How is the MCU going to adapt this iconic scene?

How is the MCU going to adapt this iconic scene?

2/3 babies will be a minority. And there will be quips

le bebe on the bottom left looks like a pepe

who dis nigga? looks like randal savage not that he'd need to set up such a contraption.

Is this just a generic criminal?

Is the protection worth the constant smell of shit and piss?

>not shooting the babies since they are literally collaborating with a criminal

go home Dredd, arent you overdue for a sleep machine appointment or something?

>sniper to the head

That was easy

>he falls back and lands on the babies

>cop shoots baby
>media get outraged
>cop says he has ptsd, claims baby's crying made him lose his shit
>Fox news proceeds to suck the cop's dick, blames baby culture for teaching babies to disrespect cops
>court date
>cop is exonerated of all charges, gets a bonus for shooting baby
>baby is posthumously granted a bachelors from Harvard

Considering how he's wearing them there's a pretty good chance of that happening no matter what.
Either way I'm pretty sure someone just sneaks up on him and basically hangs him, though I don't even remember which comic this is from

They would get a bit hurt but not die.

How would DC handle this scene?

Batman or Robin would gizmo a fancy noose around the guy's neck. Instant death or incapacitation by hanging. No baby's harmed.

I feel like Batman's no kill rule would lead him to try to apprehend the guy some other way, getting half the babies killed.


You forget, this is Snyder's Batman.
>"You can't shoot me-"
>Batman automatically shoots him
>leave as the other babies to starve/get squished

He would batarang the tape and release the babies

He's gonna get distracted by quips

>shoot him with freeze ray
>display him as a statue


The whole point of this scene was that he cannot be shot, he made a suit of babies so that there would be no way to shoot him, and you suggest that the chink in his armor is that he can be shot.
Of all the threads I've seen about how to take him out, you've put the least thought into your answer possible.

Realistically sniping him and just trying to sneak someone as close as possible to reduce baby injury would probably be the most reasonable answer (well that or god forbid talking him down), but it's not a particularly fun one

No original ideas, marvel.

By making it R-Rated and tossing a spear right through the center of his skull, vertically, and exiting out of his anus.

Who wore it better.

Well on one hand she's dressed in what appears to be a Halloween sexy nurse costume, but her complete lack of a nose is kind of horrifying in a way that transcends the other one being a greasy looking fat dude

Someone source me, it's Irredeemable right?


headshot with a grapple bullet shot from a rifle that was fixed to a place, so when he's shot, the bullet penetrates the head and smashes itself into the wall behind him, and the gun keeps the wire tense enough to keep the body up, making sure no babies hit the floor until the mop up crew rescues them.

Batman would incapacitate him and pick him up before he falls. The rest would use their powers to do something similar. There would be little quips and it would be a strong candidate/win an Eisner/Oscar

"And now, in other news. A local criminal held a bunch of babies hostage, taping them to his body as human shields. After 22 hours of negotiations, he gave up and was taken into custody. None of the babies were harmed."