You Don't Put Pineapple on a Fuking Pizza!

>You Don't Put Pineapple on a Fuking Pizza!

He was only kidding right?
I mean he's a top chef he can't be that retarded.

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Of course you put pineapple on pizza

He's right.

What the fuck is his problem???

>putting sweet fruit on a savory pizza

you absolutely do not put pineapple on a fucking pizza

saw the thumbnail and wondered when Matthew Perry became a top chef


>he hasn't had mango con chile

what a pitiful man

It's called flavor contrast, fucking pleb.

This fucking pleb right here who don't know about about prosciutto e melone

He was 100% right about the OG 'za, but Hawaiian pizza is delicious when they don't dry the shit out of the pineapple

>all dat tajin tho

>he hasn't had ice cream con chile



What does Chef Ramsey think of having two scoops of ice cream?

How's her boipussy?

Would Ramsey be cool with putting chips on your sandwich?


I'm pretty sure that will give you diarrhea.

fruit and savory shit should not mix

i don't give a fuck that it became acceptable

i don't even like grapes in my spaghetti i dont know how the fuck that became a 'thing'

I like to put crackers in my sandwich. Shit's good.

is this what poverty tastes like?

He's fucking right. Pineapple pizza is the dumbest thing ever.

I mean I agree somewhat. I'd rather have pizza then have pineapple separately for dessert.

pretty sure they gave 18th century sailors better food to prevent scurvy

I bet you put watermelon into your szechuan hot pot you douchebag.


Not one of you stupid fucking assholes has watched his ultimate cookery course. Because he'll put anything in a dish if it tastes good.

You dull bastards know nothing of this Michelin starred chef.

"Flavor contrast" are buzzwords for faggots that think adding ketchup to waffles is some mark of culinary excellence, when all it is is coming up short at pantry scavenging and throwing bullshit into a dish and hoping it comes out edible. Flavors are supposed to COMPLEMENT, not CONTRAST, you fucking Chef Boyardee child.

You're the exact human garbage he's trying to annihilate from the UK. Stupid people who don't understand food. You're the colour blind dipshits of food.

I know you're an idiot, but look at the flavours he puts together.

Watch the entire series.

Pineapple pizza is the ultimate redpill, plebs can't understand it

sweet and savory are very common in fine dining only a literal try hard pleb that's never gone to a real restaurant would disagree.

literally worse than hitler

i do not like pineapple on pizza and if you like it you are Sup Forums

It's like fucking fake chinese food doesn't exist. These fucking people must live in Des Moines or some other garbage white shithole.

Have you seen his menu choices?
Incredibly old-fashioned.

Gordon isn't aware that he's 20 years too old to have that haircut is he?

He's parroting the already existing meme of bashing pineapple on pizza to be a funny guy. Irl he doesn't care and understands that they make sense in terms of taste mix.

its tart and a bit sweet, like a ripe tomato, yet people have no problems putting tomatoes on pizza

pineapple is great because the tartness balances out the fattiness of the meats and cheese, and the sweetness balances out the saltiness

Gordon is great chef but he's classically trained in french cuisine and a traditionalist, people think his opinions matter on everything. They should watch him cook Paella or Pad Thai.

Sup Forums has become a holdout shithole of poverty whites, what are you disgusting people trying to accomplish? You just seem so worthless to society.

>tonight on Hotel Hell...

he probably is, just doubt he cares. when you're world famous and worth a third of a billion dollars, you can do anything

Pineapples on the za is pure perfect za kino


>tfw they didn't show his ass on season 2

stop saying 'kino' you dumb cunt. Just don't. It's valid but you invalidate yourself by saying kino like a stupid asshole.


shut up, nerd.

the za was primo küche