No point in watching Dredd anymore. Judge Anderson is supposed to be pure

>While discussing her character, Martine, in the upcoming indie flick, Nobody Walks, >Thirlby told the site bluntly, “Martine is a slut." She then continued, “I'm not a fan of slut-shaming. I use the term slut in a very sex-positive way. I'm a slut and proud of it. All women should be. When it comes to Martine and Martine's sexuality, which is a very specific thing that we focused on nailing -- no pun intended -- she doesn't compartmentalize her sexuality."

>The role gave Thirlby a chance to examine a very modern take on sexuality -- one that happens to jibe pretty closely with her own personal philosophy, as it turns out. "She's comfortable with the notion of having sex with her friends, and I think that's something that she does, and that's something that's pretty popular among the young kids these days," she says with a laugh. "And it's, I think personally, a very healthy view of sex. You have sex with your friends -- why not? They're trustworthy, you know them, you like them, you know? You have sex with your friends but then you're still friends the next day."

how come i find anderson hot but not so much thirlby?

The wig maybe?

I wish some of my friends would have sex with me desu

I have some very sexy friends

How do you not find this hot?

eww, herpe-lip

i should have said as much instead of not so much

Fucking this. Would be nice if some of my friends fucked me once in a while. Just help a brother out every now and then.


>"She's comfortable with the notion of having sex with her friends, and I think that's something that she does, and that's something that's pretty popular among the young kids these days,"
Fuck Gen Z.
You queers were supposed to save us from degeneracy.

Stop talking like a nigger and maybe they'll fuck you.


If one of them was blackout drunk, and you happened to rape them, it would be an awful shame.

When I see something so beautiful I want to destroy it with my dick. This is normal I think, it's just being a human being.

Bruh her herpes distracts from the movie

But they fuck niggers instead of me

If I get drunk, and they get very drunk, and then I start initating sex, like not actual sex, just cuddling and things, and then I get EVEN MORE drunk, so that I'm now more drunk than them, and then because I started the physical intimacy we proceed to having penetrative intercourse while I'm clearly the more inebriated, who raped who?

Everything in moderation, the modern individual doesn't understand that. We don't take pride in an excess of our basest desires.
We don't take pride in being a glutton, eating endlessly and becoming obese.
We don't take pride in drinking endlessly and becoming a drunk.
Why would we take pride in have sex constantly and becoming whores?
The modern West is so... base.

A long time ago a friend I had admitted to me that he's bisexual. I forgot what I said but back then I despised faggotry so whatever I said made him never speak to me again. He was so butthurt that he and his gang would harass me as I walked home from school every day. For some reason he never actually did anything more violent than shoving me. I wish I could turn back time and suck his dick and have him suck my dick. Cause I like dicks now. I sure missed out on some tender STDless boipucci.

Why did you brainwash yourself into being a degenerate faggot?

>he and his gang

Were there gay gangs at your school?

I think the difference is we haven't really figured out how much sex is too much sex.

Like, that metric varies wildly from person to person.

I think we can all agree, if a person eats one slice of pie, they're not being a glutton. If someone eats an entire pie in one sitting, that's approaching glutton territory.

By comparison, if someone has sex with one person, by a lot of peoples' metrics, that's enough to push them into the "slut" category.

We need to find a socially acceptable middle ground before we can talk about exactly how much sex constitutes too much.

Puberty ruined me.


They were skateboarders. A lot of them were probably fags. This will sound fake to you but they called themselves Houdini and I remember one time they ran around the school tripping people and yelling HOUDINI. I think they watched a lot of Viva La Bam and thought they were badass skater pranksters.

>I'm a slut and proud of it
ok then.

>By comparison, if someone has sex with one person, by a lot of peoples' metrics, that's enough to push them into the "slut" category.
You would be hard pressed to find anyone who considers someone who has only had sex with one person a slut. If you are having sex with multiple people in a 6 month period, that's excess. I don't think this is an unreasonable qualification.

Because sex by itself isn't, strictly speaking, unhealthy.

Being gluttonous is unhealthy
Drinking too much is unhealthy.
Having sex is, biologically speaking, one of the most healthy things you can do.

They're not comparable in that way.

so thats why white guys try to act nigger, because they think itll help them get laid?

>You would be hard pressed to find anyone who considers someone who has only had sex with one person a slut.

