What's he the god of?

what's he the god of?

Also, American Gods general I guess.

Oh boy, leave your own thread right now, because once you get spoiled what is he the god of, there'll be no coming back.

No, seriously, don't read this, nigga:
He's the trickster god of lies, mischief and fire. It's a two-man con.

Man that's low key

He's basically illuminati. Or a secret government agency that knows everything about everyone. He later turns out to be something more, but i'm not sure if they'll get to it.

Fuck, I liked that guy. He made a pretty good display of power.

>Gillian Anderson in this episode


How could he not have accepted an apology from a face like this?

I wonder if they're ever going to use that name in the show. I mean "low key" doesn't look that similiar to "loki" in writing, but speaking it out loud will make it painfully obvious

More Mad Sweeney. Give me 60 motherfucking minutes of Mad Sweeney. Maybe he opens a bar and funny shit ensues. Maybe he goes back to Ireland and gets a new lucky coin by fighting people. Maybe he fucks zombie wife and while they're fucking he reaches into her chest and steals the coin back. Maybe he fights a bunch of much smaller leprechauns at once and smashes them into rocks and shit like that. Maybe after he takes all the leprechauns lucky coins he comes back and beats up all the gods. Just give it a thought.

would you a qt cold smelly zombie girl Sup Forums?

How does Crispin Glover still get work after what he said about Spielberg/Judaism?

I think he will die soon-ish. I havent read the book so its just a guess.

Do you think Shadow would've started her heart again with his sbc?

Mad Sweeney is literally the best thing about the series. He and Laura's banter was the greatest thing all season. Her annoying way of talking dismissively and his desperate, "Give me back my coin!" She could have ripped him in half if she wanted and that made it all the more humorous. And then she plays "dead" When the cops comes in and he's all, "You're an awful dead wife, You're an awful dead wife!"

>after what he said about Spielberg/Judaism?

Can you give us the basic gestalt??

isnt crispin glover 53? what the fuck.

because he's BASED AS FUCK

>that hair
>that jawline
>still look goofy as fuck

Whack don't crack.

From his essay "What is it?":

>Does Steven Spielberg focus much of his fantasy life on young people? Did he portray children wallowing in sewers filled with fecal matter in Schindler’s List? Did he use children to finger paint an adult in Hook? Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor? Are the inclinations of Steven Spielberg above suspicion by the media-fed culture? Was Steven Spielberg very friendly with Michael Jackson? Wasn’t Michael Jackson supposed to play Peter Pan in Steven Spielberg’s version of the story? Now that Michael Jackson is no longer held in favor by the mass media, does Spielberg associate with him? Do Michael Jackson and Steven Spielberg share similar opinions about the sexuality of young boys?

>Does The Talmud speak of the superiority of the Jews and the inferiority of other cultures and beliefs? Does Steven Spielberg reflect this religious imperative? Is Steve Spielberg neurotic? Is this belief hidden and suppressed?

>Does Steven Spielberg take risks, or does he simulate the idea of taking risks? What risk was involved in making Saving Private Ryan or Schindler’s List, or adopting a black child? Was there any risk at all? Would Steven Spielberg have adopted that same child in the Deep South of the 1950s where there would have been risk of being called a “nigger lover”? Were the adoption of a black child and the subject matter of his movies actually business decisions for which he knew he would be congratulated?

>Would the culture benefit from Steven Spielberg’s murder, or would it be lessened by making him a martyr? Or would people then begin to realize their lives had become less banal and more interesting due to his departure?

wtf I love Crispin Glover now


really made me think

Capitalism, CIA, Black ops, spooks, NSA, Illuminati, etc...

More importantly...
What's HE the god of?

Pizzagate is real

will there be a god of memes?

Shouldn't the technology nu-male god be way, way stronger than he's portrayed?

being teared apart

Why? He's just the delivery system for Media really. She controls the narrative, he's just the back-end.

i guess they're intertwined pretty closely, but I don't see why he shouldn't be stronger than her considering she needs him and he technically doesn't need her.

hes a cocky young faggot

If he was god of just internet it would be fine, but he's god of TECHNOLOGY

Media existed probably ever since the printing press, slowly growing stronger through journalism. Or hell, in a way she was around since ancient Greek orators, just weak as fuck. Now she probably got a recent boost thanks to technology, but she still has been around longer and she is just using new technology to grow larger.

I think that technology "worship" is relatively new. This youtube/social media and even chans obsession for normies is pretty knew. Before that technology was still the domain of nerds/engineers. Anyone could watch TV 50 years ago, not many could build one. Now damn near anyone can put together a PC. This hipster apple worship and reliance on internet technology is pretty knew. for And I'm not sure people using facebook and twitter even falls under Technology Boy, that might be Mr. World too.

