Netflix, the jewish devils that they are, couldn't time the Witcher series better

Netflix, the jewish devils that they are, couldn't time the Witcher series better.

With the incoming failure that is the ending of Game of Thrones, people will demand more (sex, swords, monsters and medieval """politics""") and what franchise with it's own incoming show can supply that? The Witcher.

The audience draw from one show to the other, because they're the two shows that will be most familliar with one another.

Just a thought, discuss away.

>and what franchise with it's own incoming show can supply that?

I wish they made a show of pic related.

>Implying it won't be an animated series

It's gonna suck ass like every other netflix show. To make it "bingeworthy" they'll just make 10 episodes about vilgefortz and miss what makes witcher good

Which character will they turn black?

Just finished the second book. Poor three trees.

Frontier and Marco Polo (cancelled) are both pretty good.

I'm honestly hoping their mini-comic book universe dies in the next year or so and they have to fund better shit like this or god forbid original ideas.

it won't happen though, capeshit is eternal

I'd like to see netflix do this

Geralt of course.

Those covers look like shit, gurlz can be badass too XD.

are they actually any good?

>gurlz can be badass too XD.
I imagine the people who picked them up for the reason you stated would actually drop it pretty quickly.

They're pretty good with a neat magic system and great story that takes place over several years and features some interesting characters and creatures. Writing is pretty solid and you dont really get any of those GRRM moment where something is being described pointlessly for too long.

Doesn't sound too bad, since I assume the central PoV character is that girl on the covers is she the typical cynical and bitter Mary Sue type constantly rolling her eyes at comically unrealistic and overblown horndog men that usually populate women centric books or is she actually an interesting viewpoint?

Which means the Witcher will be a rushed mess.

Thank god I still have Blood and Wine to play.


At the start shes a poor street rat in a thieving crew to survive, but eventually gets out and meets a different group, however as a result of her life before shes guarded and very insecure and timid. Theres actually not too many guys who hit on her, but its mentioned shes had to fight against being raped when younger, and people find her attractive when she does herself up.

Hmm. Semi-realistic street urchin girl in a medieval fantasy setting? I can see why you said the Stronk Womyn crowd would drop it. sounds pretty decent, user. I will check it out. thanks for the rec.

>mads will never play geralt

Witcher can be incredible if done well and at the same time it is very easy to fuck it up. I hope they have great producers and writers.

They are not the only ones looking to capitalize on the end of GoT.

There is also a Wheel Of Time series in the work and a Dark Company one

>There will never be a Malazan high budget television series...

Just kill me now, bros

I'm not watching it either way even though I like the characters, setting, stories etc. Fuck netflix and their garbage cringe tv-flick shows.

It's hard to get excited about a Netflix series.

Witcher needed to be on HBO or Starz.

This. but mostly HBO since the show would most likely have a higher budget. Netflix now days just scream sjw propaganda. But I still have faith that Netflix would do the show justice especially if the Arthur of the book is included in the show.

If you want to waste time and not see a shitty witcher related series. Just go on good old games and you have the two first games for free.