Post almost kino but just off the mark sci-fi movies

post almost kino but just off the mark sci-fi movies

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>post almost kino but just off the mark sci-fi movies

>posts a pile of dog shit

>being this wrong
get real kid
you're just being intellectually dishonest at this point

event horizon > alien
prove me wrong
>tfw you realize you can't
time to give up the act, user

Dark City is pure kino

get out

Prometheus obv.

This is very aesthetic in its own way but it sucks ass


These tbqh familia

Any others?

The Cube is absolute sci fi kino


fuck yeah this is a great one
perfect example of what i wanted to see posted
gonna have to rewatch this now

The thing. Threads over

It was absolutely amazing until the 3rd act. That huge tonal shift out of nowhere, it just straight up turned into a horror movie for about 20 minutes for no damn reason.

one of my favorites

>that scene when it jumps

laughed for a solid minute

this movie might actually be kino desu
good take on time travel/thought loops

it's pure 90s kinotainment

Go suck the Nostalgia Critic's balls some more

event horizon > alien
Easy now.

Its actually great. One od ny favorite movies of all time.

Sunshine was attempting to realistically depict many different aspects of space travel and the inclusion of someone losing their sanity is an interesting one, but it was so jarring compared to the rest, it pretty much ruined it. They should have taken inspiration of The Shining instead Event Horizon.

>tfw Sunshine is a masterpiece IMHO simply because I saw the ending before the beginning

my absolute nigger

the original and more creative Saw


>tfw we'll never get the extended cut since all the footage they shot has been lost

>mfw the autist wins the game


>meme horizon
>almost kino


>almost kino but just off the mark sci-fi movies

The 13th Floor
The 6th Day
Beyond the Black Rainbow
Edge of Tomorrow
The Martian
Midnight Special
Robot and Frank
Under the Skin


That was a tragedy.

Strange Days
Free Jack

Strange Days was off the mark. But Gattaca is pure scifikino.

My schizo stinky nearly-blind autistic gf whos family members all get fucking cancer at young ages loves Gattaca.

wasn't it kino?


This movie is shit and it's an insult to any self-respecting sci-fi fan.

>cool interdimensional demons concept
>it's just hell raiser in space


He's right, you should watch more sci-fi if you think that's event horizon is good sci-fi

>prove me wrong
Better production values, better acting, better script, better sets, better sound, better cinematography.... I can keep going.

You've been proved wrong.
He's right

It had the potential to be a good movie but they ruined it.

negro, obviously mashing up sci-fi/horror is not something that is going to contend with a bladerunner or a children of men or something

100% correct. The 3rd act pretty much shit over what could have been pure sci-fi kino

I think this was actually kino and thus shouldn't be in this thread.

>What's cosmic horror? Who's Arthur C Clarke?
So it's true, people who like Even Horizon don't have a clue about sci-fi,,,

Btw, Alien contends with Blade Runner and Children of men good enough.

Let's just not talk about everything that came after Alien.

so you reference an author to try and use as something of note when saying there is superior scifi/horror films out there?
I mean if I could use authors as a reference point I could come up with something better than event horizon too

watched this shit when I was like 11 on vhs, rewound the part with the titties a few times

>dat melissa george

An author that has various well known adaptations of his work, I didn't reference him randomly.

Hell, even Stephen King has better adaptations than EH that are better sci-fi than EH, even without being explicitly cataloged within the genre.


what you're failing to realize is how if they are better sci-fi, there is almost surely an inverse correlation with the quality of how they fit into the horror label and i can almost assure you EH trumps them there and in the counter scenario

This thread is about sub-par scifi.

What, you think those movies are the pinnacle of good scifi?

Did you not even read the thread?
It's not supposed to be the best sci-fi movies being posted here you doofus


he meant like a Greek Tragedy. i.e. a work of genius


falling just short of kino is not what sub-par means. Go reread the OP faggot.

Neo-Sup Forums in a nutshell

The only thing that wasn't completely and totally garbage that POS Anderson ever attached his name to was Pandorum (terrible title, tho)

is kino

Well, let's see. Gravity has 96% positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

You don't think that qualifies as falling just short of kino?



Natural City

so close still not bad

plebs don't know about Eden log

Would be perfect if not for the rape scene

If you hate it so much why do you keep fucking talking about it.

It's like being mad at your ex that you're still totally in love with but she won't give you the time of day.

Does House of 1000 Corpses pass for sci-fi because of the mad scientist scene?

Highlander is god-tier kino.

I've always like how real it all felt, everyone just gets sick and dies, apparently originally it was supposed to focus more on Steven in the second half but they changed it, uncivilized degenerates use forks gets a little old after awhile

I liked that the spellcasting was just regular prayers and superstition and it's unclear whether it worked or not.

very fun flick

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I'd like to nominate Dune for 'almost kino'.

I love nature and all but this was just a tad too hippie for my taste. Still a pretty nice movie.

no it's appreciated right, forgettable paradox annoying C-movie

I'm not sure if I agree. I haven't watched the longer version though.

>Edge of Tomorrow and many of those
>off the mark

It is flawed, I will admit, but it is quite brilliant in many places. Especially any scene with the Harkonnens.

I mean look at this. It's almost like a play.

sweat kino

I haven't seen it in a while. I need to give it another watch. Is there any special edit of the movie I should consider watching or is the theatrical release just fine?


Oh look. Another "everybody is retarded and doesn't know anything about quarantines" or even cost/benefit analysis movie.

when is this movie coming out?

life came out in march in the us
do you mean on bluray?

I mean why can't I find it in rarbg?

Lucy isn't sub-par. it's perhaps the most shit and least sensible "science fiction" movie ever made

The first one was one of my fav movies

Good concept.
Completely laughable boss fight scene. Holy shit, the movie went from a solid 8 to a 6 just because of it.


>t. plebbitor

Edge of tomorrow is one of the best films of this decade