I guess look at this this way, who is more powerful? CNN, or that faggot Youtube guy Casey? Because Media is CNN and Technology Boy is a youtube celebrity at best.

I know it's not really clear, but in the book he is more the god of internet/hacking/computers than all technology. I think his name comes from the fact that when we think of technology now things like smartphones and PC's are the first things that come to mind.

Fuck man, i couldn't stop laughing.
you're a fucking asshole dead wife! YOU'RE A FUCKING ASSHOLE DEADWIFE! YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE DEAD WIFE!!!

by that logic technology probably existed ever since fire, or the wheel, or sharpened rocks etc.

he's got a squish mouth

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how on point casting in this show is?

Because holy shit it has some amazing casting.

Yea, but it wasn't worshiped as technology, and technology boy is not the god of all technology.

When the book was being written in the late 90's he was growing stronger because how everyone suddenly got access to shit. All of a sudden damn near everyone had a cell phone, console, pc, mp3 players, etc. So he got a massive boost, but he was still a fucking fat nerd mostly worshiped by nerds, slowly transforming into the modern normie numale that can't live without a smart phone. I guess the main change is that people started to gain access to and got overwhelmed by technological gadgets, worshiping tech for its own sake and waiting for the next new thing (like a new iPhone or PS3). Before that individual technological advancements were worshiped primary for what they brought/did individually, rather than cool technological gadgets. The rate of advancement and wide access is what is giving Technology boy such a sudden power/growth spurt.

main guy is a complete dud though

literally all he can do is frown

yes but my point is that media wasn't worshiped until the ideals of journalism and entertainment media became something, differing from media (be it books, newspapers or art) as a tool for communicating information.

He's the god of our current idea of technology i.e. the Internet, computers, etc. He was minor in comparison to the gods of automobiles in power, but he had a hell of a reach.

desu even that is more emotion that shadow showed in the book

I know, which is why she was probably pretty weak if she "existed" at all. I think she does say that she has been around since 1930's, which would have been when the radio was relatively common across America and probably when she would have "grown" significantly.

God of Kino

You rang?

also keep in mind that every country/population/culture gets their own version of gods, so american media can only be as old as america etc.

/our guy/

No she first gained power when people began sacrificing time, everyone sitting together as a family listening to radio then with TV she grew even more, finally handheld portable TVs and radios, people sacrificing more and more of their time and thought to worship the silver screen

You're missing the point, the show is about american gods, things that the american nation believes in.

Gods of fire, gods of speed, gods of 'the city' mostly fire gods would have covered the tech angle for most of human existence

Shouldn't chink or pooinloo gods be absolutely dominating the universe in this series considering how many believers there are there?

Just imagine, in a universe where the more people believe in a god the more powerful it becomes, 1 billion pajeets believing wholeheartedly in a toilet witch

When I search for "What is it?" all I find is some 2005 film Glover did, not an essay

Chink gods are powerful in chink countries. In the show's lore America has their own versions of all the gods.

>tfw the only known structural manifestations of czernobog are in your area.

Yea, the main religion gods are nice and comfortable. Jesus for example doesn't give a fuck because he has plenty of followers. The Indian pantheon is probably the same, but religion in China is kind of weird. Whatever gods they believe there are probably doing well enough, but the country isn't exactly unified when it comes to religion.

Yes their very strong, Christianity e.g. Jesus, in all its many denominations is also very strong, but its country or area specific, Indian Kali would be strong as you can get, Brazilian Kali? Not so much

He's too powerful to be contained.

Kek would work for Tech Boy or be Tech Boy

>He doesn't know it's spreading into real life now
>He doesn't know memes are much older than what you think

The Imperium.

I think he can control rats

>girlfriend comes back alive
>is cold as ice
>having a living cold fleshlight

>tfw BBC owns the rights to Anansi Boys

Forest Whitaker would have been fire as Fat Charlie. Orlando Jones is pretty good as Mr. Nancy tho.

Nah you just don't get how this works

>In the show's lore America has their own versions of all the gods.

fucking STUPID

>Maybe he goes back to Ireland and gets a new lucky coin by fighting people

I don't want to spoil the book for you, but that's not how it works.

Every country has their own gods, america just had to import them

Mad Sweeney needs his own show. Fuck everyone else.

