

Watson was terrible. Also why were there so many niggers in this movies?

What a pile of trash. How did this make so much money again?

how many niggas actually were there? like the beast is a nigger? or other characters?

Other characters.

Emma really is a bad actress. She was good in HP because she grew into that role and the character was written for specifically but everything else she's been on her acting has either been downright bad or mediocre at best.

Very very minor characters in the background with hardly any speaking roles.


They're in a small town in medieval France but like 50% of the villagers are Africans.

Leftists know their stuff. White people can't have a future if you take away their past.

wtf i love emma now

They literally picked the actress with the most snobbish and unlikable face to play Disney's most kindhearted princess.

yeah naw cunt

Emma is into anal sex, she likes getting rough fucked like a fucktoy

fat pussy

I fucking hate her smug duck face so much.

shes a dude

probably because "she" also has a penis and no other holes

how does she poop?

she doesnt. when women from her family turn 50 they explode

Through her mouth, of course. Haven't you heard her speak?

a poo bomb?

no OTHER holes, fuckhead

"Resting bitch face" is the term I've heard and it's pretty apt.

but she was so good in those Harry Potter flicks

wat happened?

>How did this make so much money again?

It didn't.

False profit to whitewash blood money from African diamond trade.

I unironically want to suck on her toes

I don't give a fuck, she's so gorgeous even if she had a dick I'd still pound her ass into oblivion

Feminism corroded her brain.


too small


Nostalgia - parents go because they want their kids to experience what they did - but boomers and many gen x's are not dialed in to see the cultural marxism and if yhey do they r conditioned to virtue signal

;_; jdimsatbh

Her ass is so perfect it makes me want to go full caveman and rip her panties apart, bend her over and fuck her until she's fucking full of my seed, then go for her anus

She just played herself - a sanctimonious, bossy, pompous entitled bitch.

start with the anus, then do the anus again

The black people are thrown in there just to create buzz and controversy, get people to talk about their crappy remake. If Disney was really trying to be progressive, why not a black female as Belle?

>why not a black female as Belle
they did

what movie has this panty in it?

Hahaha subtle man


who is this handsome young man

true story


Fact : if you're attracted to this you're 100% homo.

if you're attracted to anyone in hollywood you're at least bisexual ya dingus.

We need Pierce Brosnan to work on this girl

Lmao look at this, (((her))) ring finger is longer than (((her))) index. This is a male-exclusive trait, you can verify this with everyone you know. Go look at your mom's hand right now.

who's taking the picture

the moon landing machine

>Also why were there so many niggers in this movies?

because it's set in France, they wanted to make it realistic


they'd have to roll her down the red carpet once ol' pierce is done with her

wtf I love femnininsm now

Does that mean step on your face or sit on your face?

>le it's normal for 30% of people in 1700s rural France to be black

Truly her beauty is like a doll.

How hard is it to understand, I misquoted the post but check the pic where you can see Emma's hand then counter-verify with people you know irl.

All women have their index finger longer than the ring finger. Vice versa for men.

How many card carrying, bonifide niggers were in this movie? Was it niggified? Niggronian chocolate darkies? How black does it need to get before you can't even see the film itself?

bump for emma is actually a man and his fingers length prove it.


*liccs bumhole*

that's a mans ass shopped onto her

congrats, you're homosexual

For comparison

checked the truth