This scene is so fucked

this scene is so fucked

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scary shit

fuck i mean you might as well struggle right

i guess they might have thought simple robbery until he starts FUCKING STABBING THEM

can someone explain why you find this scene so disturbing?
its a good scene but i just dont see why people make a big deal out of this
Ive certainly seen worse

Liberals. Nothing bad or real has ever happened to them, they think that being witty or not-awkward is more important than anything else, and they cannot imagine that a man with a college degree could be hurt by a man without one. Cf Downey's character stumbling into the dark building, calling out.
Now that you've brought that up, I think I'll re-watch this ...

If they're tying the ropes themselves why not half-ass it so its easier to break out of them?

it really happened. the scene is barely dressed up or dramatized at all.

Probably the only serial killer scene that disturbs me, besides the family scene in Henry:PoaSK

Every single fucking liberal talks about how criminals are logical and reasonable people, and about how compliance guarantees safety. They thought they were merely being robbed.

It's not even close to being the worse thing a serial killer has done. There are thousands of incidents that really happened worse than this one

They used to do this type of movie more.

Why are white men so demented?

kinda bad but alteast he didn't torture them next. Normally once a talker like that gets you bound, he tortures the shit out of you.

What the fuck?
How do you know they were liberals?
Is this actually in the script, or were the real people as you describe?
If not, you really need to stop putting your Sup Forums filter over every event that's ever transpired.

right after the killer ties up the girl he says "oh she tied yours loose didnt she" and tightens the one on the guy

If you ever get a chance you should read Miller's Meditations on Violence. If an armed person ever tries to get you to follow them to a secluded area, or if you're in a secluded area and they try to restrain you, fight for your fucking life because chances are you're going to be tortured then murdered.

I can't imagine not just rushing him and smashing his head into the dirt.

I bet complying with armed robbers more often than not is a better idea.

your post reminded me of that webm of some scrawny white guy walking down the pack of feral teenaged chimps and he as he passes them he yawns to signal that he is calm and cool, then gets decked in one hit

Doubt it actually happened. Why would someone first tie someone up and THEN stab them and for no reason.

I thought the 60s were peaceful without black people and minorities committing crime?

there's still no way to know what the killer and the couple talked about

they can only infer general details from the crime scene

the part about the "pre-law" degree was weird, same with the "is the gun loaded" part

fuck can you imagine the adrenaline rush and high you would get from doing that to someone?

The guy survived in real life.


>I thought the 60s were peaceful without black people and minorities committing crime?
>drinking the Sup Forums kool aid

>why would someone tie someone up so they cannot escape or fight back and knowing already they have every intention of murdering the person

i was wondering this myself, and i think it's because he wants to progress from shooting people to something more personal with the stabbing

but he cant risk them getting away so he uses the whole escaped prisoner angle to trick them into complying

the kid thinks he's just going to leave them there tied up and steal the car

don't really have a full breakdown but one thing that makes the scene so jarring is that it takes place in broad daylight. fincher is a master at using darkness and shadows and rain to set the mood for when something fucked up is about to happen so when the scene opens on broad daylight on a sunny day the signals you're used to seeing in a fincher movie get all confused and you mistakenly believe that they won't actually be killed. then they're killed.

Protip, my record-correcting friend: this isn't a matter of what's in the "script." This really happened to actual people.
You're probably too young to know this but in the seventies there was a sharp swerve right from idealism into reality and sensible paranoia, and serial killers and cultists were a major reason that happened.

Watch the movie again, guy survived.

how fucking half ass were this guy's methods if the kid in the intro survived the shooting and this guy survives a stabbing


Gonna need sauce on that pal
Great analysis, serious. That other faggot just doesn't get it. Sup Forums is always right

>Give me the delegates, Dahnald.

So you honestly think that dissent should be silenced with physical violence. How authentically African.

Has anyone here ever been mugged? If so, please share stories.

It's kind of hard to kill someone by stabbing them. He stabbed him wifht times, what do you want! I suspect once you're stabbing people, the adrenaline kicks in and you fuck up.

how the cgi worked in this film, some of it is pretty subtle

for the OP scene breakdown to go 4:25

Well they wanted to rob him and steal his backpack dude should of known to go to the other side of the street

>Doubt it actually happened
I doubt you actually typed this. Why would someone pretend to be insightful and THEN say something so completely retarded for no reason.

but i saw it coming as soon as the scene starts
the movie is about the zodiac KILLER
i didnt need some clue about the time of day, I just needed to see his costume and i knew

After the Zimmerman thing happened I had this huge fight wth my dad where he insisted that effectively there was no such thing as a right to self defense, that it would be better to die than to hurt others.