>Sweeney fighting round the world
Fund it

Not really. Different interpretations are incredibly common.

as I said, it's just a retarded way for Gaiman to have characters die "but not really ;))"

its a cop out

No its not, thats a major theme and let's him have gods that should be powerful AF but arnt because in America no one gives a shit, gaiman is happy to ressurect any character he likes without any setup nessesary its not about having a safety net, the different 'versions' are completely different people its more like they've got a long lost twin out their, not that theirs multiple clones

It isn't though, because you don't even realize that until the end of the book. The whole book, you're lead to believe that these gods are the same ones present worldwide, so it comes as a bit of a shock to find out that, no, their existence is not only linked to belief, but to locality.

It's like how Japan has their own version of Spiderman, and he's so wildly different, he may as well not be called Spiderman.


Nose, lips and chin.

Is it a spider robot?

Nah, just a power ranger style robot

Dude in the black 3-piece is the 'man'. The god of the system, globalization, nation-states, institutional power, trade whatever makes the world go round.

The media is how ideas are spread around so she probably got her modern start thanks to guttenberg but got really powerful during the 1930 thanks to the radio. I think that's why she refered to WW2, she probably was in her puberty stage and barely transitioning into adulthood.

The teenager is recent in this form. I would say his ascent dates back to the effective use of the transistor and their mass-spread during the PC era. (DEC v IBM war). Although he is worshipped everywhere, in industrialized society technology is just a slave to the financial system and the political economy.

That last episode was fantastic.
Odin is also the god of victory I would hesitate before engaging in an all out war against the god of winning lol.

Globalization god isn't even a real American God you dunce.

this was a great read

Good read.

>Would Steven Spielberg have adopted that same child in the Deep South of the 1950s where there would have been risk of being called a “nigger lover”? Were the adoption of a black child and the subject matter of his movies actually business decisions for which he knew he would be congratulated?

70% of people have children just because "it's the right thing to do"

Nah Kek is more like an old god that is tearing about the new gods from the inside.

Since they are plenty of Sup Forumstards who unironically believe in meme magic and semi-ironically believe in Kek, Kek should actually exist according to the lore of American Gods.

The New Gods consist of Media, Mr. World (globalization), and Technical boy.

So far I've thought the casting of the show has been spot on perfect. I had my doubts about a black Shadow Moon (the book implies American Indian), but he slays it in that role. As do Wednesday, Chernobog, Mad Sweeny, and all the others.

The revision of technical boy is perfect. When the book was written technical boy WOULD have been a fat angsty neckbeard as depicted. But in this generation of nu-male vaping millenials, technical boy fits perfect. Particularly with his glitzy hiphop club kid look.

I love Gillian as media and so far she slays it in all her shape shifting roles. You really believe she's Lucy, or Marilyn Monroe, she even slayed it playing David fucking Bowie.

But Crispin Glover as Mr World is an odd fit. It's a total re-envisioning of the dominant commanding business mogal aristocrat that he was written as. Crispin Glover slays it as an introverted squirrely weirdo, but I don't know if he can pull off a commanding role. And so far it's just strange. But I thought technical boy was an odd fit too, but I grew to really like him in that role.

Goddamn japs

Apparently Neil Gaiman always had The Rock in mind for Shadow Moon, but he became too big by the time it was finally cast.
And yeah, Mr Wednesday couldn't possibly be better.

Or he's just the new god of mischief with delusions or grandeur, he'd be good freinds with Pan and Loki


I find it really weird that there's only two real American gods.

It depends if you want to take the whole mythology of him literally being kek or not, considering people treat him as, he'd be that god but having a resurgence.

>I had my doubts about a black Shadow Moon (the book implies American Indian)

Ya know, I read American Gods years ago, and now I feel like I didn't pay enough attention at the time since I always imagined Shadow as white.

The central premise of the book is that they are all American Gods (tm)

or he's a new god whos taken over from an old one, Kek is a usurper, I changed my mind, Loki and Pan would fucking hate him

Well, the book does say he's dark ish with native American features. And Gaiman himself had said that when he was writing the book, he'd imagined him looking like Dwayne Johnson.

But as part of the Norse/Germanic pantheon (*spoiler* Shadow Moon is Baldur, Norse god of heroes), Shadow Moon being white makes the most sense with the story.

All the other gods of various cultures are always depicted as that culture's race. Well, one other exception, the Egyptian gods are black.... and the ancient Egyptians are far closer genetically to modern day Arabs, but this show does frequently shill for liberal causes. I love it anyway, there's many great things going for it. But the BLM speech and graphic gay sex scene were not needed.


are you one of those YASS QUEEN faggots?

I think it may be time for you to go back.

I dunno I like the idea of it literally being Kek, having wasted away in one of those places in America that randomly has egyptian names, and now finally is being imbued with all of this meme magic.

>graphic gay sex scene
fug i forgot about that
what's going to happen with the djinn and the gay arab salesman?