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Television and Film
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Television and Film #835
Television and Film
She's one of the best actresses of her age in Hollywood at the moment and the only person born in the 90's to receive...
Childhood memories of the video store
The Leftovers
What is the worst Sup Forums fanbase?
Star Trek Discovery will die an unfair death
Why does Sup Forums hates him ?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
This is considered a 10/10 on Sup Forums
Explains absolutely nothing
Why does she only do shit, and melodramatic indie films?
Seems like you guys [Mike and Jay] approach superhero movies (I don't think this happens when you're talking about...
Need to drop acid beforehand to get any sort of thrill out of horror movies
Peter Sallis has died at the age of 96
I think we can all agree here that the Alien:Covenant score composed by Jed Kurzel is the best since Jerry Goldsmith's...
What are Sup Forumss favourite frames in film?
ITT: villains who are actually heroes
"Amy, this is user. user, Amy."
What went wrong?
Really makes you think
Name a better capeshit moment
Why "the last jedi"
223 millions in 3 days
I found who could play samus aran in the metroid movie it's so obvious and we never saw it
What if hackers leak season 2?
Bella thorne
>"The NWO can't possibly be real"
What are some kinos about losing all empathy for women and wanting to see the entire gender raped and killed?
Mike constantly trying to find reasons not to like it even though he enjoyed it
Ay user, wut's your favorite role of mine?
What does Sup Forums look like?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Anyone else who's really starting to appreciate the Marc Webb duology now when Marvel is about to fuck everything that...
Who was in the wrong here?
Groupie follows Casey Affleck to HIS hotel room and climbs into HIS bed naked
Did the fappening ruin her career?
Pancakes aren't quite as good as my mother's but what I really go for here is the respect
Orange is the New Black is the most successful show in Netflix’s history and The Handmaid’s Tale is the most...
Why did he kill himself?
Why is Keanu so sad all the time? Did John Wick fail?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
"You can't send the Orcs home. They were born in the Shire!
Which one, Sup Forums?
Good Historical/Political Documentaries
Why haven't you auctioned off your virginity yet Sup Forums?
Please tell me Mary Sue is not a murderer
What went so horribly wrong?
I'm hopeful we get to see a lot of Based Keaton in the new Spider-Man film this summer...
How long until Hollywood collapses?
We still haven't found the right actress for the Power Girl Movie! C'mon people! WB is counting on us!
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Is there anything she can't do?
Would you like more white male black female films?
Why didn't their relationship work out?
Fear the Walking Dead
Be alive 200 years
ITT : Cringe kino
You have five seconds to name the best episode and explain why, objectively, it is the greatest
Stargate general
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Does the political views of actors shape how you feel about their films?
Aliens-Star Wars Crossover
Why isn't anyone talking about this?
How old are you?
This girl makes my balls tingle something chronic
/got/ general
ITT : Our experiences at the kinoplex
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
We lost
Expect something bad to happen to him throughout the whole movie
Movies about (((Communism)))?
Why, Japan?
Watch some wonder woman interviews
Why haven't you watched the most engrossing and relevant tv show of 2017 yet?
Does disliking superhero movies make me mature?
What are some movies that distort history?
"For England, James?"
The Leftovers
Let's talk about 'The Carrie Diaries'
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
By far, best Star Wars girl. By. Fucking. Far
Attack of the 50 foot woman
Does Gal qualify as a good actress?
Harriet Pottress
It's a love letter to Hollywood's golden age
Why he was killed?
I made this for you Sup Forums
Why was he such an asshole? It's just raw fish and rice what's the big deal?
Ryan gosling dies
ITT: Your favorite shot
About to fight Koga, r8 my team
Sup Forums says movie is shit
Face it, Tiger... you just hit the jackpot!
Those last 10 minutes
This man is responsible for the death of Phil Hartman
Is there anyone in the industry you genuinely believe to be hack frauds?
I'm half way through season 5 of game of thrones. Is it worth it continuing?
T2 - Trainspotting
Holy fucking SHIT this was awful
Watching a movie
/tpg/ Twin Peaks Generale
Why aren't you watching real anime? it's called interracial JAV and it's huge in japan
Im working on making a documentary about life after rehab/Addiction. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
*robs your calcium*
Just watched total recall. What was the point of this scene? What would have happened if Quaid took the pill...
