Just dropped some acid. anyone got any kino to watch under these circumstances...

just dropped some acid. anyone got any kino to watch under these circumstances? i dont mean generic bullshit cliched drug stuff. quickly pls its coming herd now

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Event Horizon


finding nemo

I watched The Incredibles on mushrooms once, would recommend.


Angel's Egg, End of Evangelion, Friends, The Road to El Dorado.

Definitely listen to OutRun by Kavinsky.

Watch the new Gorillaz song Saturn's Bars.

Have a good time friend.

seen em need new.
no meme movie thanks

It might seem like an obvious choice but Yellow Submarine was meant to be watched on LSD. It has shit in it like jokes where the punchline comes before the set-up and other stuff apparently only a disordered mind will pick up on.

You drop acid and post Sup Forums memes and shitpost on Sup Forums?

Think about your life choices instead


Blade Runner

Also nature programs are nice, planet earth 2 for example

And any kubrick film really
Clockwork orange was fun to watch on it

The Deer Hunter

Yeah nature programmes are dope.
Blue Planet is a personal favourite.

Soviet animated alice in the wonderland.
Last of England.
Sans soleil.

>Taking LSD
>Staying indoors



Go outside OP. Take a walk in the woods, you'll find life is beautiful.


this isnt my first time guys im not some noob i need real fucked up kino like pictured
i have long since come to terms with the path i have chosen
its quite cold out side rn. i have 4 layers on, fingerless gloves and a wool hat. 8.6 c rn, which is freezing for an australian

There's only one answer nigger:











fporgpt pic

>fucked up shit
The Thing
The Japanese Guinea Pig Experiments
Butterfly Effect

Whenever I trip time travel shit fucks with me so much.

Valerie and her Week of Wonders

I like watching shit like this

is this a legit fetish/fantasy??? getting stepped on by sonic?

Autism is a hell of a drug

Weird, I found 4 1/3 grams of 4-aco-dmt I lost sometime last year and forgot about when I was cleaning up today. I just took a few doses of it, but it hasn't kicked in yet.

Download Speech Jammer when you're tripping and see how long you can go talking to yourself

this is a good idea, but lsd can be a hindrance when watching films

never the less, Jodorowsky's El Topo is a good choice

Is it okay if you want to get stepped on by a sexy girl

Are her arms blue or not?

furries, sonic and autism go really well together

I watched this on shrooms and shit myself

Check out a kinodome thread too they're pretty funny when you're tripping

A human girl



if Sonic steps on him would he die?

my nigger

watching tv and shit is pretty fucking tame for acid.

go stare at a candle or go camping or something

This will blow your mind.

Absolutely this.

Fantasia does me in

This reminds me when I tried magic shrooms
One of the best night in my life




'sup reddit







I've seen this on acid, it's fucking amazing.
Then I've seen it sober, it's fucking amazing.
do it OP

look at this shit for a minute straight
then look at your hand

the waking life

The congress.
