Did he beat him with the water jugg?

Did he beat him with the water jugg?

He funneled it into his anus

seriously is it for waterboarding torture right?

no, they were up to for a lengthy yet standard interrogation so he made sure everyone was properly hydrated

Okay, I've been seriously wondering this since seeing the movie. Why does Benicio physically crowd and shove his groin in people's face while interrogating? They never show. I assume the jugs are for water boarding, but after his alpha shove, I'm not sure.


There is a torture method where yoy force feed someone a ton of water then beat the shit out of them, supposedly makes the stomach pop like a baloon.

I figured he probably fucked him and had the water jug there to wash the poop off his dick. Maybe i'm just gay like that though.

We could speculate for days, but we will never know

they forced him to drink the water then put pressure on his groin. basically, they're trying to get him to piss his pants.


its just to humiliate and establish dominance.

The jug is for exactly this. You don't know for sure, so you use your imagination and that makes it even more terrifying.

Whatever you imagined happened.

Villeneuve didn't left that visual information out so the "secret underground patrician dissecting club" can put the pieces together to form a singular universal answer.
By amping up the tension and then not showing the actual action every viewer forms his own personal mental picture of what is happening and that way it's much more impactful than just showing someone waterboarding/raping someone.
Also the shot mimmicks the shutting off the video camera and Brolin leaving the room so he doesn't have to watch it.

So whatever you thought happened could and can be true, there is no singular universal answer.


Its strongly implied that he raped him, hence the final shot of the water jug with the top still screwed on, next to a completely dry drain whilst rhythmic grunting is heard in the background

The water jug was used to fool the guards and the other people in the building into believing that it was a simple waterboarding that was going to happen

That would just cause perforation, peritonitis and death. Not exactly great torture.

That scene made me uncomfortable, and I'm not a lil girl

Is this Sicario?


Is Benicio a gay torturer?


This is the best completely forgettable movie I've seen in a long time.

go back to r/movies faggot

according to ancient greeks, its only gay if you're on the receiving side.
ancient greeks were pretty smart

Did the other people know that Benicio usually gay tortures people?

yes, they were aware

They were playing the same mind games that trap lovers play today. Here's the thing though, they pitcher always ends up wanting a taste and suckles on that boidongler.

How progressive of them

im gettin the boner