Aint no such thing as french race : german, spanish, celtic, italian maghreb and african genes everywere since 20th century I'm french from meditteranean descent (Lebanon/armenian genes) some algerians or magribi guys are whiter than me...
Caleb Allen
You're not French. Get the fuck out shitskin.
Alexander Wright
Autistic as fuck. French is its own genetics. North italy, southwest germany and south england are french masterrace.
Hunter Clark
Only very few noble ancient familles can claim a true 100% white french genetic (mostly because inbreeding and cousin wedding trough generations). Unfortunatly this limited genetic pool led to some health damage (we call them "fin de race"), also very common amongst some immigrant families.
Caleb Anderson
alsace is rather german
alpine is more around savoie
lille is more belgium/flandres like than german
corsica is more italian than sandnigger (their flag is a beheaded nigger)
south has many catalans who flee franco indeed
I am from the south and partly italian btw
Carson Butler
there is no French race
>first there were the Gauls, who were Celtic people and indigenous to the area that is now France >the Gauls get cucked by the Romans for centuries, and become the Gallic-Romans >the Roman Empire falls a few centuries after this, then moderate cucking ensues by Visigoths, Barbarians and other proto-Kraut tribes >from this emerges the Franks, who are essentially a mixed race people
The Franks were subject to regional mixing, i.e. by Germanics in the North-East, and by Italians and Spaniards in the South.
What emerges after all of this is the French we know today, who are European mutts.
Colton Gonzalez
thas becuz french r not withe
Sebastian Clark
I dont know if i'm white according to your criteria (are spanish and italiens ?). But my family is here since the 1930', i consider myself french, and have no other cultural références nor other place to go... I'm staying in my country
Zachary Taylor
the general rules for that are east of france west of russia and north from austria
Aaron Perry
not necessarily, Comte family here, we have a castle 'n shit, but we are quite mixed, italian, swedish, dutch, corsican ...
Cameron Mitchell
>occitans >provençals >catalans >not shitskins
Isaiah Thompson
T. Mad parisians Were you bullied when you came in vacation ?
Daniel Bell
I just finished visiting Montpellier, Nîmes and Avignon and can tell you FOR A FACT occitans are the niggers of France. >dirty >poor >talk with unbearable accents >cities aren't clean >"WE WUZ ROMANS 'N' SHEEIT" >"WE WUZ TROUBADOURS 'N' SHEEIT" >"WE WUZ TEMPLARS 'N' SHEEIT"
Top kek compaired to what ? Fucking Paris ,muhlouse or Roubais ? >hating on the southern accent Were you rocked to close to the wall as a child ? It sounds a thousand time better than anything north of Nantes could ever produce. Must be the heat getting to your head. You dont have much of sun up there, right ?
Easton Wood
your exemples are not the worst cities Just visit Béziers, Mazamet, Angoulême to see what a true gitan-whitetrash-rebeu-cassos shitole city is
Evan Morgan
You're not french you're lebanese or armenian
Blake Davis
you forgot the 25% african ;)
Adrian Williams
>inbreeding and cousin wedding That only applies to the really high tier noble families. I come from one of the oldest French noble families (think 500 A.D.), and I have blood from Spanish, Polish and even Cornish noble families, noteven counting all the alsatian, breton, norman and occitan blood. From noble families, yes. The inbred aristocracy is a meme.
Nolan Myers
Dont be mad Italy bro :D
Anthony Roberts
Post chevalière and rallye pic to prove it ;)
Nolan Walker
Dis triggers the rital :)
Logan Cruz
>maghreb and african genes everywere since 20th century Since the 1960s. The others have been here for hundreds if not thousands of years. Those aren't French genes and never will be.
Jason Young
>mfw my segment of the family became leftist >no rally >no money >just a coat of arms >;,,;
Samuel Sanders
>Aint no such thing as french race
not in the XXIst cent
Chase Morris
This is why my country is fucked. Let me introduce you to the average Frenchman, ladies and gents.
Robert Hughes
Plz do a little mental gym and describe me what are "french genes" ? a french métis from la réunion is french but with black gènes ? A french polynésien ? A Guy from italiano /spanish /celtic /german/slav descent?
Noah Gomez
>italian owns france
Brayden Robinson
nigger, if French race doesn't exist then why do you even have a border, French = Gaul
Jacob Sullivan
What I said was 50 years in France doesn't make you French. That takes hundreds if not thousands of years. Why are colonies that wanted to stay under French rule considered French by the government?
Benjamin Carter
As an Iberian I would fucking kill to Annex Gaul, fulfill my ancestors wish.
David Moore
Lets say only patriotism, respect of french laws and culture makes you french whatever your genetics are.
Logan Wright
Because french genetics are to complex to form an ethnically homegenous group... Because history
Asher Kelly
No there isn't, but keep weakening the French race I'm not complaining.
Anthony Torres
Isn't what ? Pic related
Grayson Anderson
It isn't complicated.
Hudson Perry
South are conquered territories, you didn't kill ethnically cleanse them therefore south france = southern french, northern French are a tribe of Germans that created the state and colonized the rest.
Blacks from reunion/antilles aren't french, they are french citizens. They were not born from our people, they are not part of our family.
Logan Parker
>France >sandnigger-french mixture
Levi Brown
North of France is more celtic than Germanic. Wallonia and the North of France are genetically closer to some parts of Britain, where Celts and Germanics have also blanda up
>DNA in West Yorkshire is unique within the entire UK What the fuck are they then? >inb4 pakistani
Dylan Campbell
They dress exactly like American niggers. Thanks, America.
Cooper Wilson
African American culture is making the situation with our niggers and muslims in Europe even worse. They are all copying that gangster ghetto chimp behaviour
Jordan Wright
Basque rpz
Leo Martin
Alright then, sure, but what about this whole area i circled ? You didn't list it, this is the "historical core" of France basically. Which one is it ?
Christian Nelson
Northeners on suicide watch as per usual Who /Midi-Pyrénées/ master-race here?
Chase Price
The ancient Brythonic peoples dispersed during the Anglo-Saxon expansion were not genetically identical, these Brythonic kingdoms were distinct, as can be seen by big differences between North West England, North Wales, South Wales and Cornwall. Even though they had the same/similar culture.
Fact is, even before the first wave of Germanic tribes after the fall of Rome and even before the Romans the Island of Britain was subject to migration from the continent that also brought with it the proto-Celtic culture.
Kevin Phillips
2/4 provence 1/4 normandie 1/4 savoie Light brown hair, light blue eyes, white skin family. A few green eyes and blond hair too. Can't live outside of provence, best part of France, obviously. Bordeau is a nice city though.
Austin Anderson
Actually the Normans had little to no impact on the English genetics, they became the ruling class and administration but didn't settle large numbers of their people in England, their cultural snobbery also prevented integration to an extent.
That french genetics in England is most likely dating back to pre-Roman times when Gauls came to Britain and maybe before that when the proto-celtic culture was spread. Tacitus remarked that the British in the South (What we now think of as Southern England) were very much alike in appearance to that of the Gauls, where as those in the west were darker and those in the north fairer etc etc.