I know a guy who got mugged walking home late in a shitty part of Brooklyn. He just gave the guy his cash, and the guy left. He called the cops but they never found him. Shock.

I think it's because a lot of men completely relate to the man in this scene. Every man fantasizes about saving the day and impressing the girl but when actually confronted with no means of defending yourself what can you do but comply like a fucking cuck? It's a dreadful powerlessness. More gruesome things have been done to people, but this small scale murder was not a "truth is stranger than fiction" scenario, nothing felt strange about it at all and that's terrifying. Your brain freezes along with the guy's, running through all sorts of scenarios of what you might do, but you can't do shit. It's the compliance that goes utterly unrewarded that fills people with long lasting fear.

Buy a gun.

That swerve was largely caused by the mass media, there have always been serial killers and other malicious people.

What point are you trying to make exactly?
Paranoia and realism aren't inherently right wing, although I know you think that everything you agree with must conform to the arbitrary political dichotomy you desperately need to believe in in order to differentiate yourself from others and enhance your feelings of superiority.

friend's dad got bricked in the head by some """thugs""" and got his shit tooken

they didnt fuck him up any worse though

But being a libcuck he thought it was waycis and decided to walk into a slaughter.

How does one even become a serial killer like that. Even in this day and age, there was a serial killer by me that would kill hookers and prop them up in poses near major road ways. Aren't these people scared that they will be caught and spend the rest of their life in jail.

thats fuuuucked. where are you from?

If I was in that scene I'd say don't worry babe I got this under control, duck dodge and weave all of zodiac's bullets running full pelt right at him while screaming zodiac is scared he's shitting his pants he doesn't know what's gonna happen i flying roundhouse his jaw grab his neck between my feet use my body weight to spin around him and then clench my legs together snap his neck fully and send him flying like a catapult into the side of my car, no sweat

a gun in this scene wouldnt even have helped

what is he gonna have it on his hip while laying in the grass taking in a sunny day with his girl?

he doesn't even give a fuck about the killer watching them until the girl screams about teh gun, by then if he goes for his own he'd just get shot

sometimes there is no way out

>being witty or not-awkward is more important than anything else

Damn, hit the nail on the head.

What a nice thief. Exactly what guarantee did your friend have that he wasn't going to get raped or mutilated other than the good will of the man stealing from him?

this was also in jersey/ny. probably trenton

Uh, none, I guess?

I don't think he was implying that at all, user

shitposting has made serial killing obsolete

I was just being cheek with the gun comment. I know it likely wouldn't have changed anything. It's a moment of total vulnerability that you recognize, there is no scenario in which you have your gun on hand when sitting down for a picnic. That's why it's scary.

Girl I know actually said this before

"As a white women, if I see a black guy walking behind me at night and I get scared, it's my moral duty to think if I'm scared because he is black or if it's an actual threat and to act accordingly so I don't put more racism in the world"

Absolutely. Very well Put.
>what is he gonna have it on his hip while laying in the grass
True, but It's entirely possible.
>then if he goes for his own he'd just get shot
Still a better scenario than what happened.

Although the Zodiac claimed 37 murders in letters to the newspapers, investigators agree on only seven confirmed victims, two of whom survived. I don't think it's coincidental both survivors are male, he probably was more thorough with the females, since the fact that he's attacking young couples might suggest he felt in some way thretened, rejected, or jelous of their relationship. His last kill was in an attempr to through everyone off his pattern and claim further kills.

I'm sorry but that's just you making things up. The media wasn't as immersive as it is now and it was reacting to letters to the ediitor and reporting facts. The mood palpably changed and numerous observers wrote about it.
>there have always been the same level of cults and serial killers as prowled California in the 70s
No. Please read more.

I was reverse mugged. Some dude stole some shit from me when I wasn't looking, so I confronted him about it then he fucking put a knife up to my throat and told me to fuck off or he'll kill me. I fucked off pretty quickly of course.

What in the fuck are you on about ?

