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cute whoe is still aa whore

rank them
also the wolves

I was only 9 years old I loved Stannis so much, I had all the banners and murals I pray to R’hllor every night before bed, thanking him for the life I’ve been given "Stannis is love" I say; “Stannis is life” My dad hears me and calls me a faggot I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Stannis I called him a usurper He slaps me and sends me to Dragonstone I’m crying now, and my face hurts I lay in bed and it’s really cold Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me It’s Stannis I am so happy He whispers into my ear “The Iron Throne is mine, by right” He grabs me with his powerful Baratheon hands and puts me down onto my knees I’m ready I swear my fealty for Stannis He penetrates my butt-hole It hurts so much but I do it for Stannis I can feel my butt burning as my eyes start to water I push against his fury I want to please Stannis He grinds his teeth as he fills my butt with his love My dad walks in Stannis looks him straight in the eyes and says “Go on, do your duty” Stannis leaves through my window Stannis is love. Stannis is life.

Reminder that viserys first was a rogar plant and all targshits after him aren't real targs

Robb > Arya > Sansa > Bran > the little one

Jon is not a Stark

Robb's wolf > Summer > Shaggydog > Lady > Nymeria

Snow is not a Stark Wolf

First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.

Bran > Jon > Robb > Rickon > Arya > Sansa

He's a rogar wolf

i-is this one of the 5 spinoffs being considered?

why a weirdwood for rickon ?

>we can't fight amongst eachother, we have to join together to survive the coming winter


*backstabs you*

Cersei master race

Based on the entire story and not just last season/book (i.e. S6 arya was absolute dog shit but she had 3-4 decent seasons so she is among the top, etc..)

Show characters

Book characters

Book chapters
Arya>Sansa(lots of interesting characters in there, tho sansa isn't)>Jon>Bran




>making a 5 part video series on "Why catelyn sucks"

I mean I've seen some 10 or even 20 lines long rants about how this or that character sucks in /got/... but this is some high levels of autism.

Didn't watch it but if I were to take a shot everytime "Jon" is uttered, would I die of alcohol poisoning?

It pains me to admit it, but they're all shit

arya is literally the worst main character in the books what are you on about

Is Aidan /OURguy/?

Reminder that this is actually a scene in the show - not behind the scenes stuff.

Even he knows the show is shit and doesn't care anymore.

I have a thing for well meaning fuckups. Jon is dull, and Arya is practically a Sue, but I kind of like the whole ravages of war thing GURM went with with her chapters. Rickon is a nonentity.
Nymeria>Grey Wind>Shaggy>Ghost>Summer>Lady
Nymeria is destroying an ecosystem which is hilarious to me for some reason, GW contributed to Robb's war efforts, Ghost and Shaggy look cool, Lady is shit tier.

Pile of shit>Rickon>Jon>Bran>Arya>Robb>Sansa
Rickon is number one because being a nonentity beats being an abortion. Jon is a Sue, but that beats being a Sue's exposition machine, Quasimodo with plot armor, an asshole who laughs at his grandfather's funeral and spends 90% of his plot in a boring love story, and a character whose actions have stopped making any sense.
Ghost AKA Sam's direwolf>Summer/Shaggy/GW/Lady who all died like bitches>Nymeria

That would be Catelyn
She never truly acts, and whenever she does, it's shit

Arya has at least a character development and interesting stylistic choices (like her litany)

Is Qhorin Halfhand playing some kind of double game?
I've been rereading acok and he doesn't seem to be entirely honest with Jon, or even anyone else in the NW. Not straight up lies, would give up the game, but half-truths and the likes. Kinda like Varys/LF are giving to everyone.

>Worst main character
back to r/eddit with you

Her chapters are comfy as fuck tho. In the first books anyway. Comfiest chapters in the books, tied with Jaime I'd say.

I literally don't go to reddit though
Catelyn is just here to tell Robb's story and feel sad about things, as well as liberating the Kingslayer

the perspective on the war is quite nice
after that it's mostly just directionless shit though, thankfully there were only like 4 arya chapters in affc/adwd iirc

I liked the whole "I am no one" part, as well as when she kills a renegade Night Watcher, or that chapter where she changes character, even though it went a bit long.

I love that Martin combines style and plot when he calls Sansa chapters "Alyane" and have her think of herself as Alyane.

Eh, everything in Braavos is pretty bad. Le edgy magic ninja was just a poor direction to take her character and she honestly should've been killed off or had her PoV merged sometime in ASoS.

losing agency is a big part of her arc
would much rather have that than purposeless plot-armour kid

>Daenerys high up there
this makes me very very happy
but the rest doesn't make much sense

>Le edgy magic ninja
And yet, don't a lot of people like Syrio Forel/Jaqen H'ghar ?

I didn't thought of Braavos as shit. Maybe a bit too far from the action, but the city is good, world-building wise. Better than the Slaver's Bay by any means.

>And yet, don't a lot of people like Syrio Forel/Jaqen H'ghar ?
Mysterious secondary/tertiary characters? There's a big difference.

>purposeless plot-armour kid
Bran ? He does have a purpose, stop the evil white walkers.

Catelyn losing agency might be representing how the North is losing the war, but still, I think it could have used a bit more action.

>Bran ? He does have a purpose, stop the evil white walkers.
don't be facetious

Those are some nice jewbs

Care to explain ? To me his entire arc is basically discovering who the WW are, and how to stop them. Maybe I'm just a retard, though.

