What would happen if they had to direct the Emoji movie?

What would happen if they had to direct the Emoji movie?

it's beyond jew magic to unfuck that kind of movie

it's a movie about a fucking emoji, there's more artistic potential in directing porn than that abomination

something unpredictable would be happening for whole movie and then plot twist

Now this is a quality thread.

They've had plenty of fuckups. They wrote that horrendous Angelina Jolie pilot movie and they did nothing for it.

What would happen if he directed the Emoji movie?

>George, we want you in this one
>alright time for a serious one?
>no, we'd never call you if that was the case, just play a fucking retard again and shut the fuck up

Instead of being CGI, people are paid by advertising companies to wear clothes with emojis on them.

The lead character wears the infamous "crying whilst laughing" emoji, but in reality suffers from severe depression and is considering suicide.

Everyone on the street recognizes him as a mascot. They ask to take photos with him. They interrupt his dates and dinners out with family to interview him and ask him questions. And yet he's becoming rich beyond his wildest dreams.

Yet, the more money he makes, the less satisfied he feels. His fellow emoji-branded cohorts are already beginning to die, either from suicide or simply by emoji-related accident.

A terrible accident occurs. An enormous emoji statue, designed to promote the upcoming emoji movie, goes rolling away. Buildings are destroyed. People flattened. Our hero stands in the street, watching the emoji--his emoji--barrelling down towards him, laughing, crying. For the first time he can remember, he too is laughing and crying.

Cut to black, roll credits.

wife of a protagonist will be cheating on him with her boss who appears to be tolerant jew and his autistic children will be calling him dad leaving protagonist with only some fat fuck brother with issues. this will make protagonist blackmail her boss anonymously saying if he doesn't pay 40k for some idea some fat faggot had he will tell her husband. then malvo will come and kill everyone

You'd get something akin to Spring Breakers.

it would somehow still be a masterpiece like any other thing this genius has made

I didn't know I wanted this until now

There's a fat emoji that repeats the same four lines the whole movie.


What would happen if they had to direct the Emoji movie?

the emojis would all have both penises and vaginas so they are (((((((((((((((equal))))))))))))))

Transexual emojis

Oy vey goyim, that's too smart! We'll go with our Brett Ratner one!

What would happen if he directed the emoji movie?

Documentary of the year