He didn't fly so good
Why doesn't she get cast in more mainstream roles...
Come up with a new fifteen minute show for Adult Swim
Rape scenes
Stupid commercial music REEEEEEEE
User (2017)
The eagles ABSOLUTELY BTFO the Nazgul at the Battle at the Black Gate
Be Zack Snyder
Why couldn't a man wear a pink shirt to work in 1991 without getting his sanity questioned?
Thoughts on The Girlfriend Experience?
Behold the sci fi holy trinity
The holy trinity of Sup Forums
How is he not a Thing?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Now that the dust has settled, do you think he was turtley enough for the turtle club?
Tfw Thor 3 actually does look hella fucken epic
What is your opinion Sup Forums?
Is he - dare i say it - a Hack? Thoughts?
*BUURRRRP* God's not real Morty
Just marathon'd this film finally
ITT: characters who did nothing wrong
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Need some suggestions
Will they just keep ignoring the elephant in the room and pretend as if nothing has happened?
Guess the film
Thoughts on the critically acclaimed TV show Younger?
Do you guys ever find it hard to focus on movies?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Character drinks milk at dinner
I don't get it. is this supposed to be funny?
Name a better action sequel Sup Forums
Evening Sir! You seem to be alone?
Do you guys like E;R?
Was he really the bad guy?
I-I'm gonna be president ya know
The entire movie is based on "Amazon Woman" who fight off Nazis
User, tell me your favorite 3 movies RIGHT NOW or you're going back into the shed
Capekino doesn't exi-
Cesarfags will defend this
What is your interpretation of this movie?
Managed to escape the popcorn mines
Which side are you on?
Hi user, what movie are you taking me to see? :)
It's a Truman doesn't shower for a week episode
What did she mean by this?
Scenes that made you stand up and clap
This was a 10/10 in the 1979's
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
He did it.... He fucking did. It's a fucking masterpiece
Do you guys like my "art."?
What went wrong?
"hey user, have a slice if you want, i'm watching orange is the new blacked"
How did barbossa make this?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Why does he so easily trigger alt right?
Is this Kino?
ITT: Post characters who look like how you feel inside
If you could swap voices with any actor, who would you pick?
So what'd you guys think of Space Jam?
Best Asian movies?
Escapism films
Is Dating Naked kino?
Lets use this thread to weather the off topic storm until a janitor wakes up
What is this expression meant to convey?
Tfw no gf
Did the BBC melt her face?
Why did he call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled?
I'm watching every movie in the Criterion Collection but I really don't want to see this
ITT: Actors who have never starred in a bad movie
Predict the best and worst characters
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is there any movie thats more "I'm 14 and this is deep" than this?
Does anyone remember when Ariana Grande was white?
Alright, let's settle this once and for all. What is the joke here?
Character completely ruins a series
Post a pic
Still pretending they aren't shills
Sup Forums recommendations (that suck)
ITT: We post which Sup Forums boards we browse besides Sup Forums, other anons guess what kind of movies and tv we like
Sucks when you find out your favorite sitcom growing up was a bit problematic
How do we improve the quality of this board?
What are some movies about being a virgin?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What was the point on focusing on this character so much in the second season? It all availed to nothing...
Itt: subtle adult jokes in kids cartoons
What's next for her acting career?
Orcposting is now an alt-right meme
ITT: things you do at the movie theatre
Wasn't a fucking mohican
Welcome and enjoy the show!
What does Sup Forums think of this tryhard?
Is Patty Jenkins officially the greatest MOMMY in Hollywood?
Beats the bad guy by annoying the shit out of him
What went wrong?
Actors you suspect may have possibly had work done
So who lives in the area in between Rohan and the Shire? You never hear about it. Is it empty?
The Redpill about the "Lovely" Nia
You have 5 seconds to name a movie that is more jewish than pic related
Who was in the wrong here?
Have you apologized to our new queen yet?
ITT: Scenes in serious films you had trouble taking seriously
What kind of panties was she wearing in this scene?
The Death of ChadKino: A Review Screw
What is it like working at a movie theater?
What the hell is up with the whiteboard in The Emoji Movie trailer? Why is nobody talking about this?
