It's Friday night

>It's Friday night
>Why are you here

Work starts in two hours

I have no life

Have you ever tried going out and talking to people it's miserable

My exams are in two weeks so I have an excuse to stay home instead of wasting my money on booze for once

I'm a loser with no friends

Where else would we be?

I dont have any friends

Hopefully I make some though next semester! H-hehe..

I have no friends in my home city. Maybe if I was still away at school I'd be doing something.

I actually just got invited out but I'm not texting him back. Don't feel it tonight, especially since I was out late last night.

I'm sick

I have work tomorrow

i have work tomorrow

even if i didn't i would be here

>I have an excuse to stay home
no excuse needed normalfag

I went out last night and blew $100 gonna stay home and chill is all

>you have to "go out" every single weekend or else you're a loser
for your sake, I hope you're still in high school. After a long week of work, this is what I WANT to be doing

Because it's Memorial Day weekend and there are too many people outside.

>gonna stay home and chill is all
are you a nigger or do you just play one on the internet?

where should i be if not home OP? huh

>this is what I WANT
for your sake, I hope you're still in high school.

Dude i got 20 girls in my phone selling pussy

im working 7 10s for the next 5 weeks

I guess I worded it poorly.
I like staying at home being a piece of shit, I just prefer getting wasted with the lads.
And it seems like everyone I've ever known had birthday parties the past two months so i have to go.

Do you self-identify as a pussy slayer? Give us deets, dawg.

I worked all week and had a date last night.

I need OW time.

You rest when you die

I have to churn out an online programming homework for a software program called MATLAB, that I cannot understand and I am infuriated with my own inability to understand computer programming (syntax, abstraction, coding). It is for the ONE class that I need to graduate from a prestigious engineering university as an undergrad, and has prolonged my graduation schedule. I can speak 3 languages and have a GPA high enough to graduate with the highest possible honors for my school, yet I am paralyzed by this class, a relatively introductory class most often taken my freshman and sophomores, and I feel urged to punch myself in the head until I'm concussed, for my persistent inability to grasp it.

The bull is having his way with my wife right now. I'm in the shed, not much else to do.

bill burr? is that you?

look at this dog :D

i have fuckin work tomorrow.

Gonna get completely shit faced and see that abortion called Baywatch. Hopefully my hangover won't be too excruciating


I would offer to do it for you but its a friday night and I'm already too drunk to be productive, sorry

who is she?
katie cummings?

I feel that as of this moment no amount of homework help can lead me to understand this, but 'thanks'

Having people at my place for a cookout tomorrow

I kinda like spending Fridays on here, getting drunk and reading good threads. I don't have alot of time to do it on the weekdays

>I like staying at home
>being a piece of shit
what's wrong with staying home normalfag?
>i have to go.

Damn (You)

I sucked at programming too. (pre-engineering required class). I understood the logic behind the syntax, but I didn't have the patience to proofread pages of my code for hours at time. I would hate to do that for a living. I feel your pain.


Guess I'm a normalfag now

because people are bastards

i'm a NEET balding deformed manlet with no friends



that seems extremely painful....

I'm hungover.
Going for a beer run in an hour.

not yet

I'm going to Fanimecon tomorrow.


I have no money, literal 10/10 girl I'm seeing is out of town and friends are out drinking and I can't afford this.

On call this weekend, so I'm stuck home.
Also my girlfriend just left me.

I just got off work leave me alone

I shaved my head two days ago and I'm nervous about someone hurting my feelings if I leave the house

Why shouldn't I be? I'm a goddamn adult if I want to stay in and be lazy I'm going to do just that, I worked all week I don't need time with more people
I've got some comfy movies to watch, a pizza coming and my laptop next to me so I can shitpost. Perfect Friday

Protip: no one cares.
People who know you won't think about it for more than 2 seconds, I mean when is the last time you dwelled on how someone's hair looked, and people who don't know you will just think it's your natural style
Don't sweat it

>he's still so young and disillusioned that he thinks Fridays and Saturday hold some sort of signifigance

im in a different country and am jet lagged from a 12 hour plane flight
>i totally wouldn't be here any other weekend


heh, I don't even have any friends, I was thinking of the convenience clerks and hoodlums

you sound like a very young adult.

I'm sorry

For you.