc area would be completely overtaken by primordial rain forests within barely 100 years, the entire setting is riddled with plotholes and goofy mishaps like these

Just suspend that disbelief and appreciate dat wild clarke titty ride pal

>the entire washington dc area would be completely overtaken by primordial rain forests within barely 100 years
It would

Plants take off like motherfuckers when there are no people around to constantly beat them back

She can't make babbys with Bellamy if she kills Octavia.

Even in the future, vents will have blowing bits of string to let you know they are working.

>Doesn't exist
Why do you think that?

In space it's very important to know when your vents are working

Question: if there was no air on the ring until they plugged in the machine why didn't they boil and hemorrhage to death? What was it pressurised with?

>Question: if there was no air on the ring until they plugged in the machine why didn't they boil and hemorrhage to death? What was it pressurised with?

It was pressurized with the same sort of air that is breathable 5 years after a terrible pyroclastic event that destroys the pyramids.

>be on earth for 100 years
>make an entirely new language for no practical reason whatsoever
>still speak english
This should've been your first hint to suspend your disbelief in the show

Did anyone else also want to see them get the algae machine up and running? That would have been more exciting than ten minutes of climbing a tower.

Clark needs to lose few pounds anyways

>find algae machine
>plug it in
>wait two months for it to make algae


>wait two months for it to make algae
Plus pull at least 480 MRE from out their asses.

>algae machine

>The machine was reproduced by George who was an engineer, who followed the directions given in the The Ancient of Days and he claimed it created a food source of algae. This explains how the Israelis survived their forty year journey in the Sinai Desert. It is said by Sassoon and Dale that a nuclear reactor used to power the manna machine was stored within the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark was supposed to have powered the machine to run continuously, producing manna for six days and on the seventh day the machine would be taken apart for cleaning so it could run the following week. This is where the Sabbath, the holy day of rest, is thought to have originated

Daily reminder that Octavia is the fucking WORST

also here's the official non meme tier rankings

Clarke > Ontari > Echo > Lexa > Raven > Clarke's Mom > Lobsterfu > Waspfu > Finn's Ashes > Octavia

He's trying to say that IF the technology existed, Mount Weather and the original stations would have slept for a brasillian years.

But just because the tech exists doesn't mean they had access to it.

The language was so Mt. Norad couldn't listen in on their shit.

>But just because the tech exists doesn't mean they had access to it.
Such bleeding edge tech would surely be on space stations and not on prison colonies.

Where Harper bitch nigga.

What use could it have in a space station?

Australia II would have been a good place to test it. Because those convicts were basically already dead anyway.

Okay but what are the rankings for the males? Who are the Hundrandfus

Males can't be waifus.

but muh grounder songs and kulture

the word is husbando