Lmao. Can we stop making these fucking awful movies now?

Lmao. Can we stop making these fucking awful movies now?


>censoring the nips

what the fuck

Nope. Alien: Awakening will be next.

Yes! Thank god.

Seriously, that's ridiculous...

Her nipples are ridiculous

See also inherent vice and that other flick she did a nude scene in

Well fuck.

Shame as it a good movie.

>chest like a 50 year old woman

I think franchise fatigue will being setting in on a lot of franchises. Alien is the beginning.

Nothing bad about that


Yep, It a shame as it was one of the better entries.

Though to be fair, Prometheus and Alien Covenant would have been better without the Alien baggage.

This man is literally box office poison. And his films have no redemption, it's not like they're great artistic works that just don't hit with commercial success (like Blade Runner); they're just shitty formulaic, cookie-cutter rehashes.

Hopefully he retires soon.

Sad to say, the only thing that will sell these days is capeshit.

That, and people are getting very tired of sequels.

What is the deal with all these huge franchises tanking? Star Trek, Alien, even the damn Ninja Turtles did well just a few years ago. Anything that isn't Marvel or DC is just doomed.



Didn't watch Ninja Turtles, but Star Trek and the new Alien film was quite good for the series.

For some reason people are willing to watch Iron Man 33 but staying away really from almost everything else. If this keeps up studios will have a hard time.

>Prometheus and Alien Covenant would have been better without the Alien baggage.
Abso fuckin lutely. The core idea, of humans discovering that Earth life had been created by extraterrestrials, traveling to find them, and being BTFO by a robot they themselves built, which robot then goes on to attack the extraterrestrials, is actually pretty interesting and compelling. Unfortunately, two big things fuck up the concept: 1) the fact that the filmmakers either have no idea how DNA works, how space travel works, how scientists behave, etc... or they don't care... and 2) the useless stuffing of the xenos into the movies. The xenos add fucking nothing to these movies, and putting them in just fucks up the mythos of the Alien franchise.

>What is the deal with all these huge franchises tanking?

People are sick of shitty fucking remakes.

Capeshit is new. There's nothing to ruin.

Alien C was shiny garbage, watchable only for siqq gore and that hilarious scene where David plays God to the captain-morph. Every character was a retarded clown, how the hell did they have any responsibility for such an expensive vessel and payload? There would be no plot progression without the chain of idiotic decisions one after another

At least he's not making the Gosling Runner, so that has a small chance of being interesting (even though it looks worse than the 1983 film somehow)

what's doing that fat, unfunny and untalented idiot in the back trying to be serious?

The difference is that Disney are very insistent on having their movie franchises be marketed as a "way of life", or tapping into the nerd culture idea that this isn't just a shitty movie about some guy with magic powers, it's something that's important and defines me as a person
By appealing to the tasteless yet oddly compulsive and obsessive nerd crowd, they guarantee a minimum level of good buzz, which does more to get asses in seats than any number of bad trailer spots on TV

>Just look into this writhing meat flower, it's totally safe :)
I'm convinced that scene was supposed to be comedic, it's too stupid and obtuse otherwise

That's not really fair.

The Martian did very well.

Covenant seems like a response to commercial and audience response to Prometheus. I hate both of those movies certainly, but there are definitely some interesting ideas stories and themes in them.

The problem all comes down to terrible writing and characters. The visuals and pretty much EVERYTHING else is fucking brilliant.

But characters all retarded and act against their best interests. Its all so contrived.

While I was watching this movie I actually started trying to analyze myself about why I couldn't enjoy it. I realized that it's because Hollywood doesn't know how orchestrate emotion anymore. They go for the cheap thrill and wholesale slaughter and endless F-bombs and think that that's how to get people invested in the story.
Yeah I get muh entertainment and that action movies have always been shit. But try and tell me that you enjoy Jurassic World more than Jurassic Park. You don't and it's because Jurassic Park is more focused, and orchestrates the emotions of the watcher in a way that the unfocused, "spray and pray" method of World can't.
Alien Covenant suffers from the same thing and is just an example of a bigger problem in Hollywood in general.

I don't even mean this in some gay nostalgia way, but today, movie writers/directors suck.