I'm not bragging, this is all coming out
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Only DChads appreciate capekin-
Videogames will never surpase kin-
The 100
Fear the Walking Dead
Les Leftovers: Series Finale Live/Postgame Thread - Ep. 8 "The Book of Nora"
Watching a movie
ITT Versatile actresses
So, user, what do you want to watch tonight?
Anyone else glad David killed her?
Holly vs Cesar official thread #5
Small Town Kino
/who/ – Doctor Who General
List every single plot hole in this movie
F*cking this, fight the white male patriarchy by giving your money to a multibillion dollar corporation, so based!
Holly vs Cesar official thread #4
Really? Jesus Christ
Is this kino?
It's up
ITT actors you'd just like to meet
ITT: Celebrities you hate because they remind you of yourself
Holly vs Cesar official thread #3
ITT: Scenes that made you walk out of the theater
What broke first?
Mfw some people say that she isn't the top Twin Peaks qt
Face it Sup Forums
Was this a forced meme? I don't see it around anymore
Holly vs Cesar official thread
'Sup Forums' movies
CNN caught faking news again
Is Sup Forums ready for the return of Snyder-Kino?
The feel when you realize softcore feet fetish porn could get a pg-13 rating
Oscars: Could 'Wonder Woman' Break Into Best Picture Race?
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Question for folks born in 1995-1997(cusp of Millennials and Gen Z)
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Who is your Sci-Fi Waifu Sup Forums?
How's that black widow movie coming along, MCU friends
Misogynists BTFO
This was acceptable CGI in 2008
*blocks your track
Who are the ugliest actors in hollywood?
Will Thor Ragnarok be Marvelkino of the year?
ITT: we talk about the kino that ends tonight
Reminder that it's empowering to go out and punch anyone you disagree with
Was it kino? Best episode? Unfairly shat on by the scientific community?
How Do I Get This Haircut Without Showing The Barber A Picture of Obi Wan
What media players do you actually use for watching your Television and Film
Now, that the dust has finally settled, was the final verdict on "Sausage Party"?
They're real
Here Is Every Single Movie Bill Clinton Watched In The White House
Story of O > 50 Shades of Grey
John Wick 2
What are some good movies to watch with your wife and your daughter?
This is why we need more female super hero movies
Do Britcucks really live like this?
Sick of repetitive stale memes and terrible moderation on Sup Forums
How come Travis was so good at understanding/reading Betsy...
Which Kubrick should I watch next?
That's a cute outfit did your gay husband make it for you?
So how exactly were there Facehugger eggsacks on that planet without a queen...
Why did he do it bros? Was the "humiliation" of asking for a loan really worse than embezzling money? Also...
Who was in the wrong here?
ITT: Kino movies about home invasion
This short BBC doc has more A E S T H E T I C shots than most films
Manchester bread #3
The Last Jedi AMA or spoilers
If they removed the "love transcends dimensions" bullshit this seriously would've been a 10/10 film
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of The Dark Knight Rises' opening plane scene?
So David is gonna kill her? ;_;
Did the events in I Am Legend really happen? I don't remember these things occurring. Although I could be wrong...
Your friend while watching your favorite movie
What is the fidget spinner of television?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Behold the holy trinity of dystopian sci fi
It was unironically not that bad
Are you going to watch Despicable Me 3 for these lil' guys? XDD
Tfw no more westworld until 2018
Time to finish the debate
MS Paint Movie Scenes
Itt: we post images, and people recommend the closest associated movie to that image
Manchester concert thread #2
Think of a Sup Forums character and have him guess it!
/ourgal/ general
Daily reminder if your favorite director isn't on this list you're a fucking pleb
What is your favorite portrayal of Harley Quinn ?
Will Mike be the end of Cinemassacre?
Which card was the best?
Let's discuss the Moomins. Personally, I have never watched it
Uhhh... you don't get to bring apostles
Is this any good?
Scientology is a mind control experiment started by the CIA
Should movie theatre seats be larger?
Gruff old man
Wonder Woman? No, more like Blunder Woman
What was his fucking problem?
Season 1: 13 Episodes
Is her career over? I don't see her being relevant again desu
86% on Rotten Tomatoes
I'm sorry, maybe you already answer this but what the fuck did i just watch?
Is the blood in vampire films a metaphor for sex and/or vagina?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
He LITERALLY did nothing wrong
/trek/ - Star Trek General
Do you like the films of Wes Anderson?
