
Trump making BC304's real WHEN?

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Trump would have closed the Stargate the moment he had the chance.

Or accidentally boast about the Stargate program in public.

>Trump would have closed the Stargate the moment he had the chance.

Trump is Kinsey?


>Trump state of the union address 2017
>Eyes glow

What do?


dude would have done both really. closed the stargate, blabbed to the russians, then while fox news and the white house are running around trying to spin and hide shit trump just tweets the biggest national secret while republitards continue to say that trump can do no wrong

I skip Lifeboat (SG-1, S07E06) and The Shrine (SGA, S05E06), does anyone else?

>mfw the end of The Fifth Race episode is based on real life events

More like go on live tv, disclose the Stargate program then say he's going to conquer the Goauld by 2019

>tfw someone wants to watch something that ISN'T Stargate

Why is this show so great bros?

>mfw no Asgard gf

Are there even Asgard woman in Stargate?
Heimdall's voice was womanish, but he is a man.

There is one Asgard woman in the Stargate Atlantis Legacy bookseries, but I doubt there are any in the shows

Heimdall was female.

In the Norse Mythology Heimdall is a male.
In the show stargate wikia says that his gender is asexual

The wiki says "Asexual (female personality)",
that's as close to female as an Asgard is gonna get.

>mfw no Asgard (female personality) gf

>tfw you will never have sweet passionate conversations about cloning with Heimdall


pic related

the Furlings

So what happens to the Asgaard during the Ori arc?

They kill themselves.

In Unending, the final episode of SG-1. That doesn't explain where they were in the rest of Season 9 and 10.

>Everybody is a white male
>technologically superior to basically everyone
>fighting against unlimited flow of things whose main purpose it to reproduce and conquer
>they kill themselves

What did Hollywood meant by this?

They were helping out in Atlantis

I don't remember any Asgard in Atlantis, other than the Pegasus Asgard who didn't show up until Season 5, after the Ori were destroyed in Ark of Truth and after the last Baal clone was killed in Continuum, both of which were after SG-1 was over.

Where were they?

Why the fuck would they keep hanging out with Humans, they were doing their own shit hell they were probably making sure the replicators were fully dead.

They were probably trying hard as fuck to cure their genetic degeneration they imposed on themselves.

>mfw no greasy assed Goa'uld gf

>Vala in that basic ass space dominatrix outfit from her earliest appearances
>Not Qetesh in that titty squeezing cleavage popping outfit from Continuum

We're the Fifth Race, we found the genesis of the Replicators, we wiped them out in our own galaxy in one move, we were saving their little gray butts left and right, they were naming ships after our guys, why wouldn't they be hanging out with the cool kids in the universe and trying to figure out how to fix clone degeneration with the best possible allies who the Asgard repetitively say are the closest genetic relatives to their original forms pre-cloning?

We could have saved them from having to an hero.

The obvious answer is they would have been too powerful. Just getting a pair of their guns on the Daedalus meant they could go 1 vs 2 against Hive Ships, imagine if they had the backing of the Asgard fleet? Hell, just passing out Auto-Dialers that could power and dial a gate without a vortex would be useful as shit and would have busted Michael's ass so hard since he fucked with the DHD so often.


There's one on the daedalus in seasons 2 and 3.

>43 yo
>3 kids

I loved every scene with baal and qetesh in continuum.

Continuum overall was great unlike arc of truth.

Everything with Ba'al is great.

Even Ori episodes were great when Ba'al was in it.

I completely forgot about Hermiod, he was great.

But outside of one liaison, who was usually in Pegasus, where were the Asgard during the Ori?

Found the hillary voter

It's too bad the plot where Ba'al put one of his clone's in Adria went nowhere. It would have been funny seeing Morena Baccarin try to spout lines written for Cliff Simon's character.

watching Stargate SG-1 - 10x20 - Unending now


Is it not one of the most depressing episodes of any TV show you've ever watched?

kree obviously

Carter with long hair is hotter than ever. And this is after her many miscarriages and one kid

>many miscarriages

she had 8, so over many years

Yeah but the only time she seemed pregnant was at the start of season 9.


She said in s7 she saw how the heavy schedule of SG would mean it would be hard for her to get a kid

but it looks like Martouf to care of this.




moving to Stargate Continuum 2008


Nope, I love those episodes.

I skip any episode which is not above 2 stars

rodny get ipad



Vala is a super bitch as usual

>It's a renaissance fair episode


so which is which?
blacks - jaffas
whites - tauri
asian - asgards
jews - gouaulds or alterans or ancients/ori?

gib more Stargate pls

Any new Stargate will not be the kind of Stargate you want.

That time is over.

I finished all SG1. I wonder if I start over.

same. still can watch sga s2 and sgu s1 first half


>it's a wincest episode

I have the hair as this guy

Okay so decided to watch videos of panels about SG

I do not like those in general, because they show that the characters and the actors are different, which makes the show odds afterwards.

watching this one

>they show that the characters and the actors are different, which makes the show odds afterwards

if one were to be of the autistical persuasion, mayhaps.

This episode was never beaten


Just started season 9

I truly, truly HATE Vala and was so fucking cheeful when she died, only to find out she actually didn't

For Yu

Dr. Jackson, I'm SGC

the schedule of sg1

Baal goes to panels too

>Couldn't even go one post without trump being mentioned
this board is doomed