Rewatching FWWM rn. Sheryl Lee's is GOAT as fuck. The best performance of the entire series

Rewatching FWWM rn. Sheryl Lee's is GOAT as fuck. The best performance of the entire series

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Laura Palmer was a stupid bitch and that movie did nothing to change my mind

NAH, all she does is bug her eyes out, cry, and scream.

its way over the top. no subtlety at all. she is better than he main cast of Lost Highway though.


She was so fucking cute, and intelligent too.
Need a gf that looks like that lads.


In what way? No one in the show has demonstrated the ability to defeat or exorcise the spirits.

The only way to get them to leave a person alone was through drugs and not sleeping. As MIKE's host also did.

a cute

>My qt 90's Moria Kelly waifu looks like shit now.

Why didn't you re-cast her lynch

Is that Donna behind her? She looks a bit off.

What did he mean by that?

i want crazy laura to eat my ass desu lads

That's Moira Kelly

She got replaced since Lara Flynn Boyle was acting like an entitled cunt

>your laura left a long time ago

Go on...

This. You can feel sorry for her character, but you start to lose sympathy when she won't stop laughing about her boyfriend killing someone.

She used to be fine, now she just a fine mess.

I love her smile but it's like inhuman. Why can't she curl her lips up? Humans curl there lips up when they smile

She was the prettiest out of all the Twin Peaks girls.

Why do you want to see this JUSTified mess?



Why couldn't the whole movie just follow Keifer and what's-his-face.


>frequently high on cocaine
>hasn't slept properly in years

what a stupid post.
It was supposed to show her sanity falling apart from the measures she's taking to ignore BOB.

This show has the best cuties

Yes Laura was so sweet, I loved when she gave James the finger when he was concerned for her.
Are you pulling the sleep thing out of your ass? She wasn't raped everyday.

Where's Annie?

Why do they all fall for the botox meme?

I loved the whole thing but the first 30 minutes was goat as fuck.

Ask Lynch why he didn't bring her back.

Since when can you never have a nights sleep if something traumatic has happened to you? You're pulling info out of your ass and writing fanfiction.



Read the books

The only one who hasn't aged like shit

The scene where she watches Leland walk out of the house and realizes what's going on solidified it as the second best performance I've ever seen

Why the fuck would I?

She was plagued by visions of BOB before the age of 12, and being frequently raped since that age.

Because you're a moron.

Are they using the new FWWM Donna actress in season three at all or is Donna as a character just not showing up at all?

So you're saying I have to read a book written 25 years later to see why Laura wasn't as much of a bitch as she first appeared?

You took your time to come and post arguments here, which you know nothing about - when told to research your answer is whey would I?

Now do you realize youre an idiot?

Yes, that's how finding out more about a fictional universe works.

Only after watching the sequel movie to the widely unpopular second season which goes into extreme detail to show you what you had already heard about

No unfortunately,

The movie at least gives you half an hour of completely new content.
I can't believe people here are defending reading a book written years later to fix something the writer/director didn't get right in the first place.
Do you think we shouldn't know all we need to know about a TV show from the TV show? And the same with movies?

Kyle looks like pure sex these days.

she was awful in the how anyway

You shouldn't, the frost book is just a bunch of alien conspiracy shit and the laura diary book is just some non-canon schlock written by a literal who

No, I wanted to know why she is described as an entitled cunt.

Why the fuck would you immediately want to know everything about a mystery show.

Anyways, he only filled in the gaps to set up later plots with BOB. S2 getting fucked messed everything around though.

>Why the fuck would you immediately want to know everything about a mystery show.
Literally no one is asking for this