On an unrelated note, what is your favourite "minor" PoV character of the books ? I like Arianne Martell
Her chapter in the tower is one of the best

based marcus here

whats up nerds

I was talking about Arya, not Bran, I thought that was obvious, sorry.
I'm not overly fond of the fat nigger whore myself, I guess JonCon and Barry both give some nice insight and have interesting bits.

Oh yes, Arya is pretty useless, especially in ASOS. I liked JonCon and Barry but I don't really like the whole Slaver's Bay arc tbH, it feels like another novel completely disconnected from what happens on Westeros. Maybe now that everybody and their mother is heading to Meereen, it will be more interesting.

Out of all the dead characters, which one would you like to see get resurrected currently?

For me, I'd have to choose Viserys since it'd be pretty lulzy to see him break down over Dany being the true dragon and actually trying to tame one of the dragons.

>but I don't really like the whole Slaver's Bay arc tbH, it feels like another novel completely disconnected from what happens on Westeros.
Yeah, I'd mostly agree. I like those two more for their insight into past events than present I guess. Hopefully it'll get better with all the Greyjoy/Martel intertwining, as you say.

>Out of all the dead characters, which one would you like to see get resurrected currently?
The one that's meant to be.

So many emiliaposts lately

Yes they are

Will then run out of techniques to use for their scenes together? I'm talking about the ones where they have to make Kit stop looking like an Ultra manlet when standing next to Sophie.

I want to ___ Emilia!






Whenever I see this webm I can't unsee how she looks like a chubby 12 year old.

I wish there'd still be cosequences instead of blockbusterling movie deus ex machina trope
DnD will burn in hell for their greed and calousness. If you can't play by the rules that you yourself scribbled down a year ago you're two faced at best and a greedy fanfic writer at worst. Fuck the show and Fuck you if you're too deluded or distracted with titties to see it


she's not fucking hot and there is nothing sexual about her. unless you're a pedo

Let me prove you wrong.

She seems pretty chill. Doesn't take herself too seriously. I'd hang out with her.

She looks slim here. When was this?

last week

Cersei x Jon is the best ship and Jon and Danny doing some more incest will be the worst thing to happen to the show since dorne

WTF is with that image? The scales of the characters makes no sense.

Arthur Dayne

literally little girl trying very hard to look sexy

That's what all little girls do these days anyway.

oh wow I made those ones
there's another Esquire one two IIRC

this one

doesn't make them any sexier desu

>when even your servants are hotter than you

you mean Qhorin Halfhand?

>it's another "The actress emilia is sharing a scene with looks much better than her" episode

What did they mean by this?

>the random sex slave is hotter than the valyrian demi-goddess

Lol XD

now make one about Euron, Jaqen, Victarion, Robert, Roose and Darkstar.

Fucking stupid frogposter

>when even your servants are hotter than you
This keeps happening to. Doreah, Irri, Missandei... If I were her, I'd complain. I'm sure she has enough pull to get some minor character killed off.

Don't you like Jaqen H'ghar, Faceless Men and the Kindly Man.

You forgot Jorah

Also that wizened old lady

and Tyrion

is there anything more pathetic than a guy losing his shit over a cartoon frog?

Yes there is! People like you! Whahahahaha!

Now shut the fuck up!

>Yunkai'i whore, random whore following a sellsword company, is leagues ahead of "the most beautiful woman in the world" dany

misha pls

>ramsay's peasant fuck toy is 10x hotter than purebred sansa
why does this keep on happening

Stop trying to redirect this, Emilia

It's hard to tell when kids will grow up uggo, especially british kids

They didn't have enough money to hire a decent core cast at the start
Now they're stuck with them, even worse as they age terribly

So, why will the seventh season have 7 episodes instead of 10?

so fucking low energy. Can you even get an erection anymore?

I'm just examining a trend, I don't like fatleesi either.

>"Poor me, I'm just a poor northern prostitute. My beauty cannot compare to the Blood of old Valyria"

I miss her like some of Joffery's bolys

Yes he is

>especially british kids
Actually it's really easy. They grow up ugly in 10 out of 10 times. So you hire a 'stralian kid. Most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway.

Yes I can. Can you get an erection?

Or do you only get an erection when you see naked fat man? Are you gay?

show her cuny pls

I miss myranda so much.

Shame Sansa didn't

Do D&D think their plot make any sense?
Or do they know it's retarded but that showfags will like it all the same?

They just don't care. They only really wanted to do the RW and now it's wildly successful they're just milking it with fanservice.

I think they care about the show being good, but they play it fast and loose since showfags don't really understand the intricate details and politics behind the plot.

How can I be sure?
When your intrusion is my illusion
How can I be sure
When all the time you changed my mind
I asked for more and more
How can I be sure
When you don't give me love (You gave me pale shelter)
You don't give me love (you give me cold hands)
And I can't operate on this failure
When all I want to be is
Completely in command
How can I be sure
For all you say you keep me waiting
How can I be sure
When all you do is see me through
I asked for more and more
How can I be sure
When you don't give me love (You gave me pale shelter)
You don't give me love (you give me cold hands)
And I can't operate on this failure
When all I want to be is
Completely in command
I've been here before
There is no why, no need to try
I thought you had it all