Sup Forums meta thread


Some of you girls are ok. Don't go to the all female Wonder Woman screening.

You forgot the pepe with a gun.

ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums and all its run off boards
ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums
ban wannabe Sup Forums(aka Sup Forums)
ban redit
None of these users have contributed to increase the boards quality only to degrading it
ban the game of thrones general as its not even airing now
ban childrens media discussion
give youtube its own board
block european isp/ips from posting certain hours
a good amount of Australia can't post on Sup Forums because of that one guy so do the same here
convince hiro to do that thing where the site doesn't show up on google results or if possible just for Sup Forums
trial board: /superheroes/ or /film/
bring in the robot for a month or 3
1 hour cool down on new ips aka can't post for 1 hour

or:ban mobile network posting from the site/make it only people with a Sup Forums pass can post from mobile networks

Sup Forums for Sup Forumsfags
Sup Forums for Sup Forumsfags
Sup Forums for Sup Forumsfags
reddit for redditfags
but Sup Forums for everyone

stop Sup Forums genocide

Remove dr who generals to get rid of tumblrs tumor on here

Hide All function please

dual diagnosis detected

you can't anymore now that they've killed the cunnybot once and for all

>ban everyone but the real cancer

Hi r/The_Donald

I prefer "15 MINUTES" posting Kino. Really scares the fuck out of newfags.

Install the robot. This will destroy all the repetitive memeposting without subtance.

>waah ban everything
or you could just enforce the fucking rules


every time i come on here theres one of these whining threads jesus

>1 hour cool down on new ips aka can't post for 1 hour
>ban mobile network posting from the site/make it only people with a Sup Forums pass can post from mobile networks

Seems (You) hid some legitimate suggestions among all that other dumb shit.

>or:ban mobile network posting from the site/make it only people with a Sup Forums pass can post from mobile networks
90% of this boards problems would go away and a good mount for the rest of the site

But how will you shit post then? It's clear you won't fuck off back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums

dual diagnosis

nobody cares

I never understand this reasoning because Sup Forums has been much better than Sup Forums for some time now in terms of quality of discussion and being on topic

how do we stop him?

it's the only way to save Sup Forums

>ban Sup Forums

Reminder that meta threads are made by redditors trying to create a safespace for their kind

But how will you shit post then? It's clear you won't fuck off back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums


What are you talking about, I want as high a level of discussion as possible for any board. You're just looking for a patsy. I like how you fail to even mention Sup Forums

But how will you shit post then? It's clear you won't fuck off back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums

Good point, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the problem, not people like you making coherent posts and doing nothing to embarrass themselves

>admitting you're from Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Thats what I thought. Thanks

Three day autoban on anyone using the word reddit
Remove Sup Forums falseflag threads
Discussion of capeshit and animation should stay in Sup Forums

>doesn't want to ban Sup Forums


I come here for the Sup Forums related humor, I seriously dont come here for legitimate film discussion. Who the fuck would come to Sup Forums for that anyway? I'm here for the occasional celebrity nudes and shitposting threads