Have you been on Sup Forums for any length of time?
Go to Sup Forums some time.
Actually don't.

But DO look up how many fandoms were completely destroyed, and how many fans of anything defaced their own property and renounced a thing because they discovered their favorite character in that thing wasn't a virgin.
I'll give you a hint; it's a non-zero number.

It's not about health. It's about discipline and rising above the same base drives that utterly control lower-tier animals.
We aren't disgusted by gluttons for their health. We're disgusted by their innate lack of self-control. The same can be said about those who drink and those who have sex. If you lack the discipline to master your base instincts and only indulge them in moderation, then you lack the chief qualities of a sapient being.
Being Human is not fucking, eating, or drinking. Being Human is being able to say no to those things, even when the animalistic parts of your mind are screaming out for you to indulge. That is why we are masters of the Earth. That is why we can create and destroy.

Nigga what? None of that was in the movie

>Implying being a real life slut is a good thing

I'll take your word for it, but those are extremists. The obverse is true as well; multiple sexual partners in the same time period is also distasteful.

She said she's bi.

>haha dude sex is no big deal haha nothing wrong with having lots of sex with heaps of people haha it's 2017
>omg rape is literally the worst thing to happen to anyone ever

>he was so butthurt

I bet.

>tfw she was naked in the Wackness

Because life doesn't work in moderation.
You fags are always a bunch of masochists who get off on depriving themselves of pleasure.
Hell, the entire west is consumed by boundless GREED.
Just look at all of the fucks who refuse to take a day off of work because I NEED THE MONEY!
back to Sup Forums you loser.

>brainlet doesn't understand the difference between consensual sex with loads of people versus forcible rape

>That is why we are masters of the Earth. That is why we can create and destroy.
lol no you are a delusional turd.
we master those things because we are biologically engineered to be above animals.
believe me, when the real masters of this planet return, you overindulgence on arrogance and pride will be stammered the fuck out in an instant.
you're just another monkey.

Bah, that's not even it. The worst part is that everyone knows shit ends up not working like that in practice. Demands, needs and other emotional shit come into play.

I'm with Nietzsche and Cicero, friendship is the purest relationship possible, because friendship has no ulterior motive, it's a bond of trust and identity between people.

>You have sex with your friends -- why not?
what is sex?

>If you lack the discipline to master your base instincts and only indulge them in moderation, then you lack the chief qualities of a sapient being.

"Moderation" isn't a motivation unto itself. We practice and incentivize moderation because it aids in health and survival.

Literally everything we do, on some level, is for our survival and self-preservation, both on an individual level, and a species level. Literally everything, up to and including moderation as a concept.

Over-indulgence of substance and sustanance is frowned upon as a society because it's both unhealthy for the individual, and because it deprives resources from the rest of the group.
Sex does neither of those things, because sex is not a resource, it's an act. And it's an act that ensures the preservation of the species, so biologically speaking, there's no such thing as too much sex.

>You have sex with your friends -- why not? They're trustworthy, you know them, you like them, you know?
arent the majority of actual rapes committed by your "friends"?

[pic of varg]
Stop having sex.

You seem to be unable to grasp the point.
>Because life doesn't work in moderation.
Lower-order life does not. Lower-order life is all about excess, and immediate excess at that. My point is that Humans are the one species capable of rising above that excess. Of mastering their baseness. Is that not a noble goal? Or perhaps you are another one of those nihilists, that oh-so-fashionable trend, that believes there is no purpose and no goal in life aside from acting as the common beasts of the field do. If so, I pity you.
>Hell, the entire west is consumed by boundless GREED.
Yes. This is why our society is in decay. The West and its citizens have fallen to glorifying baseness and excess. It is why the torch of civilization will soon pass to others strong enough to lift it.

Every sentence of your post reads like it was written by a woman.

Another nihilist perhaps? Or is it that you believe in an alien master? I see no reason to believe in that.

>Literally everything we do, on some level, is for our survival and self-preservation, both on an individual level, and a species level. Literally everything, up to and including moderation as a concept.
Another one who cannot see the forest for the trees. I really do pity those subscribers to the religion of empiricism. They lack imagination, and the ability to comprehend higher values.

>Lower-order life is all about excess, and immediate excess at tha
> My point is that Humans are the one species capable of rising above that excess
What? Excess doesn't exist in nature, low-order life forms cant live in excess because of the ecoysystem. Excess is a human thing, thats why we're obese and dying of induced cancer.