I love Emma Roberts ;_;
He's such a shit actor
Isabelle Adjani
Finn Wolfhard is the single greatest performer of the modern era
Lads i am looking for films with a very particular aesthetic
ITT: We make up plausible Star Wars names
Is this show actually any good?
Can Blizzard nerf this fat sack of shit?
Mommy and aunty have spoken, watching it at least 5 times now
When will the women in power meme end?
No scripted drama about the 90's console wars
Rate my drawing Sup Forums
Power Girl movie when?
Not Sup Forums but she's a Zionist right?
Was Shatner the worst thing about Star Trek?
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
Cock in Ass
Why are people complaining about diversity in Star Trek?
Don't mind me, just pirating these Skittles
The white man satisfies a literal goddess so fully she's found nobody after 100-years that can even compete
If you kill your enemies, your enemies win
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Are women too stupid to discuss movies?
Which movie should I watch?
Character draws a sword
That pirates film sure is a flop
Mad Men
Strap yourselves in lads, we're about to witness some more ISISkino
Got sent to the popcorn mines AGAIN
Wtf I love Sesame Street now
She sexy want pusy
What are some films about slimy, cowardly, cucked cowards who live on an island?
‘Wonder Woman’ Conquers the Domestic Box Office With Heroic $100.5 Million
Captain America: Civil War > Deadpool > X-Men: Apocalypse > Batman vs Superman > Doctor Strange > Suicide Squad
Sorry sir, butter is reserved for those who passed with a score of 80 or higher on the penis inspection
"That Ken doll probably thinks traversing a binary search tree runs in the order of n instead of log(n). Idiot."
So it's safe to call this one dead on arrival right?
He's a titguy
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
I SEE A RED DOOR starts playing
Buzz is crazy throughout Europe for #Baywatch. Gon' get litty
Is Tim Burton the most overrated director active today?
Let's be honest Sup Forums...
What is the connection between spongebob and smoking weed?
ITT : Scenes you suffered second-hand embarassment from
Which Actors/Actresses do you reckon post on Sup Forums?
Why did he do it?
What was up with Keanus acting? It was so wooden
What do you think about her body of work? What should she do next?
I'd like to see Minnie Driver drive a mini
Hiroyuki allowed one meta thread per board, so here we go:
Be a canadian child in the early 90s
Who went
See two anons arguing
What did she mean by this?
I don't need no wand, Voldemort, it ends now
Does Wonder Woman have an invisible jet?
Took a little tumble off the cliff
Now that the dust has settled can women be banned from directing?
Post Sup Forums shows that only you love
This chart tells you how much of a pleb you are. You search for your favourite character on it...
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
Sup Forums is getting worse letter by letter now...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
If you call John wick realistic I'm gonna put an international bounty on your ass
Cheryl > Veronica > Betty
"""""""""""BEST MARVEL MOVIE""""""""""""""""
Do you watch Ellen? Yay or nay?
Most ridiculous Wonder Woman review ever
What did he do for 23 years?
Today The Leftovers is over
Why are they showing us the whole movie??????
Movie set in New York
/got/ general
Times when the remake/reboot was better than the original
If they wanted teen mutant why not use Jubilee or Kitty Pryde?
What did she mean by this?
It's gonna flop isnt it
What's the best work Lynch did
Adam Driver refused to hang out with Mark Hamill on set
It's a Mike and Jay belittle their critics and fans episode
This is one of the worst channels I've ever seen, it's fucking horrendous
Robbie williams
Today Is the Day
Hitler kills hundreds of Jews
Fuck Jiro and Fuck Sushi
Is Younger a good show? How would you rate it from 1-10?
So which is the better film to watch this summer?
How you holding up?
The Witcher on Netflix
What's your all time favourite spaceship design?
Are American high schools really this degenerate?
*stares at the camera*
Describe your last bowel movement with a movie title
ITT: Flanderized characters
Baywatch memes already dead
What are the best movies about food?
It's a mom and NOT her son episode
It's time for milkies, user!
Oh hey, another depressing comedy with zero jokes. Thanks Louie
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Why don't white bois care about a white woman's pleasure Sup Forums...
"Hey Alan"
American gods
Is his son one of us?
