Daddy's home!

Daddy's home!

Back in the bigly.

*shoves you out of the way*


Well that sounded Stalinesque. Have fun burgers.

>le doom and gloom false equivalency
lol, you know everyone is just laughing at you at this point right?

>#Fakenews is the enemy!
I'm feeling like he's gearing up for a classic attack of the 1st amendment

Fake Trump

It's true, you know. Read every article about Trump and then cross out any that doesn't provide a name to the source. Bing bang boom 90% gone.

>made a tree and got out of Europe
Jesus. President Biff was a mistake

Didn't the leaks have actual information on the bombers though? I'm not really following this, so not caught up here.

couldn't even walk half a mile with the rest of the g7 players

he's going to stroke out before his term ends

when is the donald going to prove that obama spied on him

Do you still vehemently defend Mr.T in everything he does, Milo?

Its funny seeing the community here turn on him and act like they never liked him and it was just r/the_donald all along.

>inb4 le Sup Forums is not one person
Bull shit you know who you are

I'm pretty sure the #fakenews people are communists.

>the community
you do know that people are literally being paid to post here and pretend like 'le original oldfag 4channers' are turning against Drumpf xD right?

No one is turning on him though, nice try shillblue

based Trump I'm jealous of you burguers


So which of his promises will he be able to keep?

He caught it and deleted it and reposted it without the typo
But yes, the autistic screeching over a typo has begun, because no one in history has made a typo except for Gronald Grompf

Disinformation is a hidden truth

>using words you saw on Sup Forums

Git out

i can't wait for this retard to be impeached

he's been nothing but trouble

Like how the fuck do you become more corrupt than Nixon... it's scary

After he proves he really won the popular vote, but before he proves he inauguration crowd was bigger.

based Trump is back baby

Can't wait until he imprisons some of these fake news propagandist with his new FBI chief.

He is shitpost king


Without a doubt

>people aren't allowed to change their minds

Only literal faggots unironically voted for Hillary so everyone else tried to tell themselves that Trump was vastly superior in order to justify their vote, blame the two party system

Holy shit

Is he the most efficient president there has ever been?

Maybe Washington or Jackson is up there with him.


Trump's first 100 days have been deemed one of the most successful. Will the majority of msm report this? Of course not. Trump has been waging war on them for years. Harvard recently put out a study on Trump media bias in his first 100 days and some agencies were 90+% negative, while things like the stock market have reached and remained at record highs as a result of his work.

>claims to be anti-globalist and wants to pull back on US military engagements abroad
>enters office and does a 180
>promises to end daca and actually has to power to end daca
Eh, what are you going to do?

They rather make up fake news story from "anonymous sources" and rag on his ice cream eating habits than report on how well the economy is doing, how many illegals are being deported and how almost all Trump voters are satisfied with him.

What's ironic is viewership for these liberal propaganda shows has been higher than ever, so he's not only making America great, but their ratings as well.

Literally everyone wins except for CTR shills who have to work overtime.

>people always shit on fox news for being a joke
>fox news was balanced 50/50

I'm just wondering if they're going to attempt to keep up this stamina for four years. The Russia shit is already fizzling out because they've been harping on it for 5 months with breaking news after breaking news and still. have. no. evidence. They're going to crack.

>Whenever you see the words 'sources say' in the fake news media, and they don't mention names....
Does the Donald know how journalism works? You name a source and you'll never have another source as long as you live.

>constantly claims there ia fake news
>there is no fake news
When will this moron get over himself? Everyday he makes the US look like a fuckin laughing stock.

They'll make up a new fake conspiracy

lel almost tired of winning

They kept the Obama birth certifcate thing going for years

Guys, stoping asking for evidence on Russian connections, did you know he had two scoops of ice cream?

>Trump's first 100 days have been deemed one of the most successful.

How many presidential 100 days are you aware of?

>Does the Donald know how journalism works?

Your containment board is that way you ignoramus, and don't forget to take your tin foil hat with you

If you actually try and read that shit most of the either haven't happened, or are totally pointless orders that no one has to follow.
There is no federal hiring freeze, we are not withdrawing from NAFTA, the last 2-3 in the first section only block certain types of lobbying and under specific designations, which leads them wide open to be circumvented.
2nd section is about half non-sensical, half ineffective.
Label China a "currency manipulator" "tell them to stop" This is just arbitrary bullshit. He could never specify what it was they were doing, now they've "stopped?" Ok.
That's just skimming half.

Plus the hypocrisy of saying Obama issuing EO's is stepping on the constituition, but he began his administration writing several, with like 60% of them not doing anything, and most of the rest overturning things Obama did in the last 2-3 months that never went into effect anyway.

Not many, but I trust the opinion of political historians you dope