That's simply untrue. Animals can grow fat if there is enough resources around to enable it. They will breed rapidly and without any consideration if the conditions allow it. My point is not that there is rampant excess among lower-order animals, but rather that they will always indulge to the excess if given the chance. For they are unable to discipline themselves and resist the call for indulgence.

This isn't an "empericism" thing, this is life. This is logic.

Moderation exists as a concept to preserve the species. Period.

Otherwise, it's pointless self-deprivation.

>Of mastering their baseness. Is that not a noble goal? Or perhaps you are another one of those nihilists, that oh-so-fashionable trend, that believes there is no purpose and no goal in life aside from acting as the common beasts of the field do.
Ah, I see we have a philanthropist in our midst. Maybe the reason why nihilism is so popular these days is because we as a species have failed. Religion has failed, democracy has failed, civilized society in of itself has failed. All it takes is one asshole to take more than his fair share and get away with it, for it all to come crumbling down. Maybe the reason why it's so hard for people to practice moderation is because they have so very little in the first place, and that dumb street ape just ran off with this week's groceries.
Humanity will never achieve greatness. At least not until another Hitler comes along and begins culling the weeds. Even then, he would still need to biologically engineer humans to be even a shred as co operational they need to be, in hopes of coming into contact with the gods.

You subscribe to empiricism as a religion without even realizing it. Although that's not so curious; plenty of people do that. You lack the ability to comprehend a higher value in Human sapience. You just see us as driven solely by instinct and biology, right? There's no reasoning with someone like that, they cannot break the chains of their materialistic schooling.

My niece shouls give her underage pussy.

>Maybe the reason why nihilism is so popular these days is because we as a species have failed.
The words of a nihilist. Defeatism is the lens through which you see the world.
>Religion has failed
No, it has merely taken a different form. In the past, religion was called Christianity in the West. Now it is called empiricism, and secular-humanism.
Dwell on the past, where men had far less than they do today. Even our poorest live like nobles or kings of the past. No, the problem is not that we have too little, but that we have too much. But take heart; things change and the world turns. Soon enough we will have nothing again, and they we may have another chance to master ourselves.

>in hopes of coming into contact with the gods
lmao get a load of this guy

> I'm a slut and proud
> since I'm a woman I can get sex whenever I want and you better believe it's the top 20 - 10% of males and none or else
> now all woman and some men get sex, you got a problem with that? Your a fucking beta creep loser sorry ;p

Great times eh lads

>You lack the ability to comprehend a higher value in Human sapience.

What exactly is that "Higher value", then? What does it do?

Because I have a theory about it;

We, as human beings, are intellectual consciousness stuck in bags of flesh that must consume and procreate in order to survive. Until we're beings of pure consciousness in a computer, that will always be true.

That "Higher value" you seem so keen on, is our ability to, as a species, optimize our consumption of resources to maximize our survivability.
Moderation, as a concept, is one arm of that.
Until we live in a post-scarcity society, management of resources on an individual and societal level will always drive us forward as a species. "Empiricism" will always be a thing. Can't go around lording our higher intelligence over simpler creatures on an empty stomach.

Nah, religion is called rationalism.People still think humans think in terms of formal logic, that we think in term of truth values and the mind is transcendental thing separated from "earthly" concerns.

Also, all these scientific idols, who know nothing of philosophy and try to answer every question through the lens of their specialty field.

Stop paying celebrifags any attention while they not in your kino, user.

t. Reddit

People who are bi are just straight people who want attention.

Is this next level trolling I'm witnessing, or are you really having this conversation in that prose in this thread? LMAO A+

Because you're a fag

Not necessarily. Real life bi people do exist.

It's like how everyone on the internet says they have a big dick.

Not everyone will, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, and honestly, do you really want to find out first hand?

She had lovely tits in Dredd

we are masters because David made us from the black goo

a female me except im 1/8 jew and the rest is pole and ukrianian

also fucking phonefaggot image.jpg

would love to face fuck her and be friends the next day

Considering her character wasn't just a slut, but also an adulterous home wrecker and Olivia sees that as a positive, normal thing that should be encouraged, I think she's white trash.

Dirty white with herpes. Most of you would still tap that cause y'all desperate.