The Force Awakens was everything I dreamed of

>The Force Awakens was everything I dreamed of.

What did he mean by this?

Hes a fucking hack and a drunk

He's a faggot

You're mis-quoting him, but nevertheless, I think what he meant is that he enjoyed the movie.

The prequels were always mixed, they contained good things and bad things. We can all agree to that. But what RLM did and what is so dangerous to the entire medium really is that they narrowed Star Wars down to strictly what the OT is and then proceeded to butcher the prequels for not being that. It basically painted the prequels as inherently broken, inherently wrong and inherently bad. This is simply false when considering the fanbase reception as there were clearly a ton of things that went right with the prequels and made a rightful place in the SW universe.

When RLM complains that TPM doesn't have a clear protagonist, he does so on the basis that ANH had one. But why must TPM have one protagonist? Why must we narrow down Star Wars to the ANH template? Funny enough Disney ended up following this route of the OT template and ended up failing miserably. Whereas Lucas took Star Wars, purposely went out of his way to create something new and original.

See, this is the issue with saying the RLM reviews. It in many ways reflect the most disgusting part of modern Internet culture, where what is different and new is treated with distaste and what is in line with expectations is praised to high heavens, even if all those praises will mean nothing as everyone will have forgotten the film the week after.

>i loved it. It was everything I ever wanted.

>"manufactured fun" = "everything I dreamed of"

Ok pal.

>it's another butthurt autist can't accept opinions that don't validate his own and has now been obsessively posting about it for two years episode

Mike is basically a normie dad at this point.
He probably asks Jay to help him out with his smartphone.

Why do RLM shills get this easily butthurt? Of course someone who gets paid to express himself is going to have his opinions brought to light.

>been complaining about RLM liking TFA for over two years now.
>"n-no, YOU'RE butthurt"
lol okay

he means he's a shit eating pleb which you should have known based on his review of Boyhood

Making a prequel review more than a decade after it airing in a rage of immense butthurt and then rejecting anyone who criticizes the criticism as "autism" is the true autism.

>TFA is just a shitty version of ANH
>R1 was an original story with star wars things because its in the star wars universe


Rehash, empty setting, banal uneventful plot, muh quips

He literally says in the old ass Phantom Menace Plinkett review that the prequels should have just been a retelling of the original SW plot, and that's what's exactly what Force Awakens did.

>writing and editing a thoughtful analysis of why a film doesn't work is exactly the same as obsessively posting on Sup Forums day after day for literally years about the exact same thing

All Mike wanted from Star Wars was a fun adventure movie with likable characters.
Which is what TFA going for.

Star Wars ain't Star Trek, it doesn't have an interesting and detailed world or smart sci-fi plots.

>Jay's tastes are formulaic
>lists a bunch of filmmakers that aren't formulaic
What did shitposter mean by this?

the films do work though ',:^)

>I don't understand what opinions are

means you should get some real friends you sad fuck