I dont know if i'm white according to your criteria (are spanish and italiens ?). But my family is here since the 1930', i consider myself french, and have no other cultural références nor other place to go... I'm staying in my country
French genetics thread
the general rules for that are east of france west of russia and north from austria
not necessarily, Comte family here, we have a castle 'n shit, but we are quite mixed, italian, swedish, dutch, corsican ...
>not shitskins
T. Mad parisians
Were you bullied when you came in vacation ?
I just finished visiting Montpellier, Nîmes and Avignon and can tell you FOR A FACT occitans are the niggers of France.
>talk with unbearable accents
>cities aren't clean
France is rightful Italian clay
kinda yea
80% celtic/celto-alpine 15%germanic 5%rest (basque...)
Fuck you
Top kek compaired to what ? Fucking Paris ,muhlouse or Roubais ?
>hating on the southern accent
Were you rocked to close to the wall as a child ? It sounds a thousand time better than anything north of Nantes could ever produce.
Must be the heat getting to your head. You dont have much of sun up there, right ?