These guys are coming to have sex with your gf

These guys are coming to have sex with your gf.

What movie do you queue on Netflix for them?

night at the roxbury.

The Elephant Man

right > left

Those two fuccbois look like they'd be more interested in each other.

why? give me a quick run down why.

I'd prefer if they were black, but beggars can't be choosers. What's in the backpacks?

Andrei Rublev

Lubes and food

Can't have sex with that which doesn't exist, but we could play some xbox games i guess

pick one

Why would two fags want to bang my non-existent gf?


>one scene that barely shows anything

Wow, truly the definition of a body horror movie!

wrong thread, sorry

look at the left ones legs

whats wrong with thme? too short?

lmao they look like they're 5'8 tops
>implying my patrician gf would settle for a gay manlet couple

>implying i'd ever let my gf be fucked by white guys

how much you think they weigh?


I think you're being generous, user.

From the size of their cube-ish torso to their over-sized heads, they look more like 5'5" to me.

160, tops. Pretty heavy for someone that short, though.