I get why American media would put this out while Trump is president and on Memorial Day no less...

I get why American media would put this out while Trump is president and on Memorial Day no less, but what I can't fathom is why Brad Pitt took it and played it so un-ironically bad. This is a career killer for him, I won't stream any more of his movies, he can go fuck off. His career is for the shitter after this, IMO.



Donald Trump

Triggered Trumptards are the best king of retards.

>I won't stream any more of his movies

I'm sure he's devastated by this decision.

You're a fucking idiot

>get why American media would put this out while Trump is president
Put out what? The 20th movie to show what a clusterfuck iraq and afghanistan were? What are you even triggered about? The movie basically makes obama look totally detached from his generals

Brad pitt was fucking great in this thought

I wanted to like this film but Brad Pitt acted like he was in a skit. He literally hasn't relaxed his face in any of the scenes,he always had this moronic expression. I can't believe this is a real film about the war.



There are some goofy looking motherfuckers in the military, and a lot of really bad CoC photos

Isn't all that bothersome

>movie about the failed War on Terror
>begun by Bush Jr. and continued by Obama
>hurr this is antiTrump durr
Trumpcucks are special types of retards.

Its not really a partisan-political movie, its about how bureaucracy and red tape get in the way of doing a job.

The only finger pointing they do isiswhen when Obeezy announced to the world that the war would be ending in 18 months.

It's no Lord of War, but it's not bad either.

"That's why they brought in Bob."

Great cameo ending


We should be discussing the failures of counter-insurgency

What is it you fuckers don't like about it? The way it was filmed or did they try to make the characters too realistic? Speaking as an Iraq vet I hate Hurt Locker because of how unrealistic and Hollywood it is, compared to actual Army EOD. It had cool cinematography and effects, it gets alot of praise, but it was just too corny and unrealistic for me. Maybe I'll like this Brad Pitt kino then...

>Speaking as an Iraq vet
Brb stealing your valor

That sentence is the best king of the retards.

Can someone explain to me why Trump supporters hate this? I thought most of them are die hard military and troop worshippers? Was it because there's direct criticism of Trump involved in it?

Focusing on this would have been interesting. Focusing on a Patton-esque leader being out of place in post-9/11 warfare would have been interesting. Going all in on a satire of the military industrial complex and its need for a constant state of conflict would have been interesting.

Instead it did a little bit of A and B and C and never fully committed to any of them. Pitt was playing the satire, Kingsley was flat out hamming it up in a comedy, most of the supporting actors were playing it straight.

It's not like it was even a movie that tried to do too much and didn't pull it off. It just kinda looked in a few different directions and didn't commit to any of them. What a fucking waste.

By all means go ahead. Then you can get lectured on the failings of GWOT by a bunch of smug, preachy, pretentious liberal twats who couldn't point to Iraq or Afghanistan on a fucking map

I enjoyed it, wouldn't rewatch it though. There was something very comfy about this movie

I'm not American though and don't have any strong emotional knee-jerk reactions towards the Middle East totally-not-a-war-it's-a-conflict / situation though

>implying most members of the military could point to Iraq on a map before/during enlistment

They made him do the movie for propoganda purposes so he acted like this.

If you're looking for realistic watch restrepo/korengal. Looking for realism in Hurt Locker is like looking for it in Top Gun. Wrong place friendo.

You are the cancer killing Sup Forums

One of my brother's best friends in high school got sent to Iraq around 06-08' and he ended up shooting up cars on a road block that came anywhere near him even though they only gave out warnings in english. I'm a trumptard myself but I've only ever heard bad things about the stupid ass nation building effort in Iraq/Afghanistan even from vets themselves.

Nation Building was a mistake

I really wanted to enjoy it and I loved Pitt's performance but I couldn't shake the film's tone. Satire is a great tool, but war machine went so far with it that it was unbelievable and it suffered because you couldn't parse out enough of the 'true' story from the glitz.

Also, the narrator annoyed the piss out of me. Sounded like every single one of my pseudo-intellectual college friends trying to talk Iraq/Afghanistan with me because I was .mil

>because I was .mil
>dot mil

what did he mean by this? millenial?

[email protected]


but even Trump criticized the military action in Iraq and how things were managed

Brotha you don't think I've seen Restrepo and Korengal? Those are documentaries btw not movies/tv. In my opinion the only decent film portrayal of this generation of warfighter is Generation Kill. That shit is spot on, I believe the guy who directed or produced it actually rode with the Marines, so he's got a bit of salty in him

I'm not gonna go into a tangent here because I usually talk about this shit on /k/ and no other boards, but this is a suiting thread I suppose. Now while I don't know your brothers best friends, most units learn at least basic Arabic to say things like Stop, Come forward, lay on your belly, hands up, get out of here, etc...Yes clearly Iraq was a mistake, I could shit up this thread with my opinions and experiences because I lived in Shiite and Sunni dominated communities, but I'll digress since this is Sup Forums

Why is Brad trying to look like Clooney

>This is a career killer for brad
>Brad fucking Pitt
>playing in a movie only a few people remember
>career killing
kek not even close

I thought War Machine was black?

>Sounded like every single one of my pseudo-intellectual college friends trying to talk Iraq/Afghanistan
probably because the narrator was supposed to be a rolling stone reporter

>Why is Brad trying to look like Clooney
shit, thats what I was thinking

You realise this was filming since way before Trump was elected

Someone's butthurt...

Yes and no. I mean, it has two long monologues from RS guy all about how insurgency doesn't work and war is bad and so on. A movie about war ends wondering why more people didn't listen to an RS reporter who ran a rough piece on a well respected general.

But in a lot of ways I think the movie did try and be non-partisan. It was ultimately just a bit confused. Very dry humor. I'd expect it from a british show.

But some good nuance.

But the film seemed anti-obama to me...

I actually think Brad Pitt was great in this movie, I just think they should've focused more on him, cut out the narrator that didnt really connect with the viewer at all. Even tho I know this movie was about the supposed politic behind war, I still wish there was more focus on the actual war. Like was there any reason for the Afghan guy to come in, did he actually contribute to this movie? Kinda sad, because I felt they did sorta good with Sand Castle, not too great, but was on the right track. It's just the ending of both of those movie is more or less "and nothing changed". It's a cheap way to not make a proper ending.

>If you're looking for realistic
>lists documentaries
gee, user, you must be a god damn genius.

It was fucking hilarious. I assumed it was about General Petraeus. Not like any of you gimps know who that is.

I know I'm talking to ambulatory dog shit, but did any of you people understand this movie?

he literally did the same character from inglorious basterds


POTGs ffs. Pogues.

Is Brad Pitt broke? How the fuck

The movie was alright but too long and I was having hard time on figuring out whether the movie was trying to be a comedy or a drama.

You guy didn't get it was a 'dark comedy' or some shit, it's not good.



whitey tryna keep in us down n shiet