/tpg/ Twin Peaks General

Non retarded Lucy Edition



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First for Mr. Jackpot.


well, she was little retarded already in Missing Pieces

Does anyone else think it's weird that Dougie had a wife and kid?


Yes. That kid is basically Cooper's son.

I think it's weird that anyone has a wife and a kid.

Is he the billionaire?

and we do not know if he was biologically the dad

Anyone got the episode description for #5?

it's his wife's kid

And Andy probably rubbed off on her after 25 years together with him.

>Is it the future...
>...Or is it past?

We do it because it is expected of us.

No. Dougie has lived there for at most 25 years.

Kid looks pretty brown to be Coop's son. I'm not screaming cuck hear, I think Sonny Jim is a kid of the wife's from a previous marriage.



Lucy was silly but kinda smart in the Original run, now she's just straight up retarded and it doesn't work

I think it's safe to say Andy fucked her silly. Can't hold it against him, we all would.

there might be hope for the cumskin, coldbros after all.

>This, is what I'm looking for.

There is no "the."

wow, white people watch Twin Peaks, what a find

>tfw born just in time to be ruled by the Judeo-Iranian-Aryan technocracy

I agree, she's irritating now. Kudos to the actress for losing all that weight, but her face looks like it's about to melt at any moment and it's difficult to tell what emotions she's supposed to be expressing.

funland here, I was surprised to see twin peaks ads at bus stops

Is that the evolution of the arm?

Episode 5
Another Cooper is presented, he lives in LA is the a copy of the HOBO from Mulholand Drive (or we may think he is)
But he is in fact a shapeshiter, that only can change once a day, but never change sex
James struggles to drive a motocycle again and have flahsbacks to his accident, that was in fact cause by Wally.
We see 3 ladies from behind and we don't know if is Audrey or Donna.
Tammy finds Phillip's Hawaiian shirt and it smells of creamed corn
The Singer Jewel sings a song on the Road House
(Gordon, Bad Cooper and Dougie not featured)

Naomi and Sonny Jim are Bob creations too

or Phillip's

>Shelly was the Queen
>Coop was the King
Who or what is the Ace?


I think the owl is more like an easter egg but maybe you're right.

Nah, they're the Tremonds

No, Dougie has just lived in Vegas for long enough to get a partner. He's been there for at most 25 years, whenever BOB figured out he'd need a surrogate.

I expected Japan to be higher

>those map proportions

What did Google mean by this?

holy smokes


I think we have Bad and Good guys teams working to harvest the Lodges' power
I think something knew that BOB would not go back easily and had his own agenda and Coop could not return without having to swap with a surrogate.

How would you write a Sam Hyde cameo

The Mercator projection is the most patrician way to look at earth

They're the Tremonds. Not actually his kids.

Fuck off with this shit already

She was never smart you twonk.

She's exactly the same.


That look like an electric tree with a weird head to you?

>alt-right actors in my Twin Peaks?

Stupid homeless man farting on the bus, Wally is there and briefly talks about his stinky Dharma.

Did the coffee cure cooper at the end of episode 4? Is back to his normal self as coffee is like anti creamed corn/garmonbozia?

>The man behind the mask is
>looking for the book with the
>pages torn out. He is going
>toward the hiding place.

How long until episode 5?

I'm not saying she was Einstein but certainly never as retarded as the new season

The good guys like Briggs were interested in the white lodge, not the black one. The bad guys like Earle were trying to harness the black lodge. BOB knew he had to go back whether he liked it or not, but he was planning on jumping to Dougie to avoid it. The ring MIKE slipped on Dougie prevented this, pulling both of them into the black lodge at the same time, causing the vomiting. BOB knew what was going on and held out for long enough to let Dougie get pulled in, but the experience had similar effects on him as Coop going through the socket.

Obviously as the Jhonniey

Not really. It was intended for nautic purposes. That tiny Africa just looks wrong.

One week, one day

nah mate he's gonna stay retarded for a lot of time

That's actually Mark Frost.

>The ring MIKE slipped on Dougie prevented this,
Mike didn't even know about Dougie.
It's much more likely that it was Bob's ring not Mike's.

27 years

You don't recall much of Season 1.

obligatory West Wing clip:

Why would BOB put a ring on his own surrogate and prevent himself from possessing it?
MIKE knew about Dougie for long enough to stop BOB. That was his counterplan but it somewhat backfired, because BOB still evaded the lodge.

Did you not notice the black prostitute or something?

Sven reporting in, the thing is streaming on HBO now here and theres ads on bus stops and trailers on TV, everyone fucking watched it here when it aired originally

The ring doesnt stop people from being possesed by bob. Also dopplecoop isnt bob. He's dopplecoop.

You assume the ring is to prevent possessions due to a bad interpretation of FWWM.

A better theory is that both Bob and Mike each have their own ring, readying a body for possession and at the same time locking out the other spirits from possessing it.

/tpg/ is already dead after only six days. What a joke of a series and fanbase LOL

check out your countrymen talking about the show


The ring doesnt stop people from being possesed by bob.
What does it do, then?
>Also dopplecoop isnt bob. He's dopplecoop.
You should probably watch the last scene of season two again. Also isn't the hair and fashion choice a dead giveaway?

Yeah his wife never noticed that it's not her kid but from some hooker...

Who said she didn't notice?

What woman that looks like Naomi Watts would raise the child that his useless fatso husband made with a black hooker?

Except we've only ever seen one ring, and there's only one ring sized hole in the fornica table.
It isn't a bad interpretation. It's an observation of facts.

The main difference is in Lynch's direction. He makes Andy and Lucy into grotesque idiots. In the rest of the show they're basically sympathetic characters that serve as comic relief.


>we've only ever seen one ring,
...or two rings that look the same

>It's an observation of facts.
An "observation of facts" that completely ignores two key scene.

Naomi isn't that hot

Is it conservatards that think David Lynch is in a death cult that are documenting all their exploits through a tv-show?


did all 4 episodes stream? and is HBO also the cable channel airing it or just streaming it?

i find the foreign love of lynch very heartwarming.

She's a qt though.

>...or two rings that look the same
Lol. Keep going down that rabbit hole, it leaves less idiots in the way of the ones who aren't making assumptions.

Laura Dern is fucking hot

Don't get triggered dude, they both love the show and one of the guys is a Lynch expert

She shouts "1-1-9" a few times.

Those numbers have any relevance?

On my second watch right now of this pure kino. Picking out confusing pieces of the puzzle to bring into discussion.

Honestly the comfiest threads on Sup Forums in years.

Faceblind autist.

I'm not triggered, just to tired to watch the clip.

9/11 is a lodge job

No, Philip Jeffries is

911 backwards. I guess taking hard drugs turns you into a backward speaking freak like the lodge residents.

Yes, take the Dern-pill.

People have said it might be 911 backwards since Coop keeps saying to call for help.

I thought it looked cheap and was the worst CG/effects thing in all of TP so far.

Claiming as waifu.

You haven't even been able to explain the contradictions of your theory but assume your theory is correct for inexplicable reason.

No ______ is

Chester Desmond
Carl from Trailerpark

>Honestly the comfiest threads on Sup Forums in years.
You can say it how it is.
The only good general since LOST ended.

Are you getting more confused and talking about yourself? I only observe the facts. You're the one jumping to conclusions like multiple rings.

>tfw watching season 2 and skipping every scene that doesnt have Cooper or the police involved
Its pretty good this way