In fact it's not, because the guy lived.

i like to think i'm pretty openminded on guns. even had my concealed carry license in another state

but i feel like a huge part of that pro-gun population thinks it's always going to save their ass, when there are still so many situations like this that where you'll have no chance to use it, or it will get used on you. same thing with a mugging. if you get jumped from behind you aren't gonna mozambique drill your way out of it

You can start by not being a fucking cuck and buying some time for your girlfriend to run away. If I'm going to go down, I'm going to go down swinging not getting stabbed while hog tied like a retard.

Feel like this is a fantasy you have, and you would just comply.

>i know exactly how i would react in a stressful and terrifying scenario

sure thing buddy

Right, notice how he asks to be shown that the gun is loaded? That's a proof of being superficially in control. It's like joshing with a traffic cop as you calmly fold up the ticket.

Nice cucked move. Kill yourself for your gf and have chad pounding that pussy after your funeral.

yeah these bits of dialogue are weird but he's still getting killed regardless because the whole prisoner story is a ruse

i wouldnt say a fucking word beyond doing what he asked, definitely not making smart ass comments

give me a brief rundown on what to do in violent situations

kek I thought men were supposed to be manlier back then?


Read what that is replying to.

So you would rather just lie there and get stabbed be my guest. Less weaklings in the world.

Just hand them over and we can all go home

This. It's all a lie.

I have no idea what I would do, but I think you're an edgelord and would comply like most people.

>being witty or not-awkward is more important than anything else

yea. I see it all the time in my profession. It's such a passive aggressive thing to do, especially when they are complying.

You're right. A gun is a chance, not a guarantee. So where there is no guarantee, why give up your chance?

the point is you dont know whether it's a robbery or not, and you want to believe it is

that's like saying the people on the 9/11 flights were cucks because they didn't resist. they assumed it was some kind of run of the mill hijacking and if they complied they would be fine. if they knew it was a kamikaze mission they would have done more

I had a drug addict ask me for my money but I ran away, I ran for like 20 minutes and I don't think he even chased me

The ones that do that kind of shit want to be seen and recognized, It's part of the fun.
I remember this one serial killer who strangled hookers with panty hose, he became a journalist just so he could come up and talk to their relatives and the police about it.

I'm vegan and that's dumb

You have to have the proper attitude to go along with the weapon. Like, if you look at , the mentality of that women is absolutely insane to me. I'm a young and fairly strong ethnic looking guy who usually carries a CCW, and there is no way I'm having some random guy of any race walk behind me at night. If I sense that someone is getting too close to me, I'm crossing the street, putting my hand on my pistol and keeping in my peripheral vision. If they get offended by that well tough shit, my safety > someone else's feelings.

If he said give me your wallet I would have complied. But not if he was going to tie me up

Obviously like 99% of the time it's going to be a robbery. Complying is objectively the most life-preserving move.

he thinks the 'prisoner' is tying him up so he doesn't immediately get the cops after he steals their car

fucked situation regardless. damned if you do and if you dont

I can't remember the name of the guy but there was some FBI guy that dealt with serial killers on some podcast and he said that serial killers usually get away with it for so long since there's no reason to suspect them.

If you're just killing random people there is nothing to tie you to it. All the DNA/footprints/fingerprints means nothing if they don't know who you are.

I can't believe how calm and cognizant this man is. Amazing.

My father, too, is a tragically blinded liberal. I've given up. I think the big difference is that his generation wasn't raised on Liveleak videos, which show the true, feral nature of niggers.

What happened was, he said Zimmerman wasn't hurt enough to justify shooting Martin, so I asked at what point he thought it would be okay. His answer was "that trucker guy in LA," in other words Reginald Denny, the guy who was pulled from his truck and beaten unconscious by a mob. So in other words, die.

No offense, but your dad sounds like a cucked idiot.

Something like this happened to me, it was like 2am and went for a snack because I was hungry and some obviously drugged guys switched to my side of the street I swear one of them had a knife on his hand, they were yelling and laughing, they just passed by my side and didnt even looked at me. I was shocked because I like in a dangerous place at Mexico.
Until this day I dont know what the fuck happened

Yes. This guy said he was selling weed and I wanted to pick some up for this party in highschool. So I gave him 20 dollars and he gave me a baggie and I found out later it was oregano. The whole situation was pretty terrifying and I would have called the police but I didn't want them to know I was buying an illigal drug

He got loose and crawled to the road to get help. Pretty impressive, really.

Uncle got mugged in Baltimore like a month ago. Guy came up behind him in a parking garage with a gun and told him to hand over his wallet. He did and the guy took off