ITT: favourite scenes

post some of your favourite scenes from any movie or tv show and explain why you like it.

this is my pick:

this ending is one of the most omnious scenes i think portrayed in film; the absolutely random events leading up to the deaths of 26 million people allows you to arrive at only one conclusion and that is our lives are ultimately out of our control. the music is especially fitting. cliff martinez knew exactly what music the film needed and this particular track in the end sequence sets the tone perfectly.

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I agree. Good thread, OP.

>chef not washing his hands after dealing with meat
>chef wiping his hands on his apron rather than a rag when he's about to go meet with people

thats china for you

>he washes his hands after cutting meat

kek what a pussy

Lesson: don't go to any non-white countries

best part of the movie, honestly

I hate threads like this because my mind always goes fucking blank or I can only recall the most typical shit like "the tears in the rain scene from Blade Runner".

gary oldman is fucking good in this scene

holy fuck this happens to me all the time.

when it comes the time to actually think of 'favorite x' i draw a blank and shoot towards the nearest obvious fucking answer.


same here. i watched contagion recently and it was still fresh in my mind so i figured i make a thread about it.

Was watching this during the weekend:

Amazing Dialogue
Emphasis on the ineptness of the Jewelers

"Yeah Tyrone, what have you done?"

Snatch is a fucking excellent exception where 90% of its dialogue doesn't advance the plot or do anything to develop the characters and yet it's still so thoroughly entertaining. It's just that well written.

You guys have never worked in a kitchen before have you?

nope. is this a common occurrence of chefs not washing their hands?

common occurrence of people not being as clean or proper as you would expect

"Employees must wash hands"

Pretty gross that you need to remind people that work with food that they need to wash their hands after using the bathroom right? Like its been enough of an issue enough times that its almost a standard to have that printed somewhere in the bathrooms

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the opening scene, it's haunting, whole apes plot aside and of course not being as realistic as Contagion it's still terrifying to think human civilization could actually end so easily.

true, i guess it would be prevalent in such a setting. people would tend to get complacent and lazy

i agree, this was a really great intro and it felt very grounded and realistic as well.

contagion was a fucking horrible movie

what didn't you like about it?

Not that dude but visually I disliked the heavy blues and greys and yellows and puke greens. It's everything that's wrong with modern cinema.

But "fucking horrible" is going much too far. I just think it's inherently flawed.

Guarantee that dude's """"""""""""""""""critique"""""""""""""""" is just


Or any sort of element with "shit" thrown after it.

the fire scene with the police station scene really got me

>millions of chinks dying is bad

The one shot scenes from Children of Men like the car chase and the battle between the army and rebels while Theo searches for Kee. Beyond being impressive on a camera-work perspective, it was also how tense they were, and the ending of the battle when everyone gets a holy experience listening to the baby's cries and pauses the battle was pure kino.

i always remember that kino

I thought the photography gave the film a serious clincal tone. It dealt heavily with the medical and science of things and the the visuals complemented that and helped to convey that. I also felt like it was supposed to indicate a sense of detachment to purport the sense of social isolation and distrust among the public and ultimately dealing with an existential threat like a virus.

One of my favourite movies. You don't see craftsmanship like that in post 2010 movies. Children of men is always an immersive and exhilarating experience.

I like this scene because its sort of like the cliche big speech at the end of a long war story with talk of brotherhood and bravery and such. Except instead of it being delivered by a fellow soldier its delivered by the German general and even though they were enemies just a short while ago, everything the general is as meaningful to the men of easy company as it is to the german troops.

Works best in the context of the movie of course, but you could watch it on mute and still enjoy it. Gordon Willis is the man.

Vienna sewers in The Third Man. All of The Third Man honestly, they literally filmed a movie about the moral rot a desperate situation can force/enable in humans in the ruins of a great city destroyed by the most catastrophic conflict in human history. Absolutely singular.

And that one scene in Singin' in the Rain with the girl with the really long scarf blowing in the wind. So much made from so little.

Oh, and I just watched Blade Runner: The Final Cut, so to pick just one, probably the scene where Deckard tells Rachel all her memories are lies. Fucking brutal. It doesn't really stand out visually like these others but that's only because the movie's gorgeous all the way through. Futuristic Frank Lloyd Wright apartment, the costumes, the lighting, fuck yes.

Flight of the Valkyries from Apocalypse Now of course, nothing like it in cinema.

Chinatown ending, Polanski isn't flashy but he's damn good.

And the ending of Once Upon A Time in the West. Sad Claudia Cardinale and probably the prettiest movie music ever recorded.

That's what's coming to mind, anyway



I have always loved this scene. I think both actors are absolutely phenomenal but the back and forth is so believable and memorable. The way Faye Dunaway goes to the kitchen and tries to pour a cup of tea but she can't keep the dish from clattering against the cup is one of my favorite emotional moments in any movie and then the way she just tears into him and they just start going at each other is great, before finally Max lays down the gauntlet and shows this shrill bitch for who she really is

Honestly, it's insane that places like India, China, Indonesia and Africa haven't already succumbed to a new sort of disease. What we regard as common sense is non-existent over there.

I will never forget being in Indonesia, the toilet in my hotel overflowed and this cleaner just came in barefoot, standing in sewage from all connected rooms and wiped with a mop that I'm sure she used on the kitchen floor later that day. We left the hotel and returned to Singapore the same day, there was little charm among those animals. I'm well traveled because of my job, and I'm always glad to return to Europe or stay in America. Traveling the world will make you a racist, because you see how these people exist.

>never heard of congestive heart failure before this movie
>walk out, check phone, 10 missed calls from my dad
>call my dad back
>he said my grandmother was just hospitalized with congestive heart failure and I could have seen her if I kept my phone on
Oh well, the movie was probably more entertaining anyway

so many scenes from this series

oh I forgot to mention she died in the hospital

sorry to hear that user

It's cool, she was 94 anyway and was riddled with dementia and paranoid schizophrenia. It was kind of a relief

Did you get any autism bucks?

Nah, I didn't get shit, it all went to my grandfather

forgot to explain, its the lighting

That film has a handfull of great character-driven scenes, but the music and lighting there is top knotch.

looking back over these and five of them prominently feature very sad women. the other two are a musical and a war movie. guess that's just the mood I'm in.

I like how it doesnt waste any time but you still see his whole travel.
Also, funny mobie hehe.

Very clever visual storytelling. Edgar wright is a smart director

Lawrence was a scumbag and is responsible for all the bullshit that the middle-east is going through now.