Zombie film
Welcome to Jurassic World
Who will be the next Bond?
........What was the point?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree Holly was in the wrong, right?
Malcom in the Middle?
Wtf, i love shooting people while they're on the floor now
ITT times Sup Forums was blown the fuck out
Creating pure kino out of capeshit source such a thing even possible?
Gal Gadot
It's a "MEW fight the Thing and be brutally raped" episode
What did he mean by this?
The Tim Saga
Who would win?
JESUS Christ, worst season yet. What is this bullshit?
Now that the dust has finally settled
This is gonna flop isn't it? There's almost no hype
Ian Fleming's Licence to Feed
Guess the movie
What the hell happened to her?
Would this fly today? The answer is obviously no. This was a brilliant performance, too
Character cough
Do you guys really have to be so negative about everything?
Did they unironically buy all this merch?
/Stargate/ General
Whats the best way to piss in a theater? I'm sick of missing out plot points because I'm always in the bathroom
Great/Maybe Under-The-Radar Horror Films
Why didn't they just release this version?
It's a Stiffler's Mom episode
What Is The Best Kiss In A Movie?
Would Sup Forums watch a movie about Kent?
Did anyone else think Dr. Poison was cute?
Iliza Shlesinger
So who was the Zodiac killer?
ITT: We pitch ideas for Man of Steel 2
Anyone else watch this film recently? The plot twist at the end was so obvious
Sad movies
Find a flaw
What was his endgame?
Receive a distress call in the dead of space
Is it physically impossible to not like Galaxy Quest?
What was your first movie date like?
Will he be at her charity concert?
DeNiro's last good movie?
Rate the last 3 movies or tv shows you watched
What's the big deal, i'm just pirating your car, i wasn't going to buy it anyway so you didn't lose a potential customer
If Star Trek Discovery doesn't take off successfully you do know that there will be no more Star Trek shows, right?
What're your "go to" movies for bustin a nut?
Can Sup Forums stump akinator?
What are some movies about corrupt news networks?
What are some films that feature droopy tits?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Who ruined John Wick 2?
Hurdur I'm Michael Scofield and I won't kill my enemies even if it costs the lives of dozens more people
The bad guy's name is Donald and the ethnically diverse cast jointly murder him at the end
What's his name again
What am I in for?
Underappreciated waifu thread
Fuck you, faggot
What's the worst thing he's ever done? I thought Godzilla 98 was pretty bad
Where were you when Hadley got BLACKED?
ITT - Films That Require 130+ IQ to Fully Appreciate
What is, in your opinion, the most iconic panty scene in all of film history?
Is there a more badass designed animated movie villain than this one?
Do people really like this version of David?
Times when the critics got it all wrong?
Marvel always win. ALWAYS
Deadpool but for girls
What's a good way to get into this?
About to marathon the Friday the 13th series, what am in for?
Can we just get a movie rec thread, this place is pretty trash at the moment...
Sup Forums has the comfiest action kino
Joe Rogan Fight Companion
I'm gonna kind of miss these two whores
This is the greatest comedy of the decade
Where is she now?
MEW will always be my Waif
Who will play it in the inevitable 90 minute commercial-as-movie?
Would this have been better, Sup Forums?
Is cinema dying?
Draw a scene from a movie. Others guess the movie its from
It's a Truman episode thread episode thread season thread
What are some movies about doing nothing as your once great country is slowly ripped apart by an outside force and...
Should I go see it? I figured it would be shit but everyone is saying it has decent feels, and I like feels
ITT: we pretend it's 2005
What the fuck were they thinking with this scene?
There Will Be A Boring Ass Movie I Will Have To Pretend To Like In Order To Maintain My Intellectual Status
I'm sorry, this wasn't very good, and is rather overhyped
Anyone else feel kinds band most of her movies bomb?
I think I just realized she's my favorite character in this show
Literally did nothing wrong
What went so right?
Is this kino or a meme?
V for Vendetta
/who/ - Doctor Who General
They dragged his good name through the mud
Can we get a film set meltdown kino thread going?
Holocaust denier raises valid points and arguments
Recommend me some genderbender kino? Is there more like this movie, or is it all just shit?
/DCF/ DC Films General
Honestly I can't argue against this one
What did you think, tv?
