ITT: Meme actors

ITT: Meme actors

all of them except klaus kinski

Most obvious one


Define meme in this context.

You have 1 minute.

An actor and/or actress whom is literally r e d d i t. A living Snoo, if you will.

I really hope she doesn't have success later on. She is such a little bitch.


Your favourite actor is a meme actor

Here's mine

What a qt 3.14

Gimmicky, lacking in substance, a one trick pony

I liked him in Luther.

Well the first few seasons anyway.

I honestly don't understand why she is revered as such a great actor. She is okay I guess? Can someone suggest a movie she's been in that might change my mind?

He was great in Parks and he's a down to Earth guy irl. Can't blame him for taking the money from doing shitty super hero movies.



Slit your fucking wrists fags

Millie has pretty lips


in what ways

Every single way user. Just can't stand the short hair


I think she was good in Doubt

Gosling, Leo, Jake, Amy Adams, Stone, Brie

Same here, kind of. I don't like it when she has it curly.

XXI-century Carrie Fisher I mean she'd turn into depraved buttslut and cokehead



She did that long before 2000

>Millie Bobby Brown
>She did that long before 2000
>born in 2004

u retard

I thought you were talking about 21st Century Carrie Fischer (as in Carrie Fischer after 2000) being a meme actress

His name was Seth Rich

he's obviously talking about Carrie Fisher kek

meme extreme, team



Postcards from the Edge

She's unironically really, really good. She runs her mouth off about politics and that's annoying, but to say that she's not extremely good at her job is objectively false.

i hope so, if that means she'll be forced to do porn at age 18, or as soon as she has the current legal age wherever she resides.

>legal age wherever she resides.

Pretty sure the age is 18 for porn basically everywhere.

The only movie I've seen her in is Death Becomes Her

Here's another "GREAT ACTOR" whose extraordinary acting skills revolve around playing a frowning wop for the last 3 to 4 decades.

what a shame. so many potential porn-kinos lost in time.

hahahaah what the fuck is this post even

Use your words, user.

rewatch cape fear.

Devils Wears Prada

totally not a gay movie at all. I mean its not the kind of movie you watch after jerking it to dick reaction clips on pornhub. thats totally gay.

literallty the only two movies ive seen that shes been in were AI artificial intelligence and the ant bully

Have you seen that annoying little cunt in interviews and shit? And she basically made fun of frog for the kiss on Stranger Things.

>And she basically made fun of frog for the kiss on Stranger Things.

That ungrateful cow.

This. She has no idea how lucky she is. I'd kill a lot of people to kiss that frog. A lot of people.

She likes older men.
De gustibus non est disputandum

That frog is lucky to get to kiss a goddess

How come he didn't just use his long sticky tongue instead of leaning forward like a fucking NEEEEEEEERD?

t. wasn't even his first kiss

Yeah, but it was Millie's. That poor girl had her first kiss wasted on an amphibian.

I'm also curious what girl willingly kissed that kid without money involved

I will kill you and your entire family.

you'd be doing me a favor in all honesty

Aw. Sad. I hope life gets better for you.

Every time i see this smiling face it gets better

>Le Genderless Screeching Muppet

Why do 98% of SJWs fit this description? How does an entire army of people manage to have zero discernible bone structure?

tapwater is a hell of a drug

I hate her guts as a person but she is objectively a great actress. Probably one of the best females performers. She gets autistically absorbed into any role she does like a Jewish golem being fed a new personality. She is also quick with picking up accents in a short time.

Fuck I am so sick of her political bullshit though, I miss when actors kept their politics private.


>thought this was a millie thread
>people just posting a bunch of old geezers

god this board has gone to shit

Did someone say Millie thread?

is this real?

because no one wants to fuck them

post those lewd muffs

Millie doesn't have lewds, shes an innocent angel




Aaaaahh! Spoiler that shit!



She is sooooo dyke.

ready for BBC

I wonder how she feels about being replaced as the meme spanish actress of the month by the girl in logan

>guy looks like a girl, girl looks like a guy


So, like, anything prior to John Wilkes Booth?

>American Television

they are fucked up

So shes posted 1 or 2 suggestive photos. She's 13, these are very tame for what most 13 year olds post

Doubt (2008)

The only memory I can access of one of her performances actually being good

I'm not judging. I think she looks gorgeous in those pics.

Great legs

She is gonna become a really beautiful women

>it's bad because it's popular
Is this what you mean?

Do you know what you mean?

why does she love showing off her thighs so much bros

At the age of 13, i watched my first porn video, bro.

cause they're a great quality of hers


She probably knows about sex and all that shit, that doesn't mean shes doing it. She's a young kid exploring herself, nothing wrong with that

She's 13. Holy shit, fuck off

I am not a stuck up sexless husk living in an amish commune that thinks sex should be punishable by flogging, despite how you'd like to use that vacuous label to nullify anyone that objects to you. You're just being a greasy, neckbearded creep

Let the 13 year TV star post a photo of herself in shorts on Instagram without having to worry about some fat aspbergers-ridden canadian pedophile stroking their dick to it

He's a meme actor, but he's the best meme actor

i thought she was great in something something august county

her politics is retarded, but she is a good actor

I masturbated at the age of 13 tho, user.

My sister was 9 when she saw her first penis.

>fat aspbergers-ridden canadian pedophile
That's...fairly specific.

i jerked it when i was 12, whats your point? Everyone starts doing that shit at different times

Also i don't want to hear about how you showed your 9 year old sister your dick