How did this

How did this

Turn into this?


What was going on in his mind before his final moments Sup Forums? Biopic when?

tfw liberals get what they wanted

>at least I'm not a raci-


>when God is real and he is having a laugh


>Wears overalls when he's not a farmer

He deserved it.




Sup Forums autists who keep getting bltf on an actual polital board so they come here to shitpost

I'm glad its over for him


I heard he died slowly. Like half his body got blown off and he bleed out. Must have been pretty horrifying senpai

Dubs don't lie.

Enjoying sucking cocks in hell, Martyn?

Getting a glimpse of your own future faggot?

but at least he wasn't racist

that's all that really matters

>standing around some tween concert because im a giant faggot
>a sudden white flash blinds me
>lose my hearing
>fall to the ground
>i cannot feel my body
>stare up into the ceiling
>eyes roll back
>"at least i wasn't racist"
>a tiny smile curls on my face
>drift into the nether


And it feels so yeah

thanks for proving my point sweetie ;). too predictable lmao


Oh, it's just a mentally ill Hilltard living in pre-November 2016, nothing to see here.





What's Deidre Barlow?

Character from a British soap opera

>HAHA posting

Detonate yourself, Ibrahim.

>stare up into the ceiling
>The ceiling opens up and he see God and the angels, with all the saints in the clouds
>They suddenly disappear after he comes to the realization he has just died
>He all of sudden feels a sense of dread as his eyes roll into the back of his head
>He feels his spirit leave his body as he feels a falling sensation
>He falls into a black hole and cant see a thing
>Hears other people screaming and the scent of surfer and burning flesh is in the air.
>He suddenly has the stunning realization he is in Hell
>He hears what sounds like an Arab man next to him
>Its the man who killed him
>He has an epiphany and realizes he is in Hell with a Muslim who killed him

>There is no hope
>There is no peace
>All is lost

Uhh ohh spaghetti-ohhhhs!!!

>gets triggered this easily by a word
>literally shakes right now
lmao kys lad

Jesus Christ..

I heard he picked up the suicide bomber's penis and inserted it in his ass as one last act of defiance to the racists.

Can anyone confirm?

>Muslims are learning to kill leftists exclusively now

Good. They invited diversity so they deserve to experience the diversity firsthand.

It's a shame he didn't know it was a muslim that killed him

I still love you, Sup Forums.

wtf was he doing at an Ariana Grande concert??

Was he actually a pedophile, he was nearly 30

Cry about it Ahmed

i>the scent of surfer

You illiterate cunt. Also, how can you possibly be an intelligent person and believe in hell? I'm not really interested in your rationale... more of a rhetorical question.

Remind me, how many terrorists has Trump captured?

Calm down bitch its just a shitpost

Was Trump at the concert too?

We don't "capture" terrorists anymore.

That's ironic, but it doesn't mean he was wrong to begin with.

I thought Trumpo was going to defeat ISIS in 30 days, though... Hmm

The liberals obstructed him because they wanted more attacks like Manchester.

Blame the butthurt Democrats for that.

Also Obama funding and arming ISIS.