Was this the final nail in the coffin for apolitical television?

Was this the final nail in the coffin for apolitical television?

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Hitler needed his Reichstag Fire so, I guess Fallon was as good as.


*claps the desk like a seal*

>So I bet those ovens get pretty hot, right? HAHAHAHAHA

*leans back on his chair from laughing so hard*

>And your new thing is disguising showers as gas chambers? YOU'RE CRAZY MAN!

*leans over and rubs his moustache*

>Awww man, it's great having you here. Adolf Hitler, everybody!

this asshat is insufferable


>Alright everybody we're gonna take a break, give it up for the roots!

Honestly, I would have greatly respected Fallon if he said something like:

"I treat everyone the same. Everyone is a human with a story to tell, they all deserve kindness and respect and I give them that. Donald Trump came to me on his show, just like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and I accepted them all and prefered to treat them with dignity rather than to attack everyone I meet in different ways like my competition does. When people come to see me, I bring out their best qualities and find out what makes them fun people, and play with them. People say I shouldn't be 'allowed' to do this with a 'monster' but he isn't a criminal, he is a president and I will treat him as well as any guest who ever visits me, treatment by the way which is the gold standard in host/guest interactions and is beloved by millions. I see no color, political affiliation or religion when I interview my guests. Perhaps if more people acted this way we could achieve peace and progression in our planet. This is how I prefer to do it and I hope there is still room for someone like me because I know the world needs happiness more than it needs more hate. - Jimmy Fallon"

>can't tolerate 1 host who doesn't show he's liberal
>Drumpfies want their safe space


Stay mad

Fellow countryman

You're all faggots

fuck your political beliefs

He's literally only had 20 good minutes on air thus far.



Hell, just say nothing. Everyone knows Fallon fawns over all his guests. That's how he gets them on the show. You show up, he tosses you a few harmless puff-ball interview questions, you plug whatever you want to plug, and maybe you play a stupid game show game. That's the deal. Anyone who thinks that Fallon's treating Trump like any other of his guests makes him some kind of right-wing pundit is an idiot.

But that he'd go back and try to spin him treating the guy civilly as somehow mocking him? That's cowardly.




>"As Mr. Fallon is well aware, viewers haven’t seen him in quite the same light since an interview he conducted with Mr. Trump in September, which was widely criticized for its fawning, forgiving tone. In a gesture that has come to haunt the host, he concluded the segment by playfully running his fingers through Mr. Trump’s hair."

>Since that infamous interview, Fallon has seen his ratings plummet, while a re-energized Colbert has surged ahead of him. According to the Times, Fallon is “weathering the most tumultuous period in his [Tonight Show] tenure—a predicament for which he has himself to thank.”

>Fallon knows where it all went wrong, and says about his detractors: “They have a right to be mad.” He also tries to explain the rationale behind that odd hair-ruffling moment: “I didn’t do it to humanize him. I almost did it to minimize him. I didn’t think that would be a compliment: ‘He did the thing that we all wanted to do.’”

>Compounding the problem, Fallon now admits, was not addressing the resulting controversy directly: “I didn’t talk about it, and I should have talked about it. I regret that.”

>Part of the problem stems exactly from Fallon’s mostly innocuous political stance: “The segments he loves best, Mr. Fallon said, are dispensable morsels of ‘brain candy’”—the moment “when people go, ‘That’s cool that they put this much thought into such a dumb, silly bit.”’ But in an age when a typical day’s political events provide enough fodder for a two-hour opening monologue, audiences may be desiring something more topical than Fallon’s personal brand of humor and popular song covers with kid instruments.

>that's photoshopped trump picture

fake news

>FOX news "citing" Wall Street Journal

These people unironically call other people cucked

>I almost did it to minimize him.

What the fuck does that even mean? There's not such thing as almost intent.


It means he has no dignity or beliefs and he just does what he thinks will please the most people


Im pretty sure Jimmy would be fired if he said "Trump isn't that bad"

The country isn't divided, the far left is trying to hold onto power & being pretty fucking nasty about it

>the far left is why his ratings have plummeted

Yeah, all those 18-25 yr olds watching the Tonight Show.

Nice delusional persecution complex m8

lol drumpfsters btfo



Maybe I'm alone in this, but just seeing him on TV doing literally anything is fucking enraging. I feel my blood pressure rise when I see him on the screen. I can't tell you exactly why though, I just fucking hate him.

>literally posting screen caps from le_doanld

Fucking kill yourself


That's the point you turd, don't fall for it so easily. I thought you were better than this user.

Satire is dead on Sup Forums user. You can't satirize a board where the height of humor is posting a picture of a comedian and pounding on the keyboard with the caps lock on

Yeah you're right, I should have known better as well.