Leave capekino to me

Leave capekino to me

Other urls found in this thread:


>fuck women

>critics love it
>general audience hate it
Screencap this.

>tfw you made a bet with a girlfriend over the rottentomatoes score
>tfw if it stays below 60% you get to fuck her while you wear a donald trump mask and she wears a hillary clinton one
>tfw it stays above 60% she gets to fuck you with a strap-on dragon dildo
guys, im getting worried

>it's real



I think it might end up pretty decent. But capekino is reserved to Snyder and only him.


How big is the dragon dildo?

DC wins again. Marvel BTFO

I didn't bother asking because I was sure I was going to win the bet

Sup Forums manbabbies blown the fuck out

You mean Sup Forums is going to reviewbomb this because their fee fees got hurt by some retarded movie theater?

>implying you didn't want to get dildoed

Why are white people so degenerate?

t. native american

That's not true! That's impossible!

you don't have to worry my friend, you could have said anything up to 30% and you'd still be safe

>getting pegged by your girlfriend is somehow a bad thing
you win either way

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Sup Forums or anyone else gives a shit about a wonder woman movie or some women only screenings.
Now if this was a Batman movie where Batman was a black Muslim female, then Sup Forums would care.

Heh... so this is the how capeshit dies

Capeshit already died a year back when Civil War was released to critical success.

This board would have a meltdown if this actually turned out to be good, the dc and marvel shitposting would soar to new heights, and plumb new lows, you thought bvs was bad, but you know nothing

BvS was a masterpiece in a genre made rotten by Marvel's assembly-line infantile garbage pumped out by the month.

marvel movies are laser guided and precision engineered trash, but bvs was just a fucking mess, jesus bvs sucked so hard, it did have a couple of great aspects but the rest of the movie just distracts me from them to the point where they pretty much cease to matter

Lmao men are pathetic


I want it to be good specifically for this reason

good thing we can tell by the trailer it's going to be trash


Is this on a review embargo? Clear sign they're worried. It's gonna be shit. How fuckin hard is it to make a single decent movie?

Ask Marvel. They've tried 15 times now and still not a single one worth watching.

>Female director
>Female lead
>Critics praise it
>Looks like absolute SHIT from the trailer

I am starting to see a trend here.........

It looks fine. You're getting desperate.

why? looked like any Marvel movie desu