So this movie pretty much confirms that Scott is a hack. The movie also exonerates Lindelof in whole...
What is the PURPOSE of hornet? clearly the worst of bee derivatives
Alien 5 is officially NOT happening now
Why did the Martha scene trigger so many people around the world?
These eyes belong to?
What are some of the manliest movies out there?
It's 2017 and this still hasn't been topped
It's a left leaning political message every 30 seconds episode
Chris Hemsworth says Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman would kick Thor's ass
ITT: Shows you forgot existed
How does this guy manage to sleep with every brunette on the show?
Quote two posts
Fresh Prince
What's next for her career?
Fabio Ataide, a judge in Natal who teaches criminology, says guns overwhelmingly kill young black men in Brazil
Rate my drawing
How can white boys even compete!?
What was peak AVGN?
How do you go from such a visually beautiful movie like mulholland drive to this?
What are some films about the religion of peace?
What am i in for?
_____ of the Planet of the Apes
This Jen, is the internet
Its an Elyse episode
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
How can we rescue the ex disney/Nick girls?
The only wonder woman review that matters
Post films where people do a lot of walking
ITT: Films you should have seen by now at your age but haven't
Who will play the Muslim terrorist in the inevitable biopic?
Has any actress ever shown her vagina in a normal mainstream movie?
Opinions on unbreakable kimmy schmidt?
Would you?
Best capeshit fight scene
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the most kino tv show ever produced?
Malcolm displayed reverse racism
/zomb/ - Zombie General
Bill maher is the new nigger guy. Is this the end for him?
Is Black Dynamite the greatest movie of all time?
Is film school a meme? Should I just go to films instead?
What's the point of drinking non-alcoholic synthesized beer and liquor...
Question for folks born in 1995-1997(cusp of Millennials and Gen Z)
Does this get good? or is it how many scenes i can put sad melodic music over and look how good looking everyone is
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Now that the dust has settled
Michael Haneke Thread
Hollywood again casts a white woman to play an Egyptian
Can we just get a thread going and post top qt's being attractive (only actually in films or on shows...
At what point in the movie did this guy become the bad guy?
Select frames with cars
Corbyn the movie
What went wrong?
Nonblack comedians who have dropped n-bombs
12 yr olds can't be ki-
Shit Godshitta
We say hello to BBC journalists lurking here
'NOOO, GIVE ME MY SHOW BACK!!!' Bill Maher APOLOGIZES Amid Firing Rumors
ITT: Name the best episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Tfw cinema is dead
Steven universe thread?
ITT: Actors who basically play themselves in every movie they're in
Ewww this is fucking garbage
Will virtual reality revolutionize cinema?
Is this the best comedic performance of all time?
Thoughts on this man?
Sopranos Thread
Huge abdomen
This is Leonardo DiCaprio's 450 foot yacht. It takes 48,000 gallons of fuel to fill its tank
Are there any western Kinos that make you feel as inspired and badass as pic related?
Essential Vietnam Kino
Mommy has spoken, already booking tickets
Find a film
Alexandra Daddario
Is Sup Forums Ever Right!!??
Post exceptionally bizarre/weird movies/shorts/tv series
How long does it take you to watch a 2 hour movie?
Why was their romance more believable than any other romantic pairing in capeshit movies?
Has there ever been a character this based?
Cuck propoganda
What are some movies where a strong female lead carries the movie?
Who was in the wrong here?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
He did nothing wrong
Is this the best capeshit kino?
What the fuck is this shit, Lynch?
Will they ever stop?
Patreon went from 780 to 1000 dollars within 2 days
Is this film any good Sup Forums...
Who was the best Generation Killer?
If you don't have a favorite Chris, you're a fucking normie
How the FUCK did they get away with this?
*blocks your path*
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Le Germans are Ebil Nazis!!!!
Its a Truman goes to LIttle Caesars so often that the manager allows him to pre-pay for his pizzas for the month at the...
Is this the ultimate pleb filter?
Can reality tv be kino?
What do you guys think of h3h3productions?
Can someone explain why Sup Forums likes Kirsten Dunst so much?
Yes a white man said nigger on your premium channel late night talk show
/cosmere/ - it's happening
Can someone explain to me why everyone I'm subscribed to on youtube is saying this film is good?
With the exception of the Better Call Saul cast, why are all the Breaking Bad actors having such trouble getting work...
