Is anyone else excited for the first good videogame movie


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He's right, movies are supposed to be about FUN.

>video game movies

Silent Hill was pretty good already.
Crank & Edge of Tomorrow are also pretty good video game movies.

that moron looks so goddamn stupid pretending to be a monkey so the computer nerds have an easier time placing the cgi ape. lol special effects suck dick these days baka

>video game movies
>video game anything
there's a board for your shit you know

Vidya kino incoming

Edge of Tomorrow is an adaptation of a novel.

>Silent Hill was pretty good already.
this is a meme that movie a shit A SHIT

>lol special effects suck dick these days baka
It's being done by the Planet of the Apes guys. The CGI in those movies is impeccable.

Based Rock sticking it to the critics. I'll see anything he's in.

I'm tired of this piece of shit there's thousands of people that want to get their chance to act and we
're stuck with the same 10 faggots in everything.

>bad people become our lunch
confirmed shit they don't even know the source material

It doesn't matter what you think. Know your role and shut your mouth.

fuck you cause Stone Cold Says So.


Strike one.

Wreck-it Ralph was the first video game movie thought

>alternate colors

I'll watch it for Jeffrey Dean Morgan and video related (these actresses are daughter and mother in Watchmen)

if no one dies making the Apocalypse now movie game i'll be disappointed

good to see freaks have a place in this industry too

Actually it's an adaptation of a manga (japanese comic).

This was my shit at arcades

>The pebble
Why would anyone want to watch anything this pussy is in?

No, both the manga and movie are based off a light novel

Nope, the other guy's right.

The manga""(Japanese comic)"" is an adaptation of the Novel.

Try google before you post retarded things on the internet.

>not a Primal Rage movie with 3D farting

Visually the first SH movie is legit amazing, there's some great atmosphere in it. The script is total trash though. The most recent is total trash all around.

No, the guy you're replying to is correct. Doug Liman said it was based off a manga. You sound like a big boy who should do some fucking basic research before running your mouth.

I used to blow loads to the scantily dressed female scientist in the Nintendo 64 version of Rampage

>Daughter used to be hot
>now she's just the bitch wife on Billions


Unironically this. I'll watch anything if The Rock is in it.

Im actually looking forward to the Jumanji remake.
I too like normie films with The Rock in them

I like Dwayne Johnson but nearly every movie he stars in is complete fucking garbage

>not claymation with cartoonish violence

Rampage was fun at the arcades but once you rented it you quickly realized how boring it could get.

I hope the movie doesn't try too hard or anything, but I can't imagine them being just as cheesey as the games with the same level of gore. People fall from buildings and go splat. There's fat bouncing human abominations as big as the monsters that burst into blood once you kill them

>The Rock
>Negan as Agent Russell, a guy who works for a covert government division called OGA and rolls with serious swagger and attitude.
>a giant ape, wolf, and lizard fucking cities up

This movie is going to be great. Fuck off.

gears of war might end up an unironically good movie, either as an action comedy "starship troopers on steroids" or action horror "cloverfield where the aliens are on steroids"

my point is, steroids make everything better

All You Need Is Kill Manga Original Run - January 2014

Edge of Tomorrow - June 2014

Yeah, I'm sure he read the manga then wrote, cast, directed and filmed it all in 5 months.

Good job idiot.

>first good video game movie


This was an amazing trailer back in the day.

Looks like pure kino to me

he's a werewolf actually. gonna have to watch a big silly action movie to get my werewolf kino. I would die for a good modern werewolf movie (wolfman 2010 was decent)

>Doesn't use the games' plot
>Doesn't even use their characters

Does this nigga look albino to you?

>Liz shrinks to a naked babe if she dies

Sure hope they keep this.

>The only vidya Кинo is not based in actual vidya

Sup Forums BTFO once again

How can one man be paid so much to produce such a mountain of complete and utter shit?

An albino ape is a more interesting visual.

If they wanted to spice up George they should've went all out and made him a Sasquatch. It would be more believable that a Sasquatch would be the Rock's friend since Sasquatches are actually intelligent.

for such a goofy premise they pulled off serious moments pretty well

10/10 cutscene

is Crank considered vidya kino, or just normal kino?

nah they just have to distant itself from king kong

Why are people hiring the Rock for everything?

He is not a good actor. He is mediocre at best and completely 1 Dimensional in his delivery.

For the love of god stop the rock

rampage was fucking awesome!

I'm legit excited for this

I can not remember a single movie I've watched in the last 10 years besides Pain and Gain (great movie by the way) that had him in it. If you're retarded enough to watch Dwayne Johnson movies that's your fault.

wow I hope she isn't in the movie, it's 2017

>another movie with The Rock in it

Who did he suck off to get in so many fucking movies?

I'm sorry he defended his r rated comedy movie and made your rotten tomato ilk look like assholes, but maybe you should neck yourself.

I hope that someday you learn to stay in the kitchen. Where you belong.

>casting white people as gorillas
Isn't this cultural appropriation? Why can't they hire black actors?

The Rock is ambiguously brown so he fits into lots of things. Also spending all that time on the road for wrestling trained him for traveling around and spending lots of time acting every day.

>Rampage was fun at the arcades but once you rented it you quickly realized how boring it could get.
Beating the 2nd N64 one and unlocking the aliens in one sitting with my friends was one of the worst grinds I've ever gone through in video games, I don't know what the fuck possessed us to keep going. Sunk cost and refusing to let a middle school Friday night and Blockbuster rental go to waste?


>yfw you hate the fucking Rock with a passion and he is everywhere.

so its just normal animals turned big, instead of humans turned into big animals?
what is the point of calling it Rampage then.


They should have just got a chimp to play the gorilla.

>what is the point of calling it Rampage then.
It has 3 animal themed gigantic mutants named George, Lizzie, and Ralph destroying cities

>cartoons giant monsters interspersed with videos of people jumping out of the World Trade Center

Has Raimi gone too far?

Idk I think them being humans being turned into animals is better but maybe they thought that was too retarded

too retarded? did you read what he wrote?

Underrated film. I'll get a higher res version of it soon and watch it again.


There is a homo board aswell, you might aswell go there, too much testosterone in here.

Oddly enough, the wolf monster is named Ralph and Wreck it Ralph really pet peeved my friend of the same name.

He really wishes they'd just fuck off with the name t b h.

Same on the NES. I did all 50 states and it was all the same shit. You just started over again at the end too

>based on a 30 yr old arcade game

this might actually be the most original hollywood movie in decades

if it's a hit i'd like to nominate, tempest, defender II and yar's revenge for further adaptations