>it's because Jurassic Park is more focused, and orchestrates the emotions of the watcher in a way that the unfocused, "spray and pray" method of World can't.
Absolutely. For a long time, Hollywood had some core of people who understood the craft of screenwriting and filmmaking. They could film characters in a way that made you care about them. That's why even dumb action movies from the 80s feel somehow more human than $200 million blockbusters today. I don't know what happened to those people, that craft...

Its written by a 13 year old jewish kid and directed by an 80 year old, with outsourced Chink special FX. What do you expect.

The bubble is about to burst. People are getting sick of spending money on the same shit. 90% of "blockbusters" that come out are also given a 3D filter so they can charge another five bucks. It's all coming to a head. Television is the new cinema.


can take an eye out

People are finally sick of seeing the same fucking thing over and over again. Hopefully it will happen to comic and Star Wars movies soon.

blade runner 2049 will be beautiful looking and sounding, but ultimately empty shell of a movie, just like all of villeneuve's work

If so that's a really faithful sequel.

Terminator was first

>This man is literally box office poison. And his films have no redemption, it's not like they're great artistic works that just don't hit with commercial success (like Blade Runner); they're just shitty formulaic, cookie-cutter rehashes.
>Hopefully he retires soon.

yeah, he really hit the skids when tony topped himself

shame, because i was kinda hoping he'd leave sci-fi to the new blood and do one more big-budget period epic, but there's no way he gets the financing for that shit anymore

Local theater is $8.50 for a fucking matinee and literally everything is sequel, reboot, SJW, quick cash grab or a combo.

I'll wait 2 months, and watch the movie in my living room

pirated as fuck to jew the jew producers

>but ultimately empty shell of a movie, just like all of villeneuve's work

ded meme bro

The theater I went to earlier this week to see Alien charged like $13 a ticket and that was for the regular showing god knows how much that 4D shit they also had cost.

I just quit theaters after our last outing.

It was $38 for 2 adults and 1 kid to see "Sing" for a 4pm showing. I didn't even believe the cashier at first.

If my girl didn't really want to see it, I would have turned 360 and walked away

The worst part is that there is another Alien movie coming

And it's taking place between Prometheus and Covenant

Why does Daniels look like a fucking baby

I love these threads.

The people who killed the industry lamenting over their murder.

they happened to make a movie worse than AVP

fucking ridley should have been left to fuck around with david while the fookin prawns guy did the traditional aliens movie

Really? Unless it's just about David tormenting the last few engineer survivors on that planet, no thanks

It was okay except for the fact that none of them wore helmets. That pissed me off when they took them off in Prometheus, but at least one of the characters was all like "really we shouldn't." In Covenant they just go helmet-free, despite us knowing since the concept of the Columbian Exchange that inhaling a foreign-yet-similar biosphere is potentially one of the dumbest things any life form could possibly do, whether there is an active bioweapon in the area or not.

Embittered incel detected.

>just fucks up the mythos of the Alien franchise.
>mythos of the Alien franchise.
t. another idiot literally being memed. People are prone to group think in general but with you millenials it's scary how easily you parrot somebody else's stupid opinion without an ounce of self-reflection.

That's the movie I really wanted to see anyway. What's the point of Covenant?


Opinion discarded

>despite us knowing since the concept of the Columbian Exchange that inhaling a foreign-yet-similar biosphere is potentially one of the dumbest things any life form could possibly do

Nice revisionism here you fucking idiot. Literally nobody knew that. Do you even know what the Columbian Exchange was?

Martian and Prometheus were both successes. Seriously, even though I hated Martian and have a love/hate with Prometheus.

>tfw googled her nude scene
>those thicc nips

I agree except that it was "okay", plus Louis Pasteur and whatnot

I will kill you

What the fuck are you talking about? The first movie, Alien, by itself, successfully establishes a mythos, a fictional universe. I don't see how that is disputable.

The exchange of life forms, big and small, from the formerly mostly-isolated biosphers of the old and new worlds. Also the spread of ideas. The most interesting thing was the spread of earthworms to the Americas, but that has little to do with this discussion.

Point is, forget the whole driving plot of the movie with the magic bioweapon that makes alien monstrosities by recycling people's body-goos, they could have just got a really shitty alien strain of virus that killed them slowly over the course of a week or two.