Boyfriend unironically torrents movies instead of streaming them
This is getting sad
What are your thoughts on this American actress?
Wowwwwww, that is so interesting
Does Sup Forums even have a chart of classic movies everyone should have seen, or is this board total chaos?
Who wins?
/got/ general
She is right you know
ITT: Actors that can't act
ITT: Film about self-revelation/psychotic breakdowns
Just got back from seeing it
Can you tell me zombie movies/television shows that did it better than The Last of Us...
The perfect woman doesn't exis
Why are all epic fantasy movies bad except Excalibur, Conan the Barbarian, the Lord of the Rings trilogy...
Why isn't tv like lit? Like it's film counterpart. We can critique classic screenplay, tropes...
This is Leonardo DiCaprio's yacht. The same asshole lecturing you about climate change
How will it end? Who will take the Iron Throne?
They said there would be sequels, but its been too long without word. Have they killed it off since its not capeshit?
What is the Bang's root beer of Television and Film?
Bane? Haha I'm the CIA Dr. Pavel FOR YOU!!
What am I in for?
Why do people hate strong female characters?
Hospital employee arrested for impregnating 26 women in coma
Why does this guy piss me off so much? I don't quite get it. Something about him aggravates me
You can only watch one movie before you die. What will you watch?
I don't find this little nigglet the slightest bit funny, but I will absolutely give him props on this one. gg Kev
What are some good films about rome
Neve Campbell
Now that the dust has settled, who had superior taste?
Now that Baywatch has bombed at the box office, what will she do now?
B-but silencer are much louder than that
Maybe I should give white boys a chan-
What do you think of Fargo season 3? Might be one of the greatest seasons of a show I've seen ever
Fired comedian Kathy Griffin weeps: 'Trump broke me'
What's Keira Knightley's best work?
You guys ready for Fuller House Disney Edition?
/Podcast General/
The Boys cinematic universe when?
He was just a pawn the entire time
*drops mic*
So we all agree that Part 4 is the best part of Original timeline JOJO and Part 2 is the best anime adaption?
What's his superpower?
Recommend me sad movies please
What went wrong?
Kirstin Dunst wants babies
Now that DC was won with Wonder Woman
OK Sup Forums I'm having a girl over to watch a film in a couple of days. She's not a pleb, she likes actual good films...
The perfect woman doesn't exi
I quite enjoyed this kino
The Godfather
Who wins?
It's official. The Capekino Trifecta
What was so special about his sushi?
Done nothing lately except for Younger (TV Series)
John Wick 2
Why did people hate it? It's a good space horror movie
Was it teenkino? Or merely a flick?
From my point of view the wheat taxes will be paid when YOU FIX THE DAMN FLIGHT PLAN
Take away Lynch brand and reassess. is this utter crap or is it utter crap?
He kinda has a point
Why are they pushing the cannibalistic agenda so much in current culture?
Thoughts on her as an actress?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
The fuck? I thought you guys were just joking
Are they right, Sup Forums?
Curb vs Seinfeld
So much for forced diversity lmao
Should i avoid watching this movie if i don't want to support feminist bullshit?
Is it morally acceptable to torrent a movie after having paid to see it in theaters?
Is the lack of iconic roles stopping The Rock to become as big as Arnold?
Why is she so rude, bros?
I cant wait until this movie BTFO's Wonder Woman so badly
She kinda does have a point
No memes, no feminism, no leftish shilling... is the film actually good? Has anyone seen it & can comment?
Why haven't you checked out her content yet?
This is the 10/10 of kino in form of a movie, combined with a literal 10/10 in form of music
Turn on TV
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
What went wrong?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
ITT under rated / less talked about great films
Can't remember a movie, help?
What are some movies about lying loudmouth faggots?
What did he morally do wrong?
What do you think of Rick and Morty?
Cape-Kino doesn't exis-
Imagine an Island full of Gadots
Good point
What are some movies about the best of friends?
Women Are Funny. Get Over It
Can we have shitty movie cover thread?
The great debate
What releases are actually enjoyable to watch and not "lol artschool"
Harcore cringe
Is asian-american kino finally here? new netflix series called okja
Netflix' House of Cards Shows Bohemian Grove Human Sacrifice
How do you pronounce kino Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...