Where did the hype go?

where did the hype go?

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it went away when everyone realized the episodic sequels are just going to follow the MCU's formula of shooting straight down the middle with no risks whatsoever

i'm far more interested in the standalone films desu

It died the moment Lucas left.

benicio kino though

even in space, mexicans are still shady criminals

>i'm far more interested in the standalone films desu
it's all shit you fucking retard, enjoy that piece of shit solo movie.

It's there. It's massive. This movie will make close to 2 Billion dollars.

My attorney in space.

i wouldn't give a shit about it if it weren't for Phil Lord and Chris Miller

those guys can do no wrong imo, big fan of everything they've done back since Clone High

well, The LEGO Movie was kind of shit, but everything else is great

Probably closer to 1 billion than 2 billions. TFA did 2 billions based on SW hype that normies were obsessed with so they could fit in. TLJ doesn't have that same social peer pressure. It's just another SW film.

Women like Star Wars now. They ruin everything.

Down the shitter, alongside The Farce Awakens. But it's ok their paid shills will guarantee another box office success.

it won't get close to 2 billion

you'll be disappointed it doesn't matter who they get to direct these things plus the idea is retarded to begin with

>it's a Sup Forums lives in social isolation so they think nobody is talking about the movie they hate episode

you're not wrong - writer matters way more on a studio project like a Star Wars film. Tony Gilroy saved Rogue One, but there's no one to do the same for any of the other announced projects.

>it's a youngfag is going to pay to watch shit episode.

>Tony Gilroy saved Rogue One,


>tfw I was first on the TFA is shit bandwagon and now it's cool hating on TFA because it's trash
Feels good being ahead of the social media curve.

you're entitled to your opinion, but i think Rogue One is the only worthwhile SW film outside of Empire. it's a cool universe, but almost all of the media to come out of it has been lackluster or worse.

>>tfw I was first on the TFA is shit bandwagon
you wish faggot

Forrest Whittaker wasn't good and he's a good actor

I was so disgusted by it I turned it off after 20 minutes, I finished it the next day. i'll never watch it again, it was complete shit.

1-stars are stupidly weak though. It's clearly bitches having a fit.

Saw it opening week. Came back to Sup Forums and saw everyone was sucking Disney's dick while I was the only one around pointing out all the obvious flaws. Now it's rare seeing someone defend TFA.

I don't even feel bad for George. He's already a billionaire. He didn't have to sell Star Wars to Disney

what exactly offended you about it so much? i'll readily admit that the first 15 - 20 minutes are somewhat weak - lots of location jumping while they introduce the cast, and the plot doesn't get going til they actually get everyone to Jedha.

nah, that movie blows. literally no redeeming qualities outside of Driver and Isaac's performances, and the characters are weak so it doesn't matter that much.

It's still there. It's just not on Sup Forums.

Review Screw happened.

No one cared who he was when he put on the mask. They stopped caring when he took it back off.

Was the best in fear and loathing.
Bath tub white rabbit scene w the grape fruit + where he steals the pie at knife point are both better than jules' 'sheppard the weak' monologue

Finn and rey are so miscast. Stupid fucking diversity faggots juet trying to cash in.

Star Wars 4-6 is still watchable 40 years later. Who the fuck is going to watch this garbage 40 years from now? Same with all this super hero trash being custom tailored to the current internet crowd.

The stupidity flowing out of hollywood is astounding.

Disney is the main culprit of this. They realized it's easier to mimic culture than to create it.

prequels>disney wars

When the marketing campaign picks up in November, there will be thousands of people on the internet spreading "hype". Along with every fast food bag, youtube channel, video game, and television commercial attaching "STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI" to their product. Disney can easily - EASILY - manufacture a reaction on par with worldwide phenomenons, and since it's Star Wars no one will question it, they will go with the flow.

>Saw it opening week.
what about all thew people who walked out of the midnight screenings disappointed? there were people here shitting on tfa opening night.

jyn was a terrible character and poorly cast, that fucking robot, the force is with me blah blah blah notajedi guy, that video game tarkin, forest whitaker going full retard, everything with vader. when i heard they were making a star wars movie with ben mendelsohn and mads I was willing to give it a chance, even though i hated tfa but star wars is dead.

It will probably make half what TFA did.

We now have practically daily "omg where is the hype no one is talking about this" Star Wars threads with +300 posts regularly.
How delusional can you be


The movie isn't out in half a year and we have atleast 3 active Star Wars threads at all times even now, I'm sick of it. Normies are raving about it.
And the situation with the Star Wars threads will only get worse. I could just post that TLJ poster and just type DUDE STARWARS LMAO and I'll get +200 posts.

1.5 billion in the box office easily no matter the quality of the movie.


looks like some kind of wanker that will ambush you in a park

none of that shit happened in the first 20 minutes

people like to talk about star wars but these threads are never full of people saying they're looking forward to the next one. I'm not saying it's going to flop, 1-1.5 billion, it won't come close to the tfa box office. solo might not even hit a billion.

>Came back to Sup Forums and saw everyone was sucking Disney's dick

Your memory fails you, redditor.

I was just listing stuff off the top of my head that i didn't like about it, i'm pretty sure tarkin did show up in the first 20 minutes though

I think Rian Johnson is going to do some interesting things with the "DJ" character.

>MARY SUE! Reeeeeeee
>1 star, that'll show em

Ya no, those are just clinically retarded people

What will the cityscapes look like? That'll make it or break it for me. Dubrovnik looked interesting, imo.

Why don't we see more droids, besides those that carry drinks? Shouldn't there be droid cops, or droid judges, etc.?

Look where Star Wars is at today...

what's that hideous cunt talking about?

What went wrong?

I don't know, Kathleen Kennedy opened the Pandora box, now everyone is entitled to have character that represents them.

He lost 50 pounds for that role in Silence

they wouldn't let the nigger fuck rey, they're not going to stilck faggot and trannies in the next one


>I sold them to the white slavers that take these things and uh... lol

What the FUCK did he mean by this? Where was he going with this?

>the lego movie was kind of shit

You can go fuck your faggot ass with a giant jolly rancher you contrarian dickpuppet.

>What the FUCK
kill yourself youngfag

You honestly can't tell? Lol.

>you contrarian dickpuppet.
why do 90's born queers have such trouble with different opinions?

How much do you think he regrets selling Star Wars now?

was it worth it?


There will be hype when Disney stops making it so obvious they are trashing the series.
Like that thread from yesterday considering the merchandising.
Say what you will about George Lucas, but there was a reason episode III still kept hype high enough for people to just go to a different movie to see the trailer as son as it came out despite the shit that was episode II. The guy knew how to market and how to make it feel original and fresh but still his same universe of space opera.
Disney did great with rogue one for what it was, but they seem to be fine keeping the derivative formula Abrams set up for the remaining episodes, and no one really wants to see that or get taken in by cop out fan service progression in the story.
Tldr: I think everyone is waiting to actually see the movie this time before they get excited.

Above all, even if fanboys ranted at the prequels, they still felt like geniune Star Wars material. DisneyWars is like a failed Chinese copy. It's obvious they're just applying their MCU formula here with no sense of imagination that Lucas excelled at. Let them crash and burn.

Will Luke's hand be /fa/?

He's Puerto Rican though.

Maybe people realized that the previous was nothing more than nostalgia slapping on your face like a limp dick.

>alt right scrambling to say Star Wars sucked despite being the biggest grossing franchise in history

lol it's like you want to get BTFO again when Episode VIII gets released

What question is that even?
He got to work with Martin Scorsese, ofcourse it was worth it. Pretty sure he gained all his weight back as soon as the shooting was over.

>Trump Dump

I remember how delusional Sup Forums was on TFA release, even when all the critics praised it along with the general public and the box office officialy passed 2 billion people here still acted like it's a critical and financial failure that nobody cares about

It was and will remain the most looked forward to film in the history of movies. It literally would have made lots of money were it about Ewoks, Wookies and Droids. And Disney the Falcon but not who was driving it. Remember that? They were very careful not to show Rey flying it. They showed Han so immediately we thought Han was back at the Controls but that's not how it worked out. And thanks to J.J's less than spectacular story telling in especially his mary sue character, the sequel has literally no staying power.
Where's Rey going exactly? If you'd remember the Matrix had a similar Problem. Neo was essentially a god in the machine so he could almost do anything. But fans appreciated Neo more because his path to deus ex was more believable than Rey's. Neo literally had to die to gain his power. Whereas the first few minutes of The Force Awakens Rey's literally Mary Sueing her way out of every situation.

it was still a terrible movie

And yet here you are of the mind that it did as well as it did because of J.J's shit script. It's even more lazier than the Prequels were and that's saying something. Tell me, did you see the bit when Finn saw the Death Star Destroy an entire solar system from light years away? Did you see Mary Sue Rey, mary sue her way out of every opposition. Did you see the nasty looking Yoda rip off say as to how it had luke's saber, "That's a story best left for another time."
Did you see all that? Well lots of fans saw it too. So Let's see The Last Jedi repeat those numbers.

I miss Lucas.

it's a real shame we'll never get to read Georges ideas for the sequel trilogy.

It died the moment Lucas killed it.


I miss his sense of location, and the cinematographer of the prequels. youtu.be/z6Y7Vmdm0tQ


You think any normie is aware or cares about this? You think any normie is aware of the term "Mary Sue"?
And the autistic Star Wars fans defend everything to death, as shown in the recent Star Wars Celebration.

Face it, the movie is out in half a year and you're already too late to change anything, it could be shit on screen for 2 hours and it will get 1.5 billion box office easily.
I bet that even half of the posters in this very thread go shit on it will go see it on opening week.

But Lucas didn't kill it you RLM cock sucker. He told a story. Yes, it was poorly told but it was a coherent Story throughout. tfa is not at all, a coherent Story. It's just a bunch of stolen shots from better movie with a retarded plot.

Lucas is a story teller and a visionary. Jar Jar Jew's a stinking hack!

>It's even more lazier than the Prequels were

TFA is lazy in the script element..
The prequels were lazy at almost any filmmaking element you can think of (besides sound and world building)

>Star Wars is falling into corporate safe medicrity
>Star Trek is going to have the worst series yet with Discovery

Looks like Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, and Stargate win by staying dead.

Your best defense of Lucas is "he told a story poorly"? No shit, that's exactly the problem.

I really hope they never touch b5, I don't want to see it filled with faggots and trannies.

>"where did the hype go?" he types on the sixth Star Wars thread today for a movie that is not out in six months

In Disney's mind: the slightest bit on imagination or inventiveness might remind people of the prequels, and if they regurgitate everything from the originals then the pretentious reviewers will think it's gold.

You know the thing about normies is of how innocent they can be which you're on about at the moment. But remarkably and to their credit, they can be rather bright. I remember reading a facebook excerpt of many. It was women praising a stroink character like Rey. But then one of them said, unironically, "She's so awesome, No one can beat her, she can do anything." Such a simple sentence but one that made me smile. She's so Awesome, No one can beat her, she can do anything. So you'll buy a ticket, as that normie who made that comment and sit through two hours of a protagonist who you know can, Beat anyone, Do anything, because she's that awesome? No, you'll rather watch something else. She may be only one. Let's say one out of ten. But that's one less, isn't it. Maybe some of those other people who read those excerpts saw what I saw and thought to themselves, that's so true, why am i excited for TLJ again?

tick tock tick tock. Will TLJ be another hit like TFA was, or will it have a lack luster performance. Tick, or Tock, Tick, it's a success, Tock, it's less than stellar. Sure, it'll make upwards of a billion. But not two billion. Tick, it's Stellar, Tock, it's lackluster. Not the plot, the box office. For we already know the story is going to be shit. The Force Awakens was shit, and the last jedi could only be more shittier than that was. And Mark was obviously pissed, so soon we'll see why he was so pissed.

these threads are never about episode 8 and when it is mentioned it's usually negative.

Yes, a province of Mexico

nice autism post, yeah everybody saw that one single facebook comment or whatever and the whole world will not go see it because of that
also Mark was pissed for the character of Luke in Return of The Jedi too, he had some retarded idea of a clone evil Luke done with the arm he got cut off in ESB and was tried to push it really hard to be made instead of what happens in ROTJ

Prequels: Original and some good ideas, bad execution.

Disney "Star Wars": No originality, soul or creativity, decent execution.

I always disliked the prequels but I respect them more now because at least they were trying to be original and interesting.
Disney Star Wars is as safe and boring as can be.

What hype? Only people looking forward to these 2hr long commercials are toy companies.

yeah sure, we sure don't make multiple 300+ post threads for literally any meaningless news/promo pic/poster/leak detail that comes out for TLJ

The execution is more than decent. It's so perfect you don't even realize you were raped until a week after the fact.

Reminds me of the Transformers movies, more than anything. Except I'm actually inclined to rewatch the first one every once in awhile